
we'll walk in the sun

@downthepub / downthepub.tumblr.com

🌳🍄🌲🦌🌱blog established 2013 🍒 🍎 🍊🍇🍋

On the run from the law and on the trail of a murderer, Nero Wolfe stops to lecture about chili

Because of course he did


im always thinking about that post where someones grandma said “some people have never cleaned a bathroom and it shows” bc it does show


when i was a kid, in 2nd grade (age 7) i and some other kids made a mess in one of the bathrooms at school and the teachers instead of doing the normal canned "punishments" like having to skip lunch recess and sit still inside doing work, had us sit down with the janitors and they talked to us and the janitors explained the work they normally needed to do every day to clean the bathroom, and how what we did created extra work for them. and they took us into the bathroom and showed us what they do and how what we did made it more difficult.

and then they made us clean it all up (with help from the janitors because we were small kids and couldn't even reach everything, we had like thrown toilet paper high up and stuff) and they were very nice about it and there was no further punishment or mention of it again

and the things i took from this experience were:

  • i never trashed any shared or public space ever again in my life, even in the smallest way
  • i developed great respect for janitors which i have kept to this day

i think there are a lot of people who could benefit from this sort of experience.

our society often has so many problems not only because we insulate some people from the implications of their actions, but also because instead of facing them with those implications, we impose outside "punishments" that are often unrelated to the original wrongdoing.

like if they had not done what they did with us, and instead had just taken away our recess and made us do something boring and unpleasant, we wouldn't have learned what we did and we would have just learned that we need to get better at avoiding getting caught, which is generally how people respond to punishments that are divorced from explanations of how and why what you did was wrong and hurt people. if instead you confront people with those things, they will change of their own accord.

some adults out there are like full-grown children who never learned this stuff. but the solution isn't harsh punishment like putting them in jail and mistreating them there, the solution is that people need to be sat down with the people who are harmed by their actions and then they can work together to undo the damage, and see firsthand how hard it is.

it's transformative.


Back in 1942, when making a bad cup of tea may have been grounds for a divorce…

You see 👀 teas grown in hot 🌞 valleys ripen too fast ⏱️🏃‍♂️ so they taste FLAT But Lipton 📦 uses teas 🌳 grown on cooler 🌡❄️ slopes… teas that ripen SLOW ⏰️😴 and gain rich FULL flavor ☕️😚 this special flavor ☕️ has made Lipton 📦 America’s 🗽 largest selling tea.

Someone out there used time travel to go back in time and make this tea advertisement extremely tedious to read as a joke no one would get for over 50 years


How perfect is this cottage in the Lake District?

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I literally cannot overstate how important creative hobbies are when dealing with mental illness. If you can’t draw, there are coloring books. If you can’t write a novel, you can write in short journaling bursts. If you can’t sing in the shower, you can listen to music. Sometimes with mental illness it feels like we have this dark presence inside of us that is bumping around in our brain and organs, causing problems. It helps immensely to let it out.


i say this every time i have to mow a lawn but literally mowing lawn is the most wasteful miserable task human beings are expected to do on a regular basis for no pay except for i guess ones i dont know about or am forgetting

like its comedically bad you take a big horrible loud machine that belches smoke and you drive it over the plants you deliberately keep in your yard whenever they look too happy and alive and the machine hurts them and cuts down the flowers and kills whatever tiny animals are hiding in the grass that cant get away and kicks dust and dirt into the air and when the area youre using the machine on looks like shit again youre done

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