


autism + stimboards + gore obsession @isoposi @lubbottomy the love of my life, my whole world, mej elsker

Trigger warning/ DNI

Tw: I post gore and blood and knives and stuff like that and if you don't like that don't look at this page because it's like lots of that

I post gore stimboards often and I also have posts and reblogs of people covered in blood so please I'm begging you if you are squeamish in any way then you need to leave right now. Ok? Ok thank you.

DNI: no ablists, homophobes, transphobes, proshippers or anything like that.

I am a trans autistic creator and I will not have anyone like that on my page. And do not sexualize it either that is just ridiculous okay. I do not make ship boards and I do not make anime boards as much as I love requests I will not make those. Thanks yall and have an amazing day.


I told my mother you had Tumblr and the absolute shock she was in that you are still alive and of somewhat sound mind was hilarious, would you be able to just tell her you are alive and not super old?

If not that's totally okay, ik you probably get a ton of these :)


I am sorry, but I fear I must disappoint you, for when you reach my advanced age it is difficult to remember whether you are alive or not.

Anonymous asked:

if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog <33

3 random facts abt me

My fave movies are Polar and Bratz live action

My fave artist is Rob Zombie

I'm British

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