
Assigned TesticleStrapOn Connoisseur At Birth


literal newborn googoo gaga He/him, but trying they out so use that for a bit

time for a silly post (I say as if my posts hadn't been silly for the past month)

fans of the sonic snapcube dubs will recognize these, but if you don't recognize these, just imagine these lines are ace attorney canon. thank you


I know you'll probably never post a selfie, but if you do

If you do I bet you'd look synnzzzational


how do u keep coming up w these.


whenever I see your icon, I hear the sound of a new pun. Eventually I started associating your icon with double entendres involving your name

I call it synnzzzesthesia


Some of y’all act like labels are some holy thing defined by god and that they can never change definitions or have flexible meanings.

On the 8th day after god created earth , he defined what a lesbian is


That's a funny idea, because if you read Genesis one of the first things God does after the creation-week is bring all the animals to Adam and have Adam name them. And one way to interpret that is that God is saying that naming and definitions are up to Man, not God.


Imagine this scenario: you are stuck in the trolley problem but the lever is gay. You don't want to touch the gross gay levelr (he might have jerked a nother man's penis with those hands) but you desperately want to kill the one guy on the one guy track because he got you fired from twitter (X) and now you're destitute. suddenly, the lever speaks to you: I know your a homophobic down on your luck guy, but I have news for you. Your mom was a lesbian and she only married your dad who was a nice enough guy but not her true love because of social convention. She came to care about him as a friend and eventually he figured out what was going on and they're on good terms, they've never spoken about it but that's why he had debra from work around so much when you were a kid, it was an affair and your mom basically knew about it but there was no hard feelings because ultimately by that point your mom and dad had figured out that they didn't feel romantic love for each other and that was ok, their relationship worked for what it was and they both wanted to be around to be in your life. anyway, that's what happened, and your mom eventually started dating another girl named jackie that she never brought around the house because ultimately she was never able to accept her homosexuality as ok. that's sad but it's a product of her generation. anyway, anyway, your loving mom that you care about was gay, and so, can you really be homophobic? can you really be so afraid to touch me (trolley lever) because I'm gay, when your gay mom held you as a child and stuff? and you start to cry and realize that your homophobia was misguided, and with newfoun d strength you pull on the lever and kill the fucker who got you fired from twitter (X) and left you destitute, and it's a little fucked up to pursue revenge like that but ultimately it's probably better than letting the five people on the other track die.


dude what the fuck is happening on facebook lately

so on the one hand, the weird ai spam hasn't really gotten any better.

but on the other hand, it has gotten SO. MUCH. BETTER.

first off is the most normal of the bunch. it's all up/downhill from here, campers.

why indeed 🤔🫡🇺🇸

hope it's a good one, solider.

i have doubts, george.

strap in for the next ones.

now, i know we're all wondering the same thing. where is that poor girl's torso? did woke take it? well, not to worry!

see? there it is!

these last two are so amazing that i want to gay marry them in a loving and committed throuple and open a roadside burger shop out near bozeman. if i ever had kids, i would love these two ghastly fucking monstrosities more than i could ever love them.

genai is so fucking fraught with ethical despair and moral malevolence, but for two brief shining moments it created something special.

so that's what's up with the plagiarism robots.

and if any happen to be scraping this tumblr for what must be the most useless and unnecessary data i could possibly imagine, id like to take a moment to thank you for giving me the perfect context to use my second favorite nightvale quote. in the words of cecil, you have not done well, but you have certainly done something.

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