
Vince Te Ipsum

@ganymedian / ganymedian.tumblr.com

Beau - Gay Grenade

The pharmacist keeps calling vaccines "the subtle art of penetration"


I love accounts of guys not knowing someone is disguised as a man or other gender fuckery and going "wow that guy is a handsome young lad"


How did women manage to hide their gender at sea?

That is a really interesting thing when you consider that there were some who pretended to be men in order to be able to serve on a ship and even managed to remain undiscovered for a longer period of time. Certain circumstances played into their hands. For one thing, the crew, many of whom were boys or young men from about 9 to their mid-20s.Together with the clothing, which consisted of a loose shirt, a waiscoat or jacket, baggy trousers or petticoat breeches and a handkerchief around the neck, made it easy for the women to hide their curves. And since everyone wore their hair tied up long in a pigtail or ponytail, it wasn’t very noticeable either. But what many had to do was, if their breasts were too big, to tie them flat so that they didn’t stand out. So they were just mistaken for a young man in his teens or early twenties. Like Ann Johnson, the daughter of a shoemaker, who even served as Able Seaman in 1849. Her appearance was described as that of a handsome boy aged 16-17, even though she was already in her twenties.

Mary Ann Talbot (1778 - 1808) donned male clothes and enlisted as a sailor during the Napoleonic Wars; she was wounded in 1794 and later captured by the French. She returned to London in 1796 but the following year was seized by a pressgang, shown here, and was forced to reveal her gender (x)

A much bigger problem was the daily need to go to the toilet. Because these facilities were more than primitive on a ship and rather practical in nature, because if it was necessary, well, then they just peed over the railing or used a urinal. Otherwise the men went to the head. The area in the bow behind the figurehead that served as a toilet. Many probably always went to the head, but it is also known that some used a small tunnel made of horn or metal as an aid to avoid attracting attention.

You would think that the ladies would have one more thing that would expose them. Because a comrade who bled once a month for a good week was something unusual. But there are no notes in historical writings about it. According to historians today, there are three theories. One is that the women on board lived such ferociously active lives that, like modern athletes in training today, they may have ceased to have periods. In case of prepubescent girls, the hard life and poor diet could have delayed the onset of puberty for several years. Another theory is that so many seamen suffered from a range of diseases and ailments including piles and gonorrhea that they were not likely to comment on one of their number having bloodstained clothing on occasion.

Considering these points, it was quite possible for women to pretend to be men and hide their true gender in order to serve as sailors at sea.


Healthcare workers are so petty. One time I got yelled at by a doctor because a bug from our billing software rendered a prescription invalid and I needed him to resend it. now years later his practice has a new electronic chart/prescribing software and it was ruining his life sending the wrong stuff or not sending anything. Clink clink bitch

Anonymous asked:

youre gonna post your yaoi boat story somehwre right... i would love to read it when its done

My plans are to post it on ao3, and posting a chapter weekly or something. After it's all finished and beta read. I don't have a timeline right now but as it stands its 37 pages, 13.5k words and I'm trying to aim for the 200s. It's been about 2 weeks since I started writing it.


every day. I get so close to screen capping something stupid I wrote and posting it for attention

i will say, it is turning out really fluffy. thanks to a certain James God damn laurie


This will never NOT be funny

I’m so glad this is on tumblr


My favourite thing about this is, he didn’t even have to call him ‘Captain’ he could have used the screen-name but he was SO MARRIED TO THE IMMERSION that he DID.


Passenger: CAPTAIIIIN!!!

Captain: y-yeah?

Passenger: LOOOOOOOK!


my fav.


Fun fact, the developers of this game loved this video so much that they made it an official advertisement of the game


babe can we get married in the ww1 bunker. I promise there wont be any rats. (lie) (there are giant mutant rats)



you should join art fight

people can draw your ocs. it is fun


I've thought about it, but im worried that I won't be able to balance drawing with writing right now haha


fair enough!! personally I’m planning to use it as a motivation to write lol. you don’t have to do a ton; some people just do a few drawings and leave it at that. but if you do join, that would be so fun!

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