

You can call me jars. 20's. Here for all things Good Omens.

Aziraphale: you’re so nice


Aziraphale: *accuses Crowley of doing something demonic*

Crowley: that wasn’t me 🥺 how dare you accuse me of such a heinous act 😔 the humans thought of that!! 😤 You really think I’m capable of that?? 😭


Miracled bread doesn’t taste nearly as good as making it the old fashioned way ✨


Not Pictured: Crowley in the background drinking an espresso, pretending to read the paper but surreptitiously (he thinks) watching Aziraphale knead


I meant to work on lining Dragon Starmaker, and got side tracked when the idea of Humanoid Starmaker grabbed me by the throat and threw me to the ground LMAO

Very much a sketchy (and not set in stone) WIP, but I thought I'd share it with ya'll - a tiny bit of a sneak peak at what I'm planning color wise for Starmaker.

Part of my Dragon AU

A Fuller Version is available for members on my Ko-Fi


CW/TW Explicit (eventually!), Alternate Universe - Human, Enemies to Lovers, Food Kink, Ice Cream Vendors, Ineffable Idiots, Smut, Hijinks & Shenanigans


Evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction. No matter how well-planned, how foolproof an evil plan, no matter how apparently successful it may seem upon the way, in the end it will founder on the rocks of iniquity and vanish. - Aziraphale (Good Omens)


It was an unusually cool morning when Crowley rolled the stand into St James’s Park and set up in his now customary spot. He’d barely put the brakes on the cart when the smell hit him. Putrid and rank, like a series of angry farmyard animals had taken a shit all over the lawn. Walking around, he tried to search for the source of the stench but could only presume it was coming from the grass. Then he realised that it was only coming from the patch of grass near the bridge, where he set up the ice cream stand.  
Crowley stilled, then whipped his head around to peer across the bridge at the spot where Heavenly Flavours was already set up and open for business. Through the scattering of people crossing the bridge he could see the fluffy-haired guy was there, serving customers. Presumably smiling in that serene holier-than-thou way of his.

Thank you to my ineffable beta u/ckocek! @goodomensafterdark


hi bilvy!

I wanna start getting into writing fics, and i know the general idea of all my stories, but I'm not sure how to plan them beforehand while keeping my motivation for the actual writing at the same time. do you have any tips for a fellow Aussie?


you gotta let yourself be self indulgent about it!! plan your favourite scenes first so you can day dream about em and look forward to writing them (like me replaying “you’re gay?” “yes..?!?” in my head for weeks, and how much i’m looking forward to the final scene of editor hehe)

get tropey, collect silly tumblr posts into a tag for inspiration, make pinterest boards, make playlists!! anything that gives you a rush of giddiness or dopamine that you can uncork whenever you need some extra inspiration

and sharing snippets with a friend or two can be really motivating as well. i live for @niltia’s live reacts to my WIPs and getting to listen to @eviebane recording themself reading the completed chapters is such a huge motivator for me to get them finished 🤌


Ineffable Sleepy Babies

Beaming rays of sunlight, creeping their way through the gaps between the curtains, were slicing through the silent bookshop, dust dancing in the soft and simultaneously stinging light. A groan left Aziraphale’s throat as his head started to pound like a hammer that was slamming against his temple continuously. For his own confusion, he found himself hugging an empty bottle of wine. He felt that the cushion of the couch permanently embossed its crumply leather texture into his right cheek. Good Lord, he must have passed out last night. He couldn’t tell when exactly this had happened. The angel could not recall when the last time was, he was drinking that much without sobering up afterwards. As he woke up a little bit more, he froze as he felt a very unfamiliar pressure on his side and around his belly. He blinked in confusion and made a face, as he felt the warmth of another body weighting against his own. He slowly turned his head and noticed a glimpse of red hair poking out over his shoulder, a head leaned heavily against his upper arm.

He wasn’t sure why he felt so surprised about the fact that it was Crowley who was sleeping next to him – his long, slinky body draped over the shape of Aziraphale’s corporation, one of his arms wrapped around his waist, his head resting onto the angel’s arm, one leg draped over Aziraphale’s thigh.

They had been sitting next to each other last night, like they never did in the shop before. This physical closeness washed a wave of anxiety over the angel, and he sobered himself up immediately, getting rid of the hangover and the bad aftertaste of the remaining alcohol leaving his corporation. His mind cleared and thoughts were starting to race around in his head. Simultaneously, he didn’t dare to move, to not wake the demon from his slumber. Crowley’s body, in hard difference to his hands which always felt freezing when they touched Aziraphale’s in the past, was radiating a comfortable, calming warmth, seeping through the angel’s clothes like a heating blanket.

You can read further on my AO3.

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