

Koopas have hair

So something people don’t realize is Koopas are capable of growing hair. Now while one might think it’s just what I’ve dubbed the Boss Shell Creepers that have hair, it’s not just them. Bowser and Bowser Junior obviously have hair, and so too do the Koopalings not all of them do. Roy and Wendy like many Koopas don’t have hair. But what about the other species of Koopas, that is the claim that Koopas as a whole can grow hair. Well in Super Mario Odyssey when you knock off a Hammer or Fire Brother’s headgear you get to see that they have hair. The Common Koopa also can grow hair as seen in Koopley and Kuzzle. Also, the reason I call them the Common Koopa is because of the following. Koopa Troopas are members of Bowser’s army, and not all Koopas of this species let alone in general work for Bowser. Meanwhile simply calling them Koopas can make things confusing when talks about different Koopa species. With all that and the fact this species of Koopas is so common I’ve dubbed them the Common Koopa. Anyways back on track. Lakitus are another species of Koopas that have hair, and it’s pretty common. In fact other members of the species like Lakilester have more obvious hair. I’d also note Morton’s hair is like that of a Lakitu. Now finally to mention the OVA, while non canon it this has many useful parellels to the games. For example several Koopa Troopas in this animation can be seen having hair. This could indicate from the start all Koopas from the start have had the ability to grow hair.




Please watch Game Changer


its sooo ridiculous like. the amount of both serious and flippant death threats that go around on this goddamn website. matt i want you to give birth to yourself how about that


You need to understand that my analysis of a series of films is going to be based on what’s actually present in the films. That the current owners of the intellectual properties associated with those films are loudly insisting that a specific piece of fixit fic published decades after the fact is how it was meant to be understood all along is an interesting bit of trivia, but it’s got nothing to do with me.

(via indigosfindings)


Anonymous asked:

is this your first time getting prepositioned online?



no people say all kinds of prepositions at me online


stopppppp you know im shy



Game Changer Season 6 Finale

(via paper-mario-wiki)


toki-pona asked:

I just finished watching how many Super Mario games are there NOW? and I just want to say it's incredible. it is a surprisingly interesting and complex question (it hasn't gotten any simpler since last time!), and your approach to it through a combination of statistics, linguistics, formal logic, genuine curiosity, supermariology, and humour is perfect. there are parts of the video that made me question how I approach the process of defining concepts, and parts that caught me entirely off guard and made me laugh out loud (I'm still laughing at "you wear it and it's soft", "an in-house Nintendo development studio", and jumping on paratext to remove its wings).

I love that you don't try to authoritatively answer the question itself, but rather examine what it's even trying to ask and why there isn't any single agreed-upon answer, through a mixture of serious analysis and lighthearted philosophical exploration (I'm reminded of the phrase "a process of soul-searching, comparative linguistics and playfulness" from lipu pu). and all topped off with a remix full of transitions so smooth they give me second-hand gender euphoria. it's a very jan Misali approach to a very jan Misali topic. thank you for creating this video, it's my new favourite entry in the Super Mario series.




Top: extremely early world map screen found within a recently surfaced prototype version of Hotel Mario. Note that the map shows eight Koopa hotels, not seven as famously stated in Bowser’s letter in the finished game.

Bottom: this plays into the “Iggy’s Cheese Hotel Theory” I have previously presented on the Supper Mario Broth account, where various factors all seem to point towards an eighth deleted hotel, likely belonging to Iggy Koopa and possibly cheese-themed.

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Masahiro Sakurai’s official YouTube channel, “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games”, features many illustrations of people to demonstrate various concepts. These are usually not related to the Nintendo-specific video game imagery in the videos, though on occasion, the illustrations do reference Nintendo properties.

In the “Avoiding Comparison [Planning & Game Design]” video, Sakurai uses an illustration of a man that “reminds his girlfriend of Donkey Kong” as an example of a comparison that makes sense to someone familiar with the subject, but would not make sense to those unfamiliar with it.

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buisinesses mislabeling their job offers in databases gives so much unintentional comedy, I just searched under “no experience needed” and “no degrees needed” and it gave me a job opening for ‘dentist’. Like sure I’ll have a go, give me the pliers

(via mikatheskunk)


me: *getting really frustreted at work, about to cry*

the mario in my mind: *gets in the big green shoe. nobody can hurt him ever again* *he starts hopping around in it instead of walking*

the sky: *gets more beuatiful*

(via freakattack)




come on dude






come on dude

This guy’s going straight to hell when he dies

(via howdyadoitsnatty)