
a mermaid made of dodol.

@duyungdodol / duyungdodol.tumblr.com

20+, a mermaid's main blog with old sketchbooks.
Anonymous asked:

i wish you nothing but the best. you're such a kind person. i see you post when you're upset or struggling, and i just want to let you know that although we've never spoken, i think you deserve everlasting happiness.

You deserve everlasting happiness too. I better keep going at it and learn as much as I can. It's been harsh but grand altogether.

You are the one that is most kind. May all the foods you love and the tiny things you adore-- May they all come to you so naturally and warmly into your life.

Good luck, I wish you all the best too. Drink lots of water and get fruits too. I love mangoes myself.

Anonymous asked:

I was curious about what was dodol, it looks delicious! Also reminds me of a mexican sweet called Ate. :3

I went to look at them online and it looks so, so yummy. I love the colors already. Aaaah, so hungry for it. I feel gula melaka is definitely heavy like sticky taffy. I wonder if Ate is like sticky taffy too or is it easy to bite?

Thank you for sharing me this, I hope I can find it and try it for myself! 💕

Anonymous asked:

I just wanna say that I was an old Twitter follower of yours and I finally just got your username !! I had to look up the meaning in Malay but I just wanted to say it's a sweet name and dodol looks very yummy !!

Good morning, I hope your days are well and warm for you and your loved ones.

Gasp, wait what?! Aawww, hold up, that made me smile very much. Yes, mermaids are so cool and dodol is so delicious! ✨

I hope you will someday get to try it if you are curious about 'gula melaka'. It's my favourite sweetness, hehe.

Fun fact (?): 'duyung' and 'dodol' holds deep meaning for me.

For 'dodol':

Recently, I somewhat fixed my relationship with my father whom left us for 14 years with a very giant debt that we are still paying for to this day as he lives with another family. Therapy is helping me a lot with this, haha. (Which is why I'm so excited for my new job today. It's going to help my mother and our house a lot, and I can rest and prepare a proper drawing & life schedule instead of only drawing art and comms only for 15 hours a day on or off stream. Woohoo!!!)

On the first day we met him and his new family, him and his other daughter served us dodol (and sirap, yummy).

That was the first time I had it, believe it or not. It was also the first time I saw my father smile and laugh. I talked to his other daughter for the first time too. It was awkward but we had a good conversation.

I changed my art name since that day, to have 'dodol' included. I left isolation after 14 years and I tried dodol for the very first time... as well as went through so many other complicated emotions and experiences.

As for 'duyung':

When father left us to start another family, my mother was never the same-- only recently, she is more herself and happy and I'm so proud of her for fighting for her life!-- back then, she had to work multiple jobs to pay for my father's demands and debts as well as the house expenses after he left us-- but she also made me a play room full of toys and dolls. The doll I remember so clearly and loved so dearly was a mermaid Barbie doll. Blue and pink in color and the tail has a hard time bending, haha.

I was able to talk about this memory at last, when I went to therapy recently. It no longer hurts to remember some parts of the past nor do I fully blame myself for being a child and not knowing what my mother was going through. I wish she told me all those years ago but... I know why she didn't tell me too. Only now as an adult, I can help her.

'Duyung' reminds me of how my mother was able to make me dream despite the nightmares around me,... around her. My mother was able to give me a childhood where I can dream about being a mermaid with my mermaid doll despite her harsh moments, her absence and our sudden fate that we couldn't fully control. A dream in a sea of nightmares, as I later came to realize it as I grew up.

She means the world to me and-- though I'm glad I fixed my relationship with my father, I'm glad he has not lived with us for many, many years now. We have been living happily without him, we just need therapy to boost us up properly, heh. I'm getting more tests at the special needs centre as we speak and I'm glad I'm getting a job to help pay for me too.

And that's the story of duyungdodol. The end.

Thank you for your letter. I feel nostalgic and hopeful today, as it's raining too.

Anonymous asked:

fellow system here to tell you that you are dearly loved & appreciated 💜 it's confusing and hard to understand yourself sometimes, but it'll get easier, I promise

A toast to that, dear... A confusing and hard time indeed but it seems that's just how it is for all of us altogether, huh.

Thank you deeply, I say the same back to you!

Take care out there. Cheers.


Good day and hello, I am answering both in one post. Thank you so much for your letters! I didn't know at all. My past and old friends throughout the years told me they knew too and even discussed with me about it, but I thought there's no way I have such a thing. I truly felt I had things under control and I just have strong memory loss, a bad sleep walking habit and poor awareness, hah... There's no need for apologies. I wish I knew too though. Thank you for loving my Chamber, he loves you lots too. Thank you for your kindness, truly. I wish you and everyone good luck too. Drink lots of water.

Anonymous asked:

This is not even a question, I just want to say that after following you for a long time, hearing your sad stories and the pain you went through, I’m glad that you have a person who can support you in difficult times. I've never been so happy for someone on social media. I hope that you will take a well-deserved rest next to your loved one, for me you will always remain my idol and the important memory that your drawings and stories brought me.

Thank you... ever so much, aaah. You and the others that sent me all these letters, are very sweet. My dear one also said, "aww." at this and I thank you for your kind words that made him make that sound, hehe.

You and everyone's letters... As I look back on them, you're all just so kind. Thank you. I will do my best to do better with myself and with everyone that brings warmth like how you and the others gave to me and my dear one.

You're all awesome. I-- My heart mends gently and my motivation stays ever true. Aaah. Man, I'm... Thank you. I'm speechless.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Been a fan of yours sometime in 2021. It's sad to see that you're no longer on Twitter, but I'm sure you have your reasons, I can only wish you all the best.

I hope my question will not be rude or inappropriate, but may I ask why you started drawing valorant so little and rarely? I really like your work on the League of Legends, but as an old fan I was just curious.

In any case, I want to thank you for the pleasant memories your drawings gave me!


And, oh my gosh, don't make it sound like I died or something after removing social media, hahaha. I wish you the best too.

I just... moved on from VALORANT and LoL-- buuut mostly because Vanguard almost broke my laptop. When it tried to be implemented into LoL, scary shit happened and I didn't wish to risk it. I tried to uninstall it but it was... weirdly... staying and it didn't want to be deleted at all. So, I rebooted and made sure I don't have something like that anymore in my dear laptop.

It's sad but I kinda got... all the loveliest gifts and memories in VALORANT. It's to a point where... I don't have anymore stories to tell. My Chamber lives happily ever after.

I'm content with my achievements like solo-ranking to silver, buying what I want for myself, meeting such lovely people like Hugo, Jose, Time & Nut, awesome Rioters,... everyone. I adore them all and the memories. But I can't afford another laptop if this one breaks from anything scary or heavy. I do not wish to risk it anymore.

Thank you so much too, for joining Chamber on his journey with the riftwalker-- and my journey.

Thank you for supporting me since then. It means a lot.


Hi just wanted to popped in and ask if ur still doing comissions?

I was a fan of ur jhin & hwei art on twitter and always wanted to comission u but didn’t have the money to at the time. I was sad to see you leave twitter but i’m glad to have found u here again through recognizing ur beautiful art!

I have a good income now and I would like to support my favorite jhin & hwei artist (who also drew me into the ship in the first place hehe)

All and all glad to see u doing well now and wish u a very nice and pleasant day!


Hello there. I just finished one more commission before I went for a family trip last week so yes, I'm still doing commissions and I have a slot available for you too.

And thank you so much, I love drawing them. And aww, I'm so happy we fell in love with Jhin and Hwei together... It's so fun and this is so sweet!

And don't worry, me and my art gallery is here. Tumblr is a bit more to archiving. I love how it's like an actual art gallery ever since back then, hehe.

Plus, Let's gooooo!!! Congratulations on the good income. You worked hard for that. This is all great news!!!

My commission slot is open for you and you may message me what you would like, at any time. I'll display the commission menu as we discuss. Also, just to say: If you change your mind or wish to get something for yourself first-- since you now got good income for yourself, it's totally cool and I can save your slot for one more month or two. You got good income now and I totally want you to enjoy that for yourself, whatever you need and with your loved ones.

Have a great day, thank you so much for your kind letter and for considering me.


Hi there!

I saw your post about your old sketches being gone forever. I have a habit of saving a lot of art from artists I like, and I have a small folder of some of your sketches/art from twitter. If you're interested I can gladly send them to you for archiving :)

Other than that, I've loved your art since I first found you on twitter, and I hope that you're having a nice day!


Oh my goodness.

Oh my goodness. That's-- (also, hello to you as well.) God, I don't know how other artists, writers, and so on... can handle being told these very kind things. Everyone's kind words take me away... I take quite some time to process, I must say. If it's no trouble, I would love to see the old sketches again. Gone they are from me but I'm happy it's in good hands.

Feel free to delete them any time you wish, if you ever get sick of them. All of you deserve a lot of space for your devices. It's grand, having space!

Thank you ever so much, I love drawing so much-- and I hope you're having a lovely day too. Don't forget water and some dessert when the days get hard.


Hi! I'm so glad you feel much better after moving here from other certain platform(s)! Hope you and your husband are doing well!

I wonder, what are your feelings towards your Valentine's day Jhinhwei project? Do you consider it finished? Are you planning to make more of it someday? Would you... post some of it here (please)? It was so lovely, and both your and your husband's parts were so great and sweet!


Gasp, thank you so much. I'll tell him you like them. I love his writing too, it's mighty inspiring and exquisite. Also, good day to you!

I did keep some of my artworks of the Valentine's Day project and I do think my husband kept his chapters too. If he and I both want it to be published together again or to continue it again, we will definitely post it here!

Anonymous asked:

very infrequent twitter lurker here who is far more active on tumblr, and very very excited to see your beautiful work here! do you think you'll upload the entirety of your hweijhin works (and all your other lovely works) here to tumblr, over time? or are you keeping some works private? im glad youve found a more peaceful place here on this platform!

Good day to you, I hope this answer finds you well and safe & sound.

I definitely wish to post them all here. Aaah, I adore my sketchbooks, but some sketches are gone permanently.

And thank you deeply. Fun fact, I made this old place extra cozy for my artworks and interests, which makes me so happy. If I were to pass away, it will do my soul a great peace to have them in this nest and to visit them when I am still here to reminisce, haha.

Anonymous asked:

cheering for you and your growth and happiness from a respectful distance! :) some fellas have really gotta read up on what a parasocial relationship is :(

I cheer for everyone's growth and happiness, too. Take care, drink water during the hot weather times. You're very kind, thank you.

Well, there's that but I also handled things so badly and out of pure emotion. That's shit of me too. I got too overprotective of me, my boundaries and those I love. I didn't know how to handle people that confess to me that they are deeply connected to my posts and my art, etc. and wish to be my friend from just that. And they want my companionship and trust too fast when I myself still want time even with those I love today.

I got too weirded out by their behaviors but I could've communicated better back instead of just with anger & understand these people better, even those that communicated uncomfortable things towards me, those that got upset when they don't get what they wish for from me and those that don't communicate well with me, at all. Especially since I was seen with such importance by them and others.

Which is why I'm so relieved I lost my social media platforms. I never wanted to be seen as important. No matter what I said, some people... saw me as something so great but I'm not. I'm so not. How I handled certain situations show that. I just wanted to draw and be left alone. Not be given people's life stories & their problems and be whatever they want me to be. I've never been important for that and I never will be. I don't want to be, ever. I said that many times as the years went on. If deleting my social media platforms ends the cycle, so be it. I want to end it.

No matter what, I could've handled things better, for them and for me. It's a new age and people seem to depend on strangers online to be their role models, more than ever.


Hello! I wanted to ask if you still have your Yomber arts with you Couse I'm looking for one certain art of yours of them that got me into this ship back then

As far as my bad memory tells the art was about chambi hugging Yorus jacket when your went to the championships or something??


Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry but all my Yomber arts are now lost permanently due to my old laptop completely being destroyed. I did draw and post some in my Instagram and just some, here. I do remember the one you are referring to but I do apologize, my files are all gone along with my old laptop. :(

Anonymous asked:

Doesn't the new agent Iso... look like yoru X chamber's son, ceo of yomber? (Love your art btw)

Sorry for such a late reply. OH MY GOSH, yes. I actually did draw quite a lot of pieces of them as little Iso's parents and Omen as their little family blobcat that Iso always holds close, haha. Thank you for loving my art. I love it too.

Anonymous asked:

Hello, Kak Andy/Donna. ♡ A few days ago I just found out your Indonesian and that makes me sooo so happy! My favorite Yomber artist is Indonesian, aaa. 🥺 I saw on your twt that your graduation is coming soon, yeah? I don't know where you live (and I'd rather not ask, knowing that it could make you uncomfy), but if we were to live in the same city, I'd gladly free up my schedule to attend your graduation ceremony.

Selamat wisuda, kakak! You probably don't know me since I usually engage with your tweets in my private account, but please know that I love your arts sm. I hope we can meet someday. ♡

Hello. Sorry that I didn't answer for such a long time. Life took me away, truly. My inbox was mighty full too, sorry.

I'm Malaysian actually but aayy, Indonesia, our dear older brother country!

My graduation sadly didn't happen due to the price of it being too high and they're not going to make it an actual ceremony. Just photo and robe but the scroll was to be given to me just like how I visit the office for it. They want the ceremonies to be focused on recent batches, not the ones that didn't get graduation ceremonies during COVID pandemic as their time has passed. And I completely understand that but still, it sucks, aaah.

Thank you for loving my art and for supporting me in the past. It's very kind of you. If I were to have a ceremony with the others of my batch, everyone shall be invited to party, haha.


whaa!!! I'm so happy I somehow found you again! I love your art, I was missing you after you deleted your Twitter, I hope you're having a great day 😭

that is all 💕


Good evening to you, I hope this answer finds you well and that you're having a grand day yourself! Welcome to my tumblr, haha. It's a little messy but please-- I'll grab tea and cookies for you and everyone else here.

And thank you so, for loving my art. I love drawing and seeing my old works too!

Anonymous asked:

song anon here, follow by klangkarussell

honestly the whole song is a yomber dynamic "We, we don't have a lot to talk about We've said it all a couple of thousand times before You're in my head, I'm in yours We are somehow always falling in and out Prisoners and walls are built around us We tear them down, and then we go and build some more."

yomber who doesn't really trust/know the other but are attracted, it's a dangerous dance

"Leave, leave me be, I'm happy on my own I think I'll fall, I'm telling you I won't 'Til you come back, then suddenly I'll lose control" the loners thinking they'll be happy by themselves, but in the absence of the other, they're not so sure so when the other comes back, they pounce

I missed you, song anon! ❤️💕

UUUGGHH, AND YOU CAME BACK WITH A BANGER. HOLD UP....... AAAAAA, NOOOOOO..... I'M FEELING THINGS.... Thank you for this. I adore this. I'm.... about stare at a wall and think about this. Help...........

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