
#2 Gideon Nav simp


πŸ¦‡ unnecessarily long desc.πŸ¦‡19πŸ¦‡He/They/It/Fae/Xey/Sin πŸ¦‡ Name's Lucien, masc, neutral or nonhuman nicknames welcomed πŸ¦‡ Feel free to send an ask or dm, just keep in mind I'm incredibly awkward and cannot hold a conversation πŸ¦‡ I do not tolerate bigots or LGBTQ+ exclus πŸ¦‡ I am neurodivergent, so I may misinterpret your tone occasionally, just lmk if I have πŸ¦‡ I reblog a lot of posts about physical disabilities, systems and intersex people but please do not count me as a reliable source as I do not belong to any of these groups πŸ¦‡ I do interact with nsfw content though nudity and overly graphic things go on the spicy sideblog so minors follow at own risk πŸ¦‡

I guess I should make a dni *pained sigh*

Ok hi, hello, welcome to my humble abode. I've been gaining followers and since I follow back/interact with the vast majority of new people I see in my notifs, the recommended posts I get are deviating more than usual from my specific tastes. Overall, the deviations are good, I like being exposed to new things, and I'd rather not exist in an echochamber.

HOWEVER, there are some things I feel people have been disregarding when initiating interactions.

~Firstly, as this is the most common source of conflict, I am a man. I am a transgender nonbinary man and I am an enjoyer of men. I am also an enjoyer of women and nb folks but no-one on here has ever told me to off myself for it so that's beside the point

~I use multiple pronoun sets, including neopronouns and I support all non-standard pronoun users, pronouns do not equal gender.

~I'm a big fan of abortion, free healthcare, accessibility and acceptance for disabled peoples everywhere and am myself mentally ill

~It's frankly ridiculous that this is a point of contention for people. I believe in equal rights regardless of sex, gender, orientation, race, religion, or economic background. The only prerequisite for deserving human rights is being human.

~I do not give a shit what you get off on (unless you wish to involve me, in which case ask nicely in dms or on the spicy sideblog)

~Unless you are promoting or contributing to creators who use their influence to do real-world damage (*cough* rowling *cough*), I don't care what media you consume.

~I support systems of all origins. Your life story and medical history is none of my business and you don't owe that to anyone else either. You're valid and I'm glad to know you.

~Otherkin, alterhumans, therians and all other non- or semi-human identities are rad as hell. Headpats for the lot of you, or a shiny trinket to those who do not like touch.


Things I tag somewhat consistently;

  • lUwUcien - my op tag
  • my fat boy - my dog, he is the bestest boy
  • not to be dramatic but I would die for Midnight - cat
  • cool art - any arty or crafty things, mine or otherwise
  • cool bug - all manner of creepy crawlies, I like em
  • tag game, ask game, rb game - all of the chain message type thingies
  • writer's block can suck my balls - my writing
  • lucien's very cool + sexy + funny voice timeline - exactly what it says on the tin

Fandom things are typically tagged with the full name i.e. the owl house, welcome to nightvale, the magnus archives, etc. There are some I use acronyms for but it's not common

If you need something trigger-tagged let me know, currently I tag blood, animal death, food, snakes, spiders, unreality, body horror and trypophobia


Other blogs;


Anonymous asked:

You're 19? Do you think things will get better or worse from here?

i think i will grab things by the throat and make them what they need to be


life will be better and life will also be worse. and i will be angry and upset and miserable, and i will be happy and content and proud. and i will live. i will live.

just turned twenty. More of the same. Press on.



forgot to include the labels whoops ;_; (chaotic nuetral)


and anyone else!


Tag game!!! Do this quiz. And this picrew.

I'M LAWFUL GOOD! A good goody two shoes :))))

But I look so cool with my wolf and my dragon tail 😎

nooooooo πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ why meeeeeeee

At least I look cool...

@itsmyturnonthegender @leespinoodle @spoopyloonerisms and anyone else who wants to try!

true neutral which is certainly unexpected

I'm just vibin i guess

I am fighting for my life with this godsdamned wifi rn so open tags so i don't have to fetch my taglist and risk losing the draft


spiders have got to figure out contracting I need to be able to call my local spiders union and be like "hey can you send a guy out for a few days the fruit flies are back" and then pay it in spider currency. I'll learn the conversion rates. I'll be generous with my rounding. please.


@forbiddenpebble this passed the peer review:


part four of the mask series! I’m shut in with my parents this week, and mom has rather…. Victorian tastes in decor, so I thought I’d take advantage. I’m not saying there’s a blade in that cane but I’m sure some of yall already knowΒ 

Previous Aesthetics:


I was already gay and then you’re just out here with this Look

Ive been made aware that I’ve accidentally made every single one of these looks have High Domme Energy so this tracksΒ 

you look like you’re gonna beat me to death with your fancy cane and then hide me under the flor boards of your house.

I am madly in love with that cane! Where can I get one??

I think i got it at a medieval faire at some point? honestly I don’t quite remember i’ve gone to a LOT of cons over the years

A Discussion on this picture

fun fact those heels are thrifted from a consignment shop, cost less than thirty bucks and are Jessica Simpson brand heels. the stilettos themselves are a tortoiseshell/leapordprintish pattern.Β 

and i do have a closeup shot on the cane and why it’s not allowed at cons EVER

OH! and yall can’t see it very clearly but the only pocketwatch I had on hand was a replica of the one from full metal alchemist, so if you look closely at that lil chain on my waistcoat, that’s what it isΒ 


There will be no screamers, jumpscares or untagged viscerally disturbing content on this blog for April fools

I make no promises regarding Loss.png, rickrolls or Losing of The Game


YAY i can finally post this! APHIDS is a comic im working on taking place in my buggy trolls AU. I've been working super hard on it so please enjoy!!

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