
Football in Tuxedos

@football-in-tuxedos / football-in-tuxedos.tumblr.com

Being the adventures of a 33 year old Alaskan born cinephile. This blog is primarily concerned with Warhammer, increasingly obtuse references, shameless self promotions and my flailing attempts to be funny. She/Her

genuinely this website is horrible. every few days they totally nuke another random popular trans girl who has never ever broken a rule, and everybody but trans girls shut up about it and forgets immediately. like HELLO???? Charlottan was banned for literally NO REASON why am i not seeing hammer car explosion 2??? why are the majority of TME people just ignoring that trans girls are absolutely being specifically targeted for removal with no excuse??? does nobody else care any more????

In 2022, Tumblr settled with the New York City Commission on Human Rights over discrimination allegations involving moderation disproportionately affecting LGBTQ+ users.

The NYC Commission on Human Rights has a form for reporting discrimination. I'm sure they would love to hear that Tumblr is continuing the discriminatory behavior. They don't know what's going on unless we tell them. Administrative work like reporting these things is how we turn anger into activism. File a report if you have time. Let's get the ball rolling on fixing this site.


Adding to this so people don’t have to dig around on google which will make filling out this form easier: The address of the NYC Tumblr office is 700 Broadway.


no met gala look will ever top cee lo greens powerful sorcerers garb from the grammys that one time


sincerely the best part of all of this is that he later claimed that he was never physically present at the grammys, and the figure seen here was an entirely different entity called "Gnarly Davidson"

i was just googling this the other day and in case you're curious- no, he never did any music or other appearances as this Gnarly Davidson character. however he did briefly have a Gnarly Davidson twitter account with bangers like this one


i was born a biter, i identify as a biter, not my fault, maybe don’t be so biteable and you’ll be safe


"I reported her because she was posting NSFW without mature labels which is against TOS!!!" you'd narc on someone for having their tits out at a gay bar because it's illegal you simply are not trustworthy

Defending yourself by saying that censoring the sexuality of trans women is actually morally correct and justified. Actually just makes you look more like a bitch, believe it or not. Especially considering how often the "NSFW posts" in question often amounted to little more than armpit and forcefem jokes

If they are ACTUALLY posting nsfw (which I define as having boobs/pussy/dick out) without warning, report away! Otherwise you’re a massive jerk for reporting.

You'd narc on someone for having their tits out at a gay bar because it's illegal you're simply not trustworthy.

If you don't agree with the rules then don't snitch on someone who's breaking them simple as

Sounding dangerously fucking close to “well I was just following orders”


Not shaving and not wearing make up are literally nonbehaviors. They’re a complete lack of action. But doing nothing is considered masculine because women are not allowed to just be. this goes double for trans women.

reblog this version because transmisogynists don’t know how to fuck off.


Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription

Me: My pills make me not want to die tho

They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal

Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills

Again: But you aren’t the *real* you when you’re on your pills

Me: I’m the alive version of me

An actual doctor, once: “Relying On A Chemical Crutch For A Hormonal Imbalance Denies The Fortitude Of The Human Soul”

Me: Cool so like I’m agnostic


They: “But you might be on pills the rest of your life!”

Me: “So?”

Good! That means that I have a “rest of” my life to continue living!

Thanks to the pills.

Meanwhile, no person ever: “You should think about giving up your insulin/antiretrovirals/beta blockers/anti-rejection drugs/prosthetic legs/daily multivitamin, because using those your whole life is bad for some reason”

Oh no, they do that too.

I have a kidney transplant. A woman once told me she didn’t believe in organ transplants and that people should just die when they’re meant to. 

Sounds like a great set-up for a murder

People who are fully healthy, fit and neurotypical seem to think they are that way because they’re doing something right that the rest of us haven’t thought of, and not just because they got lucky


Speaking of the luck of the non-disabled…I once terrorized a Karen who was using me to teach her entitled kid that disabled people are Other and should not be treated with respect. I told her (truthfully) that until I was twenty-eight, I wasn’t visibly disabled. Then a defective chromosome that I hadn’t known about kicked in. So my luck ran out. But until then, I had been normal–just…like…her. 

The sheer terror on her face as the concept of “You mean I’ve just been lucky so far?” seeped into her brain was a thing of beauty.


People who are fully healthy, fit and neurotypical seem to think they are that way because they’re doing something right that the rest of us haven’t thought of, and not just because they got lucky



“You are one stroke of bad luck, common viral illness, or traumatic event away from being just like me” is honestly the most terrifying thing you can tell an abled person - and you should. I was healthy and fit and doing everything ‘right’ too - right up until some inner switch flipped and my body crumbled right out from under me.

You either die young or live long enough to become disabled. Like, assuming the stroke of “bad luck, common viral illness, or traumatic event” doesn’t straight up kill you first, you are going to become disabled sooner or later, regardless of your luck.


it's funny to me when people call things side effects of HRT that are like, very much the Main Effect. like weight gain is not some unintentional consequence of HRT, it is what it's supposed to do, adjust your body in response to a new dominant hormone. It's just that societally we see this as a failure at all costs. but it could not be more normal & expected.

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