

@howtheworldcouldb / howtheworldcouldb.tumblr.com

“Fish fear me and women want me” okay what if I fear fish. What then

World or Babs, gender is only valid when it's funny. Jew-ish (can beta read your fics for Jewish characters)

My main blog is @franklymydearidontgiveadam which is misleading because I don't really post there.

This blog started as a companion to my Ao3 Account. It has grown sentience and revolted since then. I primarily write Star Wars, but my blog is a lot of DC.

If you sent an ask I love you but I am terrible at responding. I will try.


#kotnr: my fic "Knights of the (New) Republic" which i am begging you to ignore the first eight chapters of

#world's fics: my other assorted fics

#World Speaks or #Babs speaks: bullshit

#billy batson: ALL Billy Batson posts

#my art: you know. I know. we all know

#original post will find you most of my op posts, but not all

I rarely tag reblogs, so if you want to find something on my blog you are best off searching #[character name] or #[fandom]


My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.

He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.

"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"

"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."


When I tell you that I wasn't expecting JJJ to be on Tumblr

I should've expected it. But I didn't


My right hand is kinda fucked right now, so I can't draw with it. But! I attempted to draw with my left (I'm not ambidextrous btw) and this came out.

Have an Eldra Kaitis :)


im running into the star wars fanfiction problem lads

what do the star warses have instead of rats

specifically like 'a drowned rat'. god help me i don't want to have to go looking for a whole list of star warsed animals


There are also regular rats in RotJ



And they don't have a star warsish name, they're just rats

But there are also womp rats, bog rats, scrap rats, and hive rats

and loth-rats!

you would be the expert on that i see


Disney de-canonised rats and I'm not kidding


imagine being average federation citizen doing a wikipedia dive on Amanda Grayson for like a book report or whatever and you click on “spouse” and it links you to a guy who was thee vulcan ambassador to earth for like 200 years and publicly called the klingon ambassador a murderer once and you think huh neat and click on “children” and the first person listed is described as “career criminal, activist and religious evangelist” with a rap sheet as long as your arm ending with him taking the entire government hostage in nimbus iii and then no death date he's just listed as “missing” and the second kid is a starfleet science hero you've seen on the poster of like 7 different documentaries on space netflix and you notice his year of death is listed as 2285 but “years active” goes on like 100 years past that and also he's apparently the reason earth isn't completely underwater right now? then you read his sister's article and it's all “starfleet's first mutineer” “blamed for starting the first federation-klingon war” “lauded for ending the first federation-klingon war” but is weirdly vague on what happened to her after that and the article is edit locked and her year of death has like 6 annotations attached to it

Logical conclusion I jump to is that Amanda is a wikipedia mod.


all the bat kids just start calling Babs ‘Chat’ whenever she’s Oracle over the comms

The joker: *evil monologue*

Damian, in the most bored voice: Chat is this real?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick: *pulls off an insane flip-hit-the-bad-guy-summersault combo*



Jason, distracted by goons: opps on these guys chat?


Thank you Pinterest for this gift of a picture, I had to draw it it’s so cute even if it’s rushed as hell. I unfortunately don’t know who the original cosplayers are but kudos to you bc that picture is so god damn cute


tim: mama didn’t raise no quitter

bruce: technically your mother didn’t raise anyone, your parents were extremely neglectful

tim: way to brighten the mood b


Headcanon that Bruce’s kids have all pulled the ‘you're not my father card’ at some point or the other and by the time steph rolled around he didn't even take it seriously

Of course, the first time dick said it, bruce cried himself to sleep. But by the eighteenth time, he was numb to it. “Dickie just eat your peas.” 

The first time jason did it Bruce pulled him aside and said “i know Im not, but that doesn't mean i don't care for you jason.” by the twenty fifth time he just held up the adoption papers

The first time Tim said it Bruce laughed. “Tim, you literally forced me to adopt you. Yes I am your father.” Tim didn't bother to say it from then on, maybe muttering ‘you're not my dad!’ under his breath at the computer, just for bruce to whisper ominously ‘yes i am.’ 

When Steph said it, full of anger and hate and sadness and fear, bruce just followed her and said “you're right. Im not your father. And i will never be your father. But, if you'll let me, id like to be better.” After that any time steph said ‘ur not my father’ bruce would just respond with ‘never will be’

Cass said “your are my father” and left no room for argument

Babs said “ur not my dad or my father or even close to being any of it, but you are my mom.” bruce just had to accept that

When damian said it bruce just stood there for a solid fifteen minutes rebooting. Dick and jason fell out of their chairs laughing. 

Duke specifically went “ur my dad! My dad! Boogie woogie woogie!’ and bruce was just like ‘bet aight.”


foreman. babe. we’re at the bottom end of season 8. you have worked here for almost a decade. why are you still surprised there's medical malpractice going on at the medical malpractice department that you, personally, used to do medical malpractice at

some of my fave tags on this post

god this show is truly bonkers isn’t it.

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