
Land Of Blackbirds And Disorder

@gothwizardmagic / gothwizardmagic.tumblr.com

rowan ๐Ÿ 31 ๐Ÿ pฤkehฤ ๐Ÿ he/they
sigils credit


I was two from the barrier on Ray's side so I filmed pretty much the whole thing - the two main bits that are missing are Without You Is How I Disappear (filmed on my sister's phone so we MAY be able to retrieve it later but her phone has chosen NOW to brick) and Vampire Money (i hit the FUCKING volume button and didnt notice for like half of the song)

fucking best fucking night of my fucking life holy shit!!!!!!!! IN THE FACE OF EXTERMINATION SAY FUCK!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous asked:


Have you ever donated blood?

Yes, multiple times, won't go again

Yes, multiple times, will go again

Yes, once, will go again

Yes, once, won't go again

No, I want to and I'm going to

No, I want to but I'm scared to

No, never, I don't want to

See results/ vampire / other

Do it please, if it's at all possible for you. It's so very important - H :)


A lot of people are voting on "I want to but I'm scared" so let me try to help.

I could say what you probably already heard: it barely hurts, its quicker than you think, etc etc, but here is what really might help:

Bring a friend. Hell. Bring a bunch of friends. Hold each other's hand while you donate blood. Bring stickers and give to each other when you're done. Plan to get sweets later

It's what works when kids need to take vaccines or take blood samples and are scared, and it still works with adults! We are just too afraid to look silly, but we all need to hold hands and get stickers sometimes and its great! And might even make it fun!


you post about wanting to "get that man pregnant" and yet you then complain about children existing. i dont think you deserve to get him pregnant. i dont think youd treat him well.


physically incapable of being upset by being rickrolled. if itโ€™s well executed i get to engage in the playful wink-nod with the jokester. and if itโ€™s obvious. well then i just get to see my beautiful friend rick astley


somehow despite having a red dwarf wip this was the only mention i found???

YOU - โ€œWeโ€™re going back to my houseโ€ฆโ€ You donโ€™t have to be able to see your face to hear the hangdog expression in your voice, and if you did have a mirror nearby you have no idea how youโ€™d go about dealing with this one.

The Modern Leper (i SWEAR some day ill post this i prommy)


The words wall or ship! (I am definitely not thinking of random words while staring at a red dwarf dvd)

You hear running liquid when you exit the bathroom, the sounds of Kim making tea.ย  You donโ€™t think much of it, taking a moment to just take in his house without him around.ย  Itโ€™s tidy but cosy, personal touches taking the form of carefully assembled model airships on a few shelves, a well-used sewing desk, and an extensive collection of books.

The Modern Leper (technically complete first part of a series I just haven't uploaded yet lmao)

โ€œOh shit.โ€ย  Varricโ€™s voice echoed the sentiment in Fenrisโ€™ heart as the two of them turned a corner at the exact same second.ย  With the buzzing and thrumming of the Breach ringing through his skin, Fenris hadnโ€™t noticed the spreading of the sickly crawl he had felt back in Kirkwall every time the Knight-Commander was near.ย  Red lyrium.ย  Here, of all places.

First draft of an untitled fic I've had like two chapters of just sitting around for no joke 3 years


We've had enough of the English-speaking internet defaulting to USAmerican terms that we are all forced to learn against our will. Here are the new default settings:

  • "Southern" no longer means Texas. It now refers to the Philippine island of Mindanao.
  • "The Midwest" is now Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • The default legal system is now that of the devolved administration of Scotland.
  • "College" is an educational institution for 13 to 18 year olds, as in some parts of New Zealand.
  • The "president" is that of Guyana, currently Irfaan Ali.

If you use these terms to refer to something in the USA then you have to specify or else we won't know what you're talking about and you'll sound like an idiot. Thanks!


Full three minute-long clip of David on the Reasons to be Cheerful podcast talking about Pride Month and gay/trans rights. Truly heart-wrenching to hear him get so genuinely emotional/choke up as he keeps going. Notable moments:

David: "When I was at school, calling somebody gay was like the worst thing you could be called in the playground, and now we celebrate it...[choking up] and it makes me a little bit emotional. That it just gives people a chance to be seen and celebrated and to be just--combating some of that snide nastiness that is...when Target have to...[trying not to cry] when Target in America have to take down their displays because people are so intolerant, I think we all need to put up our rainbow flags and we need to march and shout and--[crying] I didn't expect this to get me this emotional, I'll be honest with you, but--you just want your children to grow up in a world that is kind, and you want your children to be kind and you want your children to be accepted for whoever they are. Whatever they want to be. They should be allowed to be whoever they want to be." David: "When you look at it--when you take a step back and see how far we've come, it does give you hope. Because sometimes when you're right in the middle of day-to-day you think, 'Where are we going guys, come on?' Ed Miliband: "We were in the era of Section 28 and all that stuff. But it has to be fought for." David: "Yes, we can't take our foot off the gas, that's the thing. And we can't expect that we will always travel in the right direction toward acceptance. We've got to--we've all got to be fighting that fight every day."
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