
all or nothing

@ealadskaan / ealadskaan.tumblr.com

cain / he / 29 i am a dumb bitch with bad taste and i will never change. twt || carrd

the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that

i had to phone a taxi today, scary

every time i see this post i think of that person who posted on reddit that they wanted to go to subway for the first time but they were scared they would say the wrong thing so someone gave them step by step instructions for the entire process and what all the choices would be and when they would ask what question and i just think

someone will

someone out there will see you and say "yes. the world is scary. but let me hold your hand and show you how to do it anyways"

everyone needs that someone, and everyone can be that someone


The subreddit r/explainlikeimscared is a surprisingly good resource for this. People are always very kind and thorough from what I've seen, and I spend a decent amount of time there giving walkthroughs and answering questions when I know the process.


So you're telling me Sutekh, the god of death, and Jack Harkness, a city death can visit but never live in, were hitchhiking on the TARDIS at the same time. Death and Anti-Death went on a joyride together through the naked vortex, a cosmic event that freaked out the TARDIS so hard it ran face first into the heat death of the universe, and Ten walked out and looked at cold dead Jack and said "yeah that was just because the TARDIS hates immortals" and somewhere invisible hitchhiker Sutekh sighed in relief because he was so sure he was busted that time. That's what you're saying here


On a campaign to normalize pillow princessing bc of chronic pain


by talos this can’t be happening is a mandela effect because the actual phrase is by the gods this can’t be happening and i’ve never heard anyone say the former in game

by talos this can’t be happening

the phrase by talos this can’t be happening is actually from a rupaul roleplay blog who left their husband in a cage with no food and water for a few weeks and the husband died sorry to be the spoil sport but it does have an origin and it is a very tumblr origin in nature


Here’s the post they’re referring to for context


Oh. Skyrim husband.


I love the sex and magic pride flag. Pink and turquoise and sex and magic are so important to me. I've always argued that we need to put sex and magic back in the pride flag. Then I thought, why stop there?

This is the Sex and Magic Flag, reblog if you like sex and magic

Hi OP here! I can't breathe

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