this is so sad alexa play this woman’s work
Pinned Post
  • guz khan was not fired for being pro-palestine. taika waititi is neither a zionist nor the showrunner. spreading misinformation and baseless antisemitic conspiracy theories is neither cool nor sexy

    right. now we’ve got that out of the way. hello friends i am lyse 🌻

    • i mainly post about: ofmd, disco elysium, baldur’s gate 3
    • i sometimes post about: the boys/gen v, the witcher, atla, dragon age, mass effect, ffxiv, breaking bad/better call saul
    • inbox and dm’s are always open going to have to reword this bc folks started trying to sext me. so. inbox and dm’s are always open (to mutuals and followers who want to talk about the things i post about in a way that does not involve their genitals)
    • my ao3 is SatsumaSegments 🍊
    • posts i’ve made are tagged lyse.jpg
    • please block the tag ‘performative activism’ if you don’t want to see me whinging x
    • header is by @bizarrelittlemew

    if you have sent me an ask recently and i haven’t replied it’s because either you sent me boring anon hate or tumblr ate it or i am too sleepy. feel free to nudge me x

    peace out lyse out ✌️

  • truly incredible that it was jacob rees mogg’s seat that got labour across the majority threshold. good fucking morning, britain. i’m so fucking ready for things to stop being shit all the god damn time

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Lol, jakierx stop being weird about and enforcing hurtful resentments against cisgender queer men challenge, level: impossible

  • sorry babe there’s no jakierx here, only little old me jaskierx. i’ll pass your message on if they ever show up ❤️

  • it’s so weird. 72 hours left. it’s been fourteen years, and there’s only 72 hours more. 170 months. 5000 days. 120,000 hours, and 72 left. we’re so close it’s so nearly over

  • reblog going for the ambiguous ominous feeling… what’s almost over? Is it… are we gonna die do you know something I don’t? This feels like I picked it up in the lab that everyone in the nearest town says released the first strains of The Plague. Please don’t explain this to me, I’ll find out in 72 hours.

  • 71 hours

  • I find this countdown very useful please continue and notify me every few hours until the event happens

  • 70 hours

  • you’re currently winning the award for most ominous tumblr interaction I’ve ever had. I shall prepare myself for July 4, 5:03 PM EST

  • 60 hours

  • oh shit only 46 hours! I must prepare myself

  • 36 hours

  • Just one day remaining… I will gather my supplies and ready my transportation just in case





  • six hours… brace yourselves

  • four hours. if u start the Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition right now you’d finish just before it begins


  • oo I might just do that (this interaction is tapping into my anxiety in like a fun way but also I’ve been carrying around a knife all day just in case)

  • 15 minutes

    get round the telly it’s starting now ish


  • four minutes


  • three minutes



    30 SECONDS


  • this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN

    are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,


    you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!

    Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!

  • happy end of the tories eve, don’t forget to leave a p45 and merry fuck you out for all the tories who are about to lose their seats :)

  • Dash’s be crazy right now yall. I would like to take a moment to remind you to fall back on the crew you feel the most comfortable with.

    As much as I love all of the “ofmd fandom crew” remember that we’re all unique folks and we aren’t always going to get along.

    Find your peeps, the ones you feel safe with, and reach out. We are here for you.

    Love you friends, this show means the world to a lot of us. Don’t let this sour your love or kindness, so many people care about you. 🫂

    See this? Thats me giving you all the hugs. 🫂

  • &.zinnia theme by seyche