
I saw a golden castle

@penny-anna / penny-anna.tumblr.com

We don't stay because of gravity. We stay because we like it. Please don't screencap and repost my content.

hello, i’m penny-anna, welcome to my blog!

white british | she/her | cis lesbian


Where can I find your fanfiction?

I’m kathkin on ao3!

Why don’t you want your content screencapped and reposted on other sites?

i’m not wholly averse to my stuff ending up on platforms like Pinterest or Reddit (tho I don’t love it) but once tumblr posts have been capped and reposted it seems to be almost inevitable that they will end up on Facebook meme pages.

I use Facebook to keep in contact with persons I would strongly prefer not to know my tumblr and I worry about reposts leading to someone connecting the two accounts. it makes me uncomfortable! please don’t do it.

Can I write a fic based on one of your posts?

Probably! Please send me a message first to discuss it - the answer is basically never no, but some of my textposts are story ideas I intend to expand on further and if it’s one of those we would need to have a conversation about it.

If you do write something based on one of my posts please link back to it in your author’s notes & drop me a line so I can read it.

Please don’t use dialogue directly lifted from one of my posts in a fic without express permission.

Can I translate/podfic/etc. one of your fics?

I’m always fine with this so long as you credit! I would prefer you send me a quick message first to give me a heads up.

Where is the rest of *insert fanfiction snippet here*?

Either on my ao3 (linked above) or it’s still being written. I don’t post my WIPs until they’re done and edited but I get impatient and like to share highlights while I’m writing.

Do you have any fic recs?

I have a tag for them over here, however, feel free to ask for more as I inhale new fics all the time. :3


i see ppl bring up the fact that Nyssa & Tegan share a bedroom as evidence of lesbian subtext but honestly it gives like the exact opposite energy to me? like genuinely the fact that they share a room w 2 single beds in it gives me more of a sisterly vibe than anything else. the fact that i've generally thought of Nyssa as closer in age to Adric than to Tegan prolly also contributes to this gldkfhgfkdhgk


i do think applying the 'disney's first gay character' thing to dr who is pretty funny bcos like. who is 'doctor who's first gay character' is kind of a matter of opinion

Doctor Who's first LGBT companion in the TV show was Captain Jack Harkness. however you could make the (imo not unreasonable) argument that as Captain Jack was never a series regular he doesn't 100% count.

Bill Potts was the first series regular companion to be textually LGBT (lesbian)

however Clara was word of god bisexual tho this was never made all that clear in the text (River is also word of god bi which was more textually explicit but as w Captain Jack, companion status debatable)

the first textually LGBT companion in any medium was Izzy Sinclair from the 8th doctor comics (also lesbian)

tho TARDIS wiki notes that VNA companion Chris Cwej was implied to be bisexual and that P.R.O.B.E (itself dubiously canon) implies that third doctor era companion Liz Shaw is a wlw

in addition, personally i think there's a very solid argument to be made that 7th doctor era companion Ace McShane was intended as the show's first attempt at a gay companion - as far as I'm aware only one writer has fessed up to doing this on purpose but there's some pretty glaring subtext including a whole serial that can be read as an allegory about homophobia (the happiness patrol)

i believe Big Finish recently canonised Ace's sexuality (yay!) but not too long ago they also made 5th doctor era companion Adric bisexual and he appeared in the show earlier chronologically and i think got confirmed bi first

it's been TV canon pretty much since the reboot and EU canon since the late 90s that the doctor is bi/pan and obviously the doctor appeared in the show earlier than any of the above characters so arguably is the show's first gay character

however if you wanna get technical about it, Susan, Ian and Barbara were all introduced in the show before the Doctor and Susan is pretty widely read as some variety of queer by fans by virtue of the fact that she's a time lord which inherently seems to involve some degree of gender fluidity by human standards

many contenders here!!

I didn't mention this bcos I haven't read the book in question and no-one seems to agree on whether it counted as confirmation. But yes if you count it I believe it would make him the first TV character to be confirmed LGBT. That said, arguably he is not a companion

Oh yeah I forgot Oliver! I think he's big finish's first gay companion? If so he is a milestone character. (Tho they had previous done an audio featuring Fitz who I think is textually bisexual? But he's not one of their original characters)

Well if you want to get technical the first doctor who character is the policeman in the opening scene and he doesn't have a canon sexuality as far as I know (yes he is a recurring character)

Incorrect this was predated by whatever the second doctor and Jamie had going on

ppl keep mentioning Nyssa & Tegan in the notes: they were not the first classic who companions to be confirmed gay in an expanded universe work (that's either Mike Yates OR Adric depending on what you count as confirmation and also what you count as a companion)

ig you could argue that the work(s) that made their relationship textual are more canon than the VNAs or Big Finish audios due to being BBC productions which is getting very granular IMO. but yes I suppose you could count them on those grounds.


Trying to vacuum my living room this morning

My new carpets are wool rather than synthetic and a downside of this is that they shed

I'm reliably informed that this is a temporary issue that will resolve itself once all the loose fibres work their way out but for the timing being they're producing just a TREMENDOUS amount of fluff

My vacuum cleaner is cordless & it's not got a very high fluff capacity. Keeps filling up much faster than I'm used to

The way I generally notice this is that it cuts out mid vacuum. Usually this is fixed by emptying out it's tank

Today however it continued cutting out even after the tank was empty. Figured there must be more fluff in there somewhere

Go on a fascinating journey through the workings of the vacuum cleaner. Discover removable parts I had no idea even existed. See bits of it that have never been viewed by human eyes before.

Eventually determine that there are 2 points where the fluff has got so compacted that it's not getting sucked up

One of these is right down in the bottom section and w some finagling manage to push it out w the handle of my longest spoon

However other blockage seems to be in the Long Pipe. Have to use my phone torch to confirm that it's there bcos it's dark inside the Long Pipe.

My longest spoon isn't long enough to reach it and I don't have any other suitable implements

Only thing I can think to do is put it in the bath and run water down it. Reluctant to do this as if I get it wet I'll need to dry it out fully before using it again

Continue searching for a suitable implement. Continue to not have anything

Bite the bullet and take it into the bathroom

At first nothing is coming out. Begin to worry that this isn't gonna work

But then!! After about 15-20 seconds the Long Pipe disgorges all it's fluff into the bath

There's a perceptible sensation of pressure releasing??

It's finally clean!!

Put the vacuum cleaner into handheld mode and go suck up the worst of the fluff


Gonna cut this bcos Gross but here is all the fluff:


The other day I had a contractor in who used my vacuum cleaner to tidy up after himself and he helpfully emptied it for me. Anyway he commented on the tremendous volume of fluff inside and it occurred to me afterwards that he might think I'd never bothered to empty it and I'm like no no you don't understand. I empty it all the time I swear there's just SO much fluff. I'm at war with the fluff. ):


Trying to vacuum my living room this morning

My new carpets are wool rather than synthetic and a downside of this is that they shed

I'm reliably informed that this is a temporary issue that will resolve itself once all the loose fibres work their way out but for the timing being they're producing just a TREMENDOUS amount of fluff

My vacuum cleaner is cordless & it's not got a very high fluff capacity. Keeps filling up much faster than I'm used to

The way I generally notice this is that it cuts out mid vacuum. Usually this is fixed by emptying out it's tank

Today however it continued cutting out even after the tank was empty. Figured there must be more fluff in there somewhere

Go on a fascinating journey through the workings of the vacuum cleaner. Discover removable parts I had no idea even existed. See bits of it that have never been viewed by human eyes before.

Eventually determine that there are 2 points where the fluff has got so compacted that it's not getting sucked up

One of these is right down in the bottom section and w some finagling manage to push it out w the handle of my longest spoon

However other blockage seems to be in the Long Pipe. Have to use my phone torch to confirm that it's there bcos it's dark inside the Long Pipe.

My longest spoon isn't long enough to reach it and I don't have any other suitable implements

Only thing I can think to do is put it in the bath and run water down it. Reluctant to do this as if I get it wet I'll need to dry it out fully before using it again

Continue searching for a suitable implement. Continue to not have anything

Bite the bullet and take it into the bathroom

At first nothing is coming out. Begin to worry that this isn't gonna work

But then!! After about 15-20 seconds the Long Pipe disgorges all it's fluff into the bath

There's a perceptible sensation of pressure releasing??

It's finally clean!!

Put the vacuum cleaner into handheld mode and go suck up the worst of the fluff



Hey guys!!

Keep getting comments like this about the fingers thing. Lads that's what they're called:

i did some googling because this sounded like british nonsense to me (an american) and i was kind of right, because kitkats are british! most of the time! they're produced by nestle, which does distinguish sizes using the term "fingers," everywhere except the united states, where they're made by hershey's. hershey's does acknowledge that they're called fingers at the bottom of their kitkat faq, but otherwise doesn't prominently use the term.

this also handily explains much of the disparity in the poll results. in the us, a standard kitkat is definitionally one with four fingers. two finger bars are called "snack size" and you can't even buy them individually.

however, just to make everything extra stupid, i looked at hershey's product listing for XL kitkats, which are described on the front of the packaging as having "10 pieces to share," but if you check the nutrition facts you can see the serving size is listed as "2 fingers." then there's the king size kitkat, which hershey's won't even tell you how many pieces it has, but based on the fact that the serving size is 3 fingers and the number of servings per package is "about 2.5," i'm guessing has 8 fingers. for the record, snack size and standad size kitkats list the serving size as 1 package.

so uh, all that is to say, this is why americans are being annoying on your post. thank you for your time.

sdfhsdgjk yeah KitKats are from York baby 👍

& yeah i think there's some kind of cultural disparity here, a lot of (i think?) americans in the notes are mentioning only encountering the 2 finger variety at halloween but in the UK the 2 finger kitkat is a pretty standard tea break snack & you can buy multi packs on them w the biscuits in supermarkets (i've seen them sold individually but it's rarre)

i still hold that 4 fingers is standard and apparently it is the OG so technically I'm right; however i think part of that is that i didn't eat the 2 finger variety often as a child due to having parents who didn't give us a lot of processed snack foods.

also no-one is being annoying!! im not annoyed by the confusion about the fingers thing i just think it's funny. that is what they are called.


I asked my family at dinner "what do you call the pieces of kitkat, and how many are in the default kitkat?"

  • 4 (sibling 1)
  • 4 (sibling 2)
  • 5 (mom)
  • 3 (dad)
  • "What alternate universe do you guys live in?" (me reacting to my parents)

It turned out my dad interpreted the question to mean layers of wafer, and revised his answer to "4 or 5" when I clarified. My mom did understand the question- she just isn't observant.

(I looked it up, and they did introduce a kitkat with a 'thumb' last year, and in the 80s there was one with 5 regular fingers).

They all called the parts 'pieces'; when I explained 'fingers', my mom said "oh, like ladyfingers!" and the other three thought it sounded weird.

I went to the grocery store earlier today, and they had the following:

  • 4-finger bars (in checkout area)
  • 5-pack of "snack size" 2-finger bars
  • bag of "thins" (1 finger with 2 wafers instead of 3, line for breaking the finger itself in half, not individually wrapped)
  • bag of "miniatures" (1 finger, individually wrapped)
  • bag of "minis" (1 short finger, not individually wrapped)

I was surprised that they didn't have anything bigger- my grandma lives close by and she often gets me giant ones. I also don't recall ever seeing the thins before.

Wikipedia has this to say about the fingers:

"The traditional bar has four fingers[...] A two-finger bar was launched in the 1930s, and has remained the company's best-selling biscuit brand ever since.[11] The 1999 Kit Kat Chunky[...]has one large finger [...]. Kit Kat bars contain varying numbers of fingers depending on the market, ranging from the half-finger sized Kit Kat Petit in Japan, to the three-fingered variants in Arabia, and the twelve-finger family-size bars in Australia and France."

Its page image is captioned "Standard four-finger Kit Kat".

Wrt the finger confusion do u guys get these things:


British pocky

No we get pocky here:


I think I could get on board w dw's current 'diversity win! This military organisation has disabled people in it' if I thought that's what they were going for but I think we might be meant to take it as a sincere diversity win


My tiny flower garden is complete!! Let's go

Arranging... Needs more greenery

I didn't actually buy the greenery, one of the Etsy shops I ordered from threw it in as a freebie and I'm very grateful bcos this looks much better!

Garden flower bed...

Window boxes in situ! I was gonna super glue them on but I got nervous about it. Also they're very light weight and seem to be holding fine w blue tack

All done!! I don't know what to do w myself now...


Hey guys!!

Keep getting comments like this about the fingers thing. Lads that's what they're called:

i did some googling because this sounded like british nonsense to me (an american) and i was kind of right, because kitkats are british! most of the time! they're produced by nestle, which does distinguish sizes using the term "fingers," everywhere except the united states, where they're made by hershey's. hershey's does acknowledge that they're called fingers at the bottom of their kitkat faq, but otherwise doesn't prominently use the term.

this also handily explains much of the disparity in the poll results. in the us, a standard kitkat is definitionally one with four fingers. two finger bars are called "snack size" and you can't even buy them individually.

however, just to make everything extra stupid, i looked at hershey's product listing for XL kitkats, which are described on the front of the packaging as having "10 pieces to share," but if you check the nutrition facts you can see the serving size is listed as "2 fingers." then there's the king size kitkat, which hershey's won't even tell you how many pieces it has, but based on the fact that the serving size is 3 fingers and the number of servings per package is "about 2.5," i'm guessing has 8 fingers. for the record, snack size and standad size kitkats list the serving size as 1 package.

so uh, all that is to say, this is why americans are being annoying on your post. thank you for your time.

sdfhsdgjk yeah KitKats are from York baby 👍

& yeah i think there's some kind of cultural disparity here, a lot of (i think?) americans in the notes are mentioning only encountering the 2 finger variety at halloween but in the UK the 2 finger kitkat is a pretty standard tea break snack & you can buy multi packs on them w the biscuits in supermarkets (i've seen them sold individually but it's rarre)

i still hold that 4 fingers is standard and apparently it is the OG so technically I'm right; however i think part of that is that i didn't eat the 2 finger variety often as a child due to having parents who didn't give us a lot of processed snack foods.

also no-one is being annoying!! im not annoyed by the confusion about the fingers thing i just think it's funny. that is what they are called.


I asked my family at dinner "what do you call the pieces of kitkat, and how many are in the default kitkat?"

  • 4 (sibling 1)
  • 4 (sibling 2)
  • 5 (mom)
  • 3 (dad)
  • "What alternate universe do you guys live in?" (me reacting to my parents)

It turned out my dad interpreted the question to mean layers of wafer, and revised his answer to "4 or 5" when I clarified. My mom did understand the question- she just isn't observant.

(I looked it up, and they did introduce a kitkat with a 'thumb' last year, and in the 80s there was one with 5 regular fingers).

They all called the parts 'pieces'; when I explained 'fingers', my mom said "oh, like ladyfingers!" and the other three thought it sounded weird.

I went to the grocery store earlier today, and they had the following:

  • 4-finger bars (in checkout area)
  • 5-pack of "snack size" 2-finger bars
  • bag of "thins" (1 finger with 2 wafers instead of 3, line for breaking the finger itself in half, not individually wrapped)
  • bag of "miniatures" (1 finger, individually wrapped)
  • bag of "minis" (1 short finger, not individually wrapped)

I was surprised that they didn't have anything bigger- my grandma lives close by and she often gets me giant ones. I also don't recall ever seeing the thins before.

Wikipedia has this to say about the fingers:

"The traditional bar has four fingers[...] A two-finger bar was launched in the 1930s, and has remained the company's best-selling biscuit brand ever since.[11] The 1999 Kit Kat Chunky[...]has one large finger [...]. Kit Kat bars contain varying numbers of fingers depending on the market, ranging from the half-finger sized Kit Kat Petit in Japan, to the three-fingered variants in Arabia, and the twelve-finger family-size bars in Australia and France."

Its page image is captioned "Standard four-finger Kit Kat".

Wrt the finger confusion do u guys get these things:


i do think applying the 'disney's first gay character' thing to dr who is pretty funny bcos like. who is 'doctor who's first gay character' is kind of a matter of opinion

Doctor Who's first LGBT companion in the TV show was Captain Jack Harkness. however you could make the (imo not unreasonable) argument that as Captain Jack was never a series regular he doesn't 100% count.

Bill Potts was the first series regular companion to be textually LGBT (lesbian)

however Clara was word of god bisexual tho this was never made all that clear in the text (River is also word of god bi which was more textually explicit but as w Captain Jack, companion status debatable)

the first textually LGBT companion in any medium was Izzy Sinclair from the 8th doctor comics (also lesbian)

tho TARDIS wiki notes that VNA companion Chris Cwej was implied to be bisexual and that P.R.O.B.E (itself dubiously canon) implies that third doctor era companion Liz Shaw is a wlw

in addition, personally i think there's a very solid argument to be made that 7th doctor era companion Ace McShane was intended as the show's first attempt at a gay companion - as far as I'm aware only one writer has fessed up to doing this on purpose but there's some pretty glaring subtext including a whole serial that can be read as an allegory about homophobia (the happiness patrol)

i believe Big Finish recently canonised Ace's sexuality (yay!) but not too long ago they also made 5th doctor era companion Adric bisexual and he appeared in the show earlier chronologically and i think got confirmed bi first

it's been TV canon pretty much since the reboot and EU canon since the late 90s that the doctor is bi/pan and obviously the doctor appeared in the show earlier than any of the above characters so arguably is the show's first gay character

however if you wanna get technical about it, Susan, Ian and Barbara were all introduced in the show before the Doctor and Susan is pretty widely read as some variety of queer by fans by virtue of the fact that she's a time lord which inherently seems to involve some degree of gender fluidity by human standards

many contenders here!!

I didn't mention this bcos I haven't read the book in question and no-one seems to agree on whether it counted as confirmation. But yes if you count it I believe it would make him the first TV character to be confirmed LGBT. That said, arguably he is not a companion

Oh yeah I forgot Oliver! I think he's big finish's first gay companion? If so he is a milestone character. (Tho they had previous done an audio featuring Fitz who I think is textually bisexual? But he's not one of their original characters)

Well if you want to get technical the first doctor who character is the policeman in the opening scene and he doesn't have a canon sexuality as far as I know (yes he is a recurring character)

Incorrect this was predated by whatever the second doctor and Jamie had going on


Fourteen isn't going to need to actively avoid alien invasions etc due to Donna's almost preternatural ability to miss all the action. So long as he sticks w Donna he will remain oblivious to every threat to earth no problem.


i do think applying the 'disney's first gay character' thing to dr who is pretty funny bcos like. who is 'doctor who's first gay character' is kind of a matter of opinion

Doctor Who's first LGBT companion in the TV show was Captain Jack Harkness. however you could make the (imo not unreasonable) argument that as Captain Jack was never a series regular he doesn't 100% count.

Bill Potts was the first series regular companion to be textually LGBT (lesbian)

however Clara was word of god bisexual tho this was never made all that clear in the text (River is also word of god bi which was more textually explicit but as w Captain Jack, companion status debatable)

the first textually LGBT companion in any medium was Izzy Sinclair from the 8th doctor comics (also lesbian)

tho TARDIS wiki notes that VNA companion Chris Cwej was implied to be bisexual and that P.R.O.B.E (itself dubiously canon) implies that third doctor era companion Liz Shaw is a wlw

in addition, personally i think there's a very solid argument to be made that 7th doctor era companion Ace McShane was intended as the show's first attempt at a gay companion - as far as I'm aware only one writer has fessed up to doing this on purpose but there's some pretty glaring subtext including a whole serial that can be read as an allegory about homophobia (the happiness patrol)

i believe Big Finish recently canonised Ace's sexuality (yay!) but not too long ago they also made 5th doctor era companion Adric bisexual and he appeared in the show earlier chronologically and i think got confirmed bi first

it's been TV canon pretty much since the reboot and EU canon since the late 90s that the doctor is bi/pan and obviously the doctor appeared in the show earlier than any of the above characters so arguably is the show's first gay character

however if you wanna get technical about it, Susan, Ian and Barbara were all introduced in the show before the Doctor and Susan is pretty widely read as some variety of queer by fans by virtue of the fact that she's a time lord which inherently seems to involve some degree of gender fluidity by human standards

many contenders here!!


i do think applying the 'disney's first gay character' thing to dr who is pretty funny bcos like. who is 'doctor who's first gay character' is kind of a matter of opinion

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