


She/Her. 30-something.
Trying to be a writer, trying to be artistic, trying to be a librarian... not very good at any. Queer, autistic, ADD. Professional fangirl.
Ao3: Meowalker (Star Wars), Triad_and_Turquoise (RNM), LianneSummers (original fiction)

My fics need love 🥺

Now that I'm active on here again, might as well share links to the fics I have already published on Ao3. Also I'm really bad at tagging fics so hopefully they find their intended audience with y'all's help

Star Wars (under alias Meowalker)


Last Kiss (Anidala) Padmé's last moments as she remembers the good in Anakin. Inspired by Last Kiss (Taylor's Version). **Set during RotS**
Emotions (Anakin) Anakin loses himself after the events of Tatooine and Geonosis. Inspired by Emotions (5 Seconds of Summer) **Set after AotC**
Fix You (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé) Obi-Wan would rather die than give up on Anakin after the battle on Mustafar. Inspired by Fix You (Coldplay)
Unwell (Anakin) Anakin has trouble dealing with everything that happened during Attack of the Clones, to the point where he slowly starts losing his mind. Inspired by Unwell (Matchbox Twenty) **Set after AotC**

Skywalker Dyad Trilogy

Part 1: Halves of a Whole (Completed on 2023/07/30) Shmi had twins, one of which she had to leave with Palpatine as she escaped with Anakin. But the Force has a way to bring dyads together. **The first 9 chapters happen during TPM, AotC and TCW** Part 2: Cat and Mice (Completed on 2023/09/17) After escaping from Order 66, Kateva and Anakin bring the Jedi survivors to Ossus, where they learn more about their bond and try to find a way to take down their father. Unfortunately, there is now an Empire between them and Sidious. **Directly follows part 1** Part 3: [on hiatus] Kat seeks a way to defeat their father at the same time Anakin and the Jedi refugees must defend Ossus from an Empire attack. All bets are off and the stakes are higher than ever. **Directly follows part 2**

Roswell, New Mexico (under alias Triad_and_Turquoise)

The One (Echo) Max's feelings for Liz, down the road. Inspired by The One (Kodaline).
Back to December (Miluca) One month into lockdown, Maria has too much time to think and goes down a painful memory lane... Inspired by Back to December (Taylor Swift).
Treacherous (Malexa) What happens during that night in the airstream, seen through the eyes of Michael, Maria and Alex. Not graphic. Inspired by Treacherous (Taylor Swift)
One Love (Malex) Michael is unable to let go of Alex through the lost decade. Inspired by One Love (Marianas Trench), from Michael's POV

On hiatus (aka I will get back to it one day I swear!!!)

Three Makes a Family (Malex) Max and Liz died in a horrible accident, leaving their single daughter an orphan. With no other choice, Michael and Alex stepped up to take care of the deeply traumatized and scarred 10-year-old. Five years later, the precarious routine they've established is on the verge of collapsing, and secrets that should have stayed buried are at risk of surfacing. **post-s3, doesn't take s4 into account**

It's always "the Jedi failed at this," "Anakin should've done that," and never "Darth Sidious is so good at his job, he deserves to get Sith Lord of the month."


To be fair, while he's often quite good at his job, it's easy to get Sith lord of the month when there are only 2 Sith lords.


The beautiful people you see in the photos (faces blurred for their privacy) are our aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandfather. They've all been displaced from their homes in Khartoum over a year ago. They're now all living in a makeshift home in the desert, waiting for the day to return home.

My cousins haven't been to class in a year. My uncles have lost their jobs. All their belongings were stolen. They live in a home with no windows or air conditioning in a climate that can reach 50 ℃ (122F).

(where they store all their belongings)

Your funds will go to:

- Getting them passports

- Getting them visas to Egypt/KSA

- Travel funds

- Supporting them with food, water, transport, medicine, and any other needs while we get their travel plans sorted

If you can spare even £1 that would be massive help. If not, sharing is just as helpful <3


Continue✨ Keep going✨


Thank you, lady 🤗

The Nigerian accent. God. She reminds me of home…

Always grateful when this makes the rounds

[VD: A video of a Black woman with a Nigerian accent crouching next to a car and speaking to the camera. She asks with a firm and compassionate expression, “Are you having a bad day?” Then she says, “You are not. You are a bad bitch. Continue.” As she speaks, she points forward and makes a sweeping motion to the side, and she continues to point as she speaks.

She says, “Is your depression hitting hard? I know. Continue. You can keep going. You can do this. Continue. You can do it. You are a fighter. You are strong. You are smart. And you are wonderfully made.” She shakes a finger. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep going. Keep going. You can do it. Continue.” The last “continue” is captioned in all caps with hearts surrounding it. End VD]

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