
These fragments I have shored against my ruins


Good Omens, bats, and whatever the fuck else is happening in here AO3

you ever just think about how across the whole of human history, the window of time where women have been able to choose not to spend their lives cooking and cleaning and being pregnant for men they never wanted to marry is so vanishingly small, and even then that’s not an option for women in lots of areas of the world, and there are girls being taken out of school and forced to marry at 12 years old, and if nothing changes for them then all they’ll ever know is a life of forced servitude and abuse and rape, and how some men just see this as fucking normal

you ever just think about how the gulf between women’s rights in different countries is so massive and there are men working their fingers to the bone to strip back reproductive rights because they look at their society where women can live their lives free from being shackled to men through financial dependence and constant pregnancy and childbirth and think ‘this won’t do at all’

you ever just think about the surge of ‘tradwife’ propaganda and how people are romanticising the vulnerability and dependence that some women would kill to break out of. how women are romanticising their own oppression


the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.

btw this is maybe the single most key distinguishing feature of the terfy strains of radical feminism, the seed all the rest of it springs out of: they have absolutely no faith in the ability of feminism to actually destroy patriarchy. they do not think feminism can truly build a better world. they cannot really even imagine that possibility. they think patriarchy is an inevitable natural consequence of unchangeable biological facts, and therefore the goal of feminism can only be to mitigate the worst effects of patriarchy, not to get rid of it.

they can imagine a society where women get some designated safe spaces without men around. they cannot imagine a society where the presence of men is not inherently a danger to women.


just a quick sketch of these two sillies.

My mom finally started watching GO (recommended by me obv) and I couldn't resist drawing them again.

click for a better quality!


is anyone going to give an award to Egg for being one of the greatest foods ever

EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR EGG !!!!!! ‼️‼️🥚🍳👏👏👏👏👏👏‼️‼️


I went to a bird park for my birthday last week and oh! My! GODDDDDDDDD! I thought it would be just local endemic species which still would’ve been amazing, but they had my absolute favorite birds from around the world and ahhhhhhhh!!!! so photo dump rated 1 to 10

1. Himalayan Monal because that’s my second favorite bird of all time and I never ever thought I’d get a chance to actually see one!!

2. Blue-bellied roller. Rollers are one of my favorite groups of birds and I was so happy they had one and managed to get a fairly good photo of him in flight!

3. Roseate spoonbill- one of the birds I’ve always wanted to see, and I didn’t know they’d be there! There were so so many of them it was amazing!!

4. Parakeets!!!!! We got the chance to feed them and they were all over me!!! Definitely got a bunch of bites because they were pecking at me like crazy but so worth it!

5. Scarlet ibis!!! They were so much more vibrant in person than in photos which I didn’t even think was possible!!

6. Golden pheasant- completely took my breath away, just such a magnificent bird!!!

7. Great crowned crane- so so fuckin magestic. Right up close to us and they’re my favorite species of crane- there were also some gorgeous Sarus cranes and demoiselle cranes too!

8. Blue crowned pigeons!!!! Much bigger than I had thought they were, but just as majestic!!

9. Great Argus. My family burst out laughing because I saw it and immediately shouted “OH MY GOD THE GREAT ARGUS” and they thought it was hilarious

10. Malayan peacock pheasant. My jaw dropped when I saw them because again I never thought I’d see one in person ever. They also had mountain peacock pheasants a which are some of my absolute favs but they were much more shy so I didn’t want to bother them and didn’t get any pics

Runner ups: silver pheasants, black-necked swans, toco toucans, satyr tragopans, magpie jays, red-billed blue magpies, hyacinth macaws, Brazilian teals, and so so many beautiful waterfowl. Best day everrrrrrrrr 😭😭😭


Congrats!!! I wonder if this was Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park - it’s one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited and it looks familiar!


I went to a bird park for my birthday last week and oh! My! GODDDDDDDDD! I thought it would be just local endemic species which still would’ve been amazing, but they had my absolute favorite birds from around the world and ahhhhhhhh!!!! so photo dump rated 1 to 10

1. Himalayan Monal because that’s my second favorite bird of all time and I never ever thought I’d get a chance to actually see one!!

2. Blue-bellied roller. Rollers are one of my favorite groups of birds and I was so happy they had one and managed to get a fairly good photo of him in flight!

3. Roseate spoonbill- one of the birds I’ve always wanted to see, and I didn’t know they’d be there! There were so so many of them it was amazing!!

4. Parakeets!!!!! We got the chance to feed them and they were all over me!!! Definitely got a bunch of bites because they were pecking at me like crazy but so worth it!

5. Scarlet ibis!!! They were so much more vibrant in person than in photos which I didn’t even think was possible!!

6. Golden pheasant- completely took my breath away, just such a magnificent bird!!!

7. Great crowned crane- so so fuckin magestic. Right up close to us and they’re my favorite species of crane- there were also some gorgeous Sarus cranes and demoiselle cranes too!

8. Blue crowned pigeons!!!! Much bigger than I had thought they were, but just as majestic!!

9. Great Argus. My family burst out laughing because I saw it and immediately shouted “OH MY GOD THE GREAT ARGUS” and they thought it was hilarious

10. Malayan peacock pheasant. My jaw dropped when I saw them because again I never thought I’d see one in person ever. They also had mountain peacock pheasants a which are some of my absolute favs but they were much more shy so I didn’t want to bother them and didn’t get any pics

Runner ups: silver pheasants, black-necked swans, toco toucans, satyr tragopans, magpie jays, red-billed blue magpies, hyacinth macaws, Brazilian teals, and so so many beautiful waterfowl. Best day everrrrrrrrr 😭😭😭


Congrats!!! I wonder if this was Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park - it’s one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited and it looks familiar!


Good Omens Historical Trivia That's Haunting Me Today...

So we all know A.Z. Fell & Co is located on the fictitious Whickber Street in Soho and was established in 1800.

Aziraphale has run the shop ever since then and was in contact with Crowley at least until the 1820's when they took their little jaunt to Edinburgh and Crowley got sucked down the tube slide to Hell. They meet up again no later than the 1860's, when Crowley asks for Holy Water.

Stands to reason that between the 1820's and 1860's Aziraphale was in Soho doing Aziraphale things. Running his bookshop. Eating tiny cakes

Yeah... you know what else was going on in Soho during that time?

The worst cholera epidemic in London history.


I wrote a fic about this very thing, if anyone is interested. It’s not particularly gory, in fact it’s quite uplifting, but, still, I did the research and everything:

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