
i would've liked to show you Florence

@ear-motif / ear-motif.tumblr.com

STILL BANREVALES! call me jay or ban. hannibal liveblogging mostly 26 y.o - he/him or anything really

Help Aya and her family escape genocide!

Aya Al-Nahhal is a 21 year old information systems student of Al-Aqsa University. She was on tract to graduate in 2024 before the war destroyed her university and neighborhood.

The fundraiser for Aya and her family of 5 has been vetted by Hussein in his masterpost. The last donation to Aya's campaign was two days ago (May 26th, 2024).

Aya needs €10,000 to evacuate herself and her family out of Gaza. As of May 28th, 2024, she has raised €720/€10,000

€1,180/€10,000 as of June 28th

We’ve had some consistent donations today!! Can we keep that up?


Help Mohammed evacuate his family from Gaza!

Hoping to shed light on Mohammed's campaign, as donations have stagnated (last donation was 2 days ago as of May 28th 2024).

This campaign was found through Gaza Funds, meaning it has been verified!

Mohammed is looking to evacuate his 10 family members, 5 of whom are children! Mohammed and his sisters' houses have been destroyed by the ongoing genocide, leaving them without the money needed to evacuate.

Mohammed has raised $4,499/$50,000

$5,618/$50,000 as of June 28th

Please share and donate 💚


Lolo the only survivor after a massacre was committed against my family by bombing our house. I can't bear to lose her after losing my brother. We saw all kinds of death from bombing, hunger and diseases. Surviving so far is exhausting. Please, any amount will save her life.

I trust in your humanity. Don't leave me alone

My campaign has been previously verified

@\sayruq @\nabulsi @\el-shab-hussein


tumblr deactivated Nesma’s old account without notice, so now Nesma is forced to create a new account to continue advocating for her family. please reblog and donate!!

Currently $64,543 raised of $80,000 goal as of June 27, meaning Nesma just has less than $15,500 left to raise in order to evacuate all of her family!! please continue to circulate Nesma’s campaign

Nesma’s family got $350 in 24 hours, bringing them up to $64,893 of $80,000 goal raised. Nesma told me this morning that the iof bombing was so severe and so close to her family’s tent in the night that she couldn’t sleep. PLEASE help Nesma protect her family and evacuate them to safety



Can anyone match my donation of $10?


This is a simple scene from the bombing we are subjected to daily in the Gaza Strip.

Where the house is bombed on the heads of its residents without mercy.

The result: body parts of children and women, charred corpses, without heads and without limbs.

We live in the midst of this extreme danger, in tragic and difficult circumstances that no human mind can imagine.

We invite you to support and participate in our campaign, as you are our great hope.


This is my plea. I am Hala, a child calling for protection from the suffering and extermination we are facing. Time is running out to save the children, women, and civilians.

I want to return to my school. I want to leave Gaza with my siblings and my mother. I don't want to die, and I don't want to lose my mother. I love her.

small donation can make a big difference in her life.

Please, hear our cry for help.


please help Hala, her siblings, and their mother reach their evacuation fund goal!!! more than halfway there, €8,168 raised of €16,000 goal as of June 25!!


MORE THAN HALFWAY THERE!! Can anyone match my €10 donation?


i cannot stress enough how urgent it is to help Wafaa evacuate her children and grandchildren out of Gaza. the iof bombed their family home, where all three generations of Wafaa's family were living. now, Wafaa not only has to secure lodging and food for herself but also provide financially for her family who is currently living in tents in Rafah, without access to much-needed baby products (for Wafaa's daughter's newborn son!!) nor medicine (for multiple members of the family who have alarmingly high fevers and horrible stomach pains with Hepatitis) nor clean food and water.

Wafaa has a beautiful family of 15 people, 6 of them her daughters. there are 4 children and 1 newborn of the 15 people Wafaa hopes to reunite with in Egypt. Her 5 year old granddaughter has been incapacitated by an unbroken fever for days, and her newborn grandson has nothing to eat.

yesterday, Wafaa shared with us that the iof invasion has murdered her niece.

please get Wafaa's family to safety, every time I get to talk to Wafaa it is clear that her heart is in Gaza with her family, and she implores all of us to help her so she could see her loved ones safe and happy with her. please donate whatever you can. any small donation, added up in a crowd, can move mountains.

we raised €1,364 for Wafaa in the past 16 hours, PLEASE do not let this traction die down. Wafaa's campaign has been stagnating for weeks now, and we cannot let her nor her children and grandchildren down.

Currently €16,673 raised of €50,000 target as of June 25, help in whatever shape or form you can. help Wafaa save her family.

Wafaa’s fundraiser has slowed down considerably, in the past 12 hours she has only received €290 in donations. please, continue donating and her story

Currently €17,223 raised of €50,000 goal as of June 26!!


got locked out of my account for longer than ive ever been locked out of an account before 🙃🙃 nothing was working to reset my password until today. ill work on making substantial contributions to the campaigns I’m tagged in to make up for it


This is what I documented from the night of December 4, 2023. Shells are falling non-stop. Fear and anxiety are in the heart of every person. You always expect that the next shell will hit your house. Every shell that falls leaves a disaster for one of the families, losing one of its children or perhaps all of its members. Every shell that falls destroys one of the homes that was built after years of hard work. Have you thought about the condition of every child living under this barrage of shells, or even the elderly and the young? It is genocide. This is what we are experiencing in the Gaza Strip in Palestine.

Pray for the safety of this people🙏

First post🌷

First of all, I am happy to join the Tumblr application, which will give me the opportunity to meet wonderful friends like you, and my first friend in this world was the wonderful @nabulsi .

I know you about my family, We are a family of 5 people, a father, a mother, and three children, from the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to a fierce war that has been going on for more than 261 days. Our story began with the beginning of the ground incursion of military vehicles into our area, and the threat from the occupation army to evacuate the house in preparation for the violent bombing, and from here began the first displacement from the house, and the indiscriminate bombing that resulted in the house being damaged and hundreds of innocent people killed in our area.

In the series of displacement, we were displaced to 5 places, where we tasted the bitterness of pain, suffering, and extreme danger, and I will talk about that in detail in the upcoming posts.

What I ask of you is to stand by us, support and share my family’s story through your pages.


I dont want this to come off as virtue signaling because it's a very real issue issue I feel we need to address but as a white person dealing with other white people one of the dumbest and most persistent things I run into is calling people on racist shit and getting "Wow it doesn't affect you why are you offended?"

Like I once had a person make a "comment" about Black people, sweeping generalization right, and when I went "dude what the fuck" they straight up said, with Sarcasm, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were Black."

LIKE??BITCH?? I'm not an elderly botanist with a soy allergy named Francine either but if you pushed one down an escalator and I was like "what the fuck dude" would you be like "Damn sorry I forgot you lost your aunt to polio in 1935" like BRO YOU KNOW THATS NOT WHY RIGHT

And not just with Racism or Ableism or Homophobia or Transphobia, it seems like every time I run into someone who assumes or takes for granted that I'm a straight white abled cis person and they pull some prejudiced crap I can't say boo without being called some variation of "Just another terminally online liberal choosing to be offended by things that aren't about them, policing other people, holier-than-thou, being preachy and policing others"

And like. I GET it. I understand from a privileged perspective why you THINK I'm being an oversensitive SJW looking for excuses to be mad- it's because you don't think what you're saying is hurting anyone.

And it doesn't, not on it's own, not when you say it alone in an empty room with nobody listening, but it's indicative of a deeper problem!

And as someone who probably cares about you a little, I'm telling you gently that if you aren't willing to realize and address that deeper problem, then you aren't the kind of person I'm going to spend time around anymore! Because there's a difference between being raised in a prejudiced society and naturally inheriting those prejudices, and actively choosing not to improve yourself beyond them.

A little kid shoves someone down an escalator and you can treat it as an important chance to learn critical thinking, Empathy, and consideration, and impulse control

An otherwise fully cognizant adult shoves someone down an escalator forty times a day and they're a dickhead

What I mean to say is that if you're gonna tell me your fucked up thoughts about an entire demographic of people that you don't think I'm part of then you should first, as a visualization exercise, pretend for a second that there are people in that group I care deeply for, and then keep doing that forever until your natural empathy and awareness of others kicks in by itself

Holy shit that's it, thats totally the feeling with other white people- it's like they're revoking your 'white' card

Like being white is being in this big exclusive club where you can say whatever the hell you want about anyone 'outside' cosequence-free, and as long as you keep your mouth shut you can ride the wave to the top, but they kick you out if you threaten that secrecy

Like "Oh, so I can't use slurs around you? I guess you might as well be one of them"

It's the fear of confronting your racist boss, because you may lose your position

The anxiety about speaking up at a family event, as you might be treated as the oversensitive narc

The overwhelming pressure to just humor your awful neighbor until he goes away on his own, to keep future interactions civil

It's fear of being treated like the demographic they're discriminating against already

Revoking your white card. That's exactly what it is

C2E2 Convention - April 27, 2024
Fan Expo Dallas - June 9, 2024
Fan Expo Boston - June 14, 2024

[3/3] Mads & Hugh Hannibal 2024 Reunion Panel 🥳

Up next: RDC 6 on August but Hugh won't be coming there :( Hoping there would still be a next time with these two 🥹


so many of the transfems i know spent their time pre-transition performing a kind of lifelong exercise in self-deprivation. the goal, for them, was to find out exactly how little a person needed to live. they starved themselves, dressed carelessly, shunned friends, and hollowed themselves out so as not to be burdens on anyone but themselves.

i see it now, too, in the girls around me. i'll ask if they want care – a home-cooked meal, relaxed company, sex without the expectation of reciprocation – and they say no, no, thank you, i don't need it; what would you like, what do you want, because in their head they're still doing that awful calculus, still training themselves to disappear in the eyes of the people around them.

i don't think i'd have died without transition – not in the conventional sense, at least – but to take that leap, i had to stop thinking of myself as a human experiment in fuel-efficient living and start nurturing the anemic, atrophied flame of desire in my heart. i had to learn to eat well, to exercise, to style myself beautiful, but harder than that, i had to learn to ask the people around me to work on my behalf in order to enrich my life and give me the things i wanted.

and i did it; i learned. and it was agony, but courage is a muscle you can train, and every day i get better at accepting gifts with the hungry gratitude i never learned in my years and years as a sad, scared, lonely boy.

so be patient with the trans girls in your life. better than that: be proactive, attentive, generous; be forceful, if you have to, and learn to distinguish real discomfort from the terrified reflex of self-deprivation that so many of us learned to rely on.

and if you are so lucky as to love a trans girl, you must insist upon her. you must insist upon her happiness, her comfort, her pleasure, and her rest, because she may still not yet know how to make those demands for herself. if you can devote any amount of energy to becoming an engine that nurtures the flame of even a single tgirl then there is a place for you in trans heaven, which as far as i'm concerned is the only one worth going to


hello everyone i asked you alot to help and im shy for asking you more but this time not for me this campaign for displaced people who are struggling to get good water to drink and for daily use like bathroom especially kids.and food bec its expensive . this will help my brother and my relatives it has been 9 months and they lost their source of income i hope you help them as much as u can. thanks

This fundraiser will help provide the basic needs for 50 people from 10 families living in a make-shift refugee camp. These people haven't had access to water and food and other basic necessities. Please consider sending money their way.

Because of you i was able to send 1200$

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