F.I.P. industries

36 notes

Creative Masterpost

i decided to recompile all my creative endeavors for ease of reference and as a quick presentation card to anyone who discovers me and might want to know more of the bullshit i get up to.

in here you’ll find DRAWINGS, VIDEOS, WRITING and even MUSIC!

Read more …

26,579 notes



Therapy is risky because sometimes they’ll just ask you their standard “why can’t you, though”, and you think you’re making some good point by saying something like “well if I don’t do anything with my life then what’s the point of being alive in the first place” and your therapist gets that look on their face and you immediately realise that your dumb ass just got caught, pinned to the ground with your stupid-ass neck between the spikes of a pitchfork, and you are not going to wiggle out of there before you two unpack what the fuck you just said.

A black-and-white self-portrait of the artist, depicted here as a nondescript, featureless lizard-like creature, pinned to the ground by the neck with a pitchfork, unharmed but unable to escape, with a startled expression of a sense of impending doom, knowing he fucked up.ALT

(via lipstickchainsaw)

1,122 notes




[[Image ID: a quoted tweet. Original tweet is by @catacalypt on Mar 28, 2024. It contains a picture of a copper bracelet with ancient writing on it. Tweet reads “in case anyone didn’t already know I DO own a “give me my money back Ea-Nasir” bracelet in Akkadian cuneiform.” Quote tweet is by @rob_heighton on Mar 29, 2024. It reads “I wish no ill upon the owner, but the person who supplied the metal for this had the opportunity to do the funniest thing. End of image ID]]

I have since been informed the producer did do the funniest thing ever because the bracelets are made of brass 🤣

(via lipstickchainsaw)

95 notes



The discussion around Ariel TheLittleMermaid baffles me bc if my dad literally destroyed a bunch of stuff I collected in front of me in a terrifyingly violent display of anger and I had a witch offer me an out if I could score the boy I thought was hot, my name would be on that dotted line before you can say “poor unfortunate soul”. What do you mean she’s stupid, her dad ravaged her Special Interest Cave like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, I would also run the fuck away

The smartest move would have been to become Ursula’s co-conspirator (rather than property as stipulated by the contract) and overthrow him, then overthrow Ursula, but I understand why she did not do this because few 16 year olds have the stomach for murder

(via lipstickchainsaw)

6,944 notes


There were probably some medieval asexuals that were absolutely insufferable on their moral high horse about it. Like “this modesty shit easy - I haven’t lusted over any man ever in my life and only fuck my husband out of duty from God and only so that we have children. I am so much better than any of you hoes.”

And some other local goodwife would get sick of this and go “well obviously you don’t have time for cock, Maergaret, since you’re always too fucking busy choking on your own vanity and pride!” and have a smackfight that progresses into a full-on two-woman brawl in the town square. People gather around to watch this until a clergyman shows up to remind everyone that not only is this kind of brawl between good christians definitely a sin, it’s also a sin for everyone who’s watching to place bets on who’s going to win.

(via theothin)

11 notes



Kind of dumb of Ben to think that releasing the hostages would work. If they had any value, Mia would have done it herself.


I mean, if releasing the info was likely to make a difference on the immediate situation, Mia could have just done it herself.