
a mermaid made of dodol.

@duyungdodol / duyungdodol.tumblr.com

20+, a mermaid's main blog with old sketchbooks.
Anonymous asked:

I was curious about what was dodol, it looks delicious! Also reminds me of a mexican sweet called Ate. :3

I went to look at them online and it looks so, so yummy. I love the colors already. Aaaah, so hungry for it. I feel gula melaka is definitely heavy like sticky taffy. I wonder if Ate is like sticky taffy too or is it easy to bite?

Thank you for sharing me this, I hope I can find it and try it for myself! 💕

Anonymous asked:

I just wanna say that I was an old Twitter follower of yours and I finally just got your username !! I had to look up the meaning in Malay but I just wanted to say it's a sweet name and dodol looks very yummy !!

Good morning, I hope your days are well and warm for you and your loved ones.

Gasp, wait what?! Aawww, hold up, that made me smile very much. Yes, mermaids are so cool and dodol is so delicious! ✨

I hope you will someday get to try it if you are curious about 'gula melaka'. It's my favourite sweetness, hehe.

Fun fact (?): 'duyung' and 'dodol' holds deep meaning for me.

For 'dodol':

Recently, I somewhat fixed my relationship with my father whom left us for 14 years with a very giant debt that we are still paying for to this day as he lives with another family. Therapy is helping me a lot with this, haha. (Which is why I'm so excited for my new job today. It's going to help my mother and our house a lot, and I can rest and prepare a proper drawing & life schedule instead of only drawing art and comms only for 15 hours a day on or off stream. Woohoo!!!)

On the first day we met him and his new family, him and his other daughter served us dodol (and sirap, yummy).

That was the first time I had it, believe it or not. It was also the first time I saw my father smile and laugh. I talked to his other daughter for the first time too. It was awkward but we had a good conversation.

I changed my art name since that day, to have 'dodol' included. I left isolation after 14 years and I tried dodol for the very first time... as well as went through so many other complicated emotions and experiences.

As for 'duyung':

When father left us to start another family, my mother was never the same-- only recently, she is more herself and happy and I'm so proud of her for fighting for her life!-- back then, she had to work multiple jobs to pay for my father's demands and debts as well as the house expenses after he left us-- but she also made me a play room full of toys and dolls. The doll I remember so clearly and loved so dearly was a mermaid Barbie doll. Blue and pink in color and the tail has a hard time bending, haha.

I was able to talk about this memory at last, when I went to therapy recently. It no longer hurts to remember some parts of the past nor do I fully blame myself for being a child and not knowing what my mother was going through. I wish she told me all those years ago but... I know why she didn't tell me too. Only now as an adult, I can help her.

'Duyung' reminds me of how my mother was able to make me dream despite the nightmares around me,... around her. My mother was able to give me a childhood where I can dream about being a mermaid with my mermaid doll despite her harsh moments, her absence and our sudden fate that we couldn't fully control. A dream in a sea of nightmares, as I later came to realize it as I grew up.

She means the world to me and-- though I'm glad I fixed my relationship with my father, I'm glad he has not lived with us for many, many years now. We have been living happily without him, we just need therapy to boost us up properly, heh. I'm getting more tests at the special needs centre as we speak and I'm glad I'm getting a job to help pay for me too.

And that's the story of duyungdodol. The end.

Thank you for your letter. I feel nostalgic and hopeful today, as it's raining too.


It's been continuously beautiful with my husband and best friends and my close friends and family. Alhamdulillah.

I better take care of myself much better!


I'll be unavailable during these days due to full-time shifts at my new favorite job. I'll be available again during off-days for drawing and updates again! 19th June, Wed. 20th June, Thu. 21st June, Fri. 24th June, Mon. 26th June, Wed. 27th June, Thurs. 28th June, Fri.


Have any of your friendships ever ended because you were always the first one to talk to someone and one day you stopped to see if they would talk to you first and they never did so you just stopped talking to each other?

Hey so I see this post a lot on my dash, and so I’m gonna take this moment to say something about it. When you are always the one initiating contact or hangouts with your friends, then it sets up a certain expected dynamic between the two of you. And so when you stop contacting them, they may be so used to you being the one who reaches out that when you don’t, they’ll assume it’s just because you’re busy. Or because you no longer want to hang out with /them/. So instead of just cutting off contact, talk to your friends. Let them know that you feel like you’re the one always making plans. You’ll be surprised at the number of them willing to make a change to help you feel more appreciated and loved. People can’t read minds. If you don’t tell them what you need or how you feel, then they’ll never know.


Also, do tell them what you need or how you feel without being negatively accusatory or assuming of them.

Accusations and going with your own assumptions, especially when it's negative, will offend anyone or make them feel taken aback completely. They're people you wish to be friends with. Treat them well. What if they do care about you but they have their own passive or patient way of showing it?

You can and should learn to communicate face-to-face with those you wish to befriend or continue to be friends with, without accusing them that they don't care about you and your needs enough or at all.

Ask. Always ask.

And if they have a boundary and wish to take it slow, that's not a 'no'. It means they want to take their time. If the friendship happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

Last but not least, if they do say no or your and their needs can't be met when together afterall, it's OK. Don't force it.

You will find someone eventually. Not change someone eventually.


Been resting from drawing and commissions since the paintings I've been doing, hurting me. And I am just waiting for my new job schedule~. In the process, I finished DMC5 and I cried with my dear ones. I love the game so much.


My music tastes when I was younger / and today-- is NF, golden oldies, The Killers, TWKUA,... and I love that.

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