
anarchy is adorable

@kawaiimunism / kawaiimunism.tumblr.com

πŸ–€πŸ–€ just your friendly neighborhood antifa πŸ–€πŸ–€ she/they πŸ–€πŸ–€ legal adult πŸ–€πŸ–€ β’Άβ˜­βœŠπŸ˜˜ πŸ–€πŸ–€

Who was the man who first salted the slug

What was he thinking to try

Roaming the lands pouring salt on god’s creatures

Hoping for one which would die


Billy Joel - Piano Man

I’ve been thinking about this post at least once a week for YEARS

I’m sorry.


death row prisoners in the US scheduled to be executed this year: and petitions for clemency

Ramiro Gonzales - Texas - June 26th

Richard Rojem - Oklahoma - June 27th

Ruben Gutierrez - Texas - July 16th

Keith Gavin - Alabama - July 18th

Arthur Burton - Texas - August 7th

Marcellus Williams - Missouri - September 24th

Travis Mullis - Texas - September 24th

Alan Miller - Alabama - September 26th

click each person's name to sign their petition. full list that includes petitions against unscheduled and on-hold executions here. as far as i know you can sign even if you are not located in the US.


played sims 4 for the first time and one of the married cis men had a desire to try for baby with his cis husband. i accidentally pinned it and could not unpin it. trying for baby is physically impossible. I tried to use cheats to give him a viable womb in create a sim but it wouldn’t let me do so retroactively. so I thought, maybe if they adopt the want for pregnancy will go away, and had them adopt a toddler daughter. but then the try for baby desire did not go away. since they now had an unwanted adopted child I tried to remove the toddler from the household, thinking this would send her back into the ether. it did not. instead she wanders the neighborhood like a feral cat. i thought the social worker would come and take her back so someone else could adopt her, but I guess there is no social worker in sims 4. so now the neighborhood is haunted by a smelly miserable baby that has no home but cannot die and everyone who sees her is uncomfortable. fucking omelas scenario.

no one is feeding her but every time she gets hungry she simply produces a carton of milk out of the ether and drinks it

OPβ€” do ctrl+shift+C and type β€œtestingcheats true” and then β€œcas.fulleditmode” into the bar, then go into CAS and change one of the sims to be able to get pregnant. mpreg is possible ALWAYS

thanks. the womb installation worked.

I'm sorry, this was dune mpreg the whole time and you never thought to mention? Iconic.

it wasn’t relevant to my journey


adhd tip you can replace a β€œmeal” with up to 3 hours of β€œthe app” but watch out

okay done πŸ‘ why am i hurts

Because of this post whenever I notice I’m mindlessly scrollling through social media instead of important things like eating I think the words β€œThe App” repeatedly untill I close it


[ID: A series of tweets by Frank Waln made on 1/11/18, reading:

β€œFrequently I encounter non Native folks who tell me they think reservations are some form of reparations to Natives from the US government. I even had someone close to me tell me they thought reservations were places to β€œreserve” our cultures.

Where I’m from (South Dakota) reservations were concentration camps where they sent us to die after they stole and colonized all of the land every US citizen occupies.

In the early SD Rez days our ppl had to get permission from district agents (white settler men) to get food, fix our homes, or even leave our community to travel to another community on our Rez to visit relatives. We couldn’t hunt cuz they killed millions of our buffalo.

If we didn’t get permission from the white settler agent we couldn’t eat, fix our homes or visit relatives because we would be violating US law & could be arrested. Also our cultures & ceremonies were illegal under US law until the Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1978.

So plz educate the ppl you love and care abt because everyone in the USA is living in an illegal settler colony, Indigenous ppl survived their genocide & we’re here to say these settlers never gave af about us & never will.β€œ

End ID.]


Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?

regret rates


talking points

you problem


modern invention

unethical experiments


think of the children

side effects


making sense




this rocks


Anonymous asked:

When is it ethically/morally okay to shoplift?

Shoplifting is never okay

It's okay to shoplift only necessities, and only from big corporations

It's okay to shoplift necessities from any size business

It's okay to shoplift anything, but only from big corporations

It's okay to shoplift anything from any size business


By necessities, I mean food, baby formula, clothes you personally need to survive (e.g. a winter coat or socks for someone sleeping rough), etc.

By big corporations, I mean Walmart, Target, and big chain stores like that, as opposed to small and independent businesses.


By necessities, I mean food, baby formula, clothes you personally need to survive (e.g. a winter coat or socks for someone sleeping rough), etc.

By big corporations, I mean Walmart, Target, and big chain stores like that, as opposed to small and independent businesses.


comrades, we gotta bump that bottom option UP

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