
post mammalian synapsid

@dimetrodone / dimetrodone.tumblr.com

My name is Emily and welcome to my sweat pit

Harro Siegel (German, 1900-1985) marionette of Grendel from his post-war production of Beowulf. The woman in the photo is identified as Bascha.


The Incident, 2024

Adreas and Ma-Vireva go on a date.


Dogs of War is a fun sci fi book, but I wish it leaned a bit more into being about man’s relationship with animals rather then being kinda a standard AI story just with uplifted animals instead of robots.

My most nitpicky opinion is I kinda wish the role of Honey (super genius uplifted bear) was given/merged in with Bees (Essentially an AI created by a network of of cyborganic bees).

Bees is by far the most conceptually fascinating of the bioforms (and is seen so in universe), but she as a character is pretty out of focus. I think Honey’s role as an almost omniscient helper of Rex and mastermind of parts of the story would be more interesting with the downright alien but benevolent growing swarm rather then the very human-like talking bear.

However seeing honey wearing a dress and little reading glasses later in the book was really cute tho so idk


Me when my answer in a Tumblr poll is in the majority: ahhh clearly a woman who knows what is a la mode... Finger on the pulse of society

Me when my answer on a Tumblr poll is in the minority: an uncommon mind... She stands apart from her peers


Continuation of this post of notes on alien sexuality with my other species. Oddly the Snamels and Holophants in the other post have some of the more “human-like” experiences with it physically and socially compared to the species here.

Sorry for the lack of names given on most of these guys, I’m not settled on most of them.


no idea where i was going with this but i abandoned it at the most disconcerting moment possible

look actually calling things that aren't the brand name by the brand name is something corporations really hate. because if it becomes common enough they stop having the trademark to the brand name.

did you know trampoline used to be a brand name? true facts. the inventor wanted all the imitators to call theirs, like, "elastic platforms" or some shit (i don't remember the specific shit) so he could keep advertising The One and Only Genuine Trampoline (tm). and then we didn't. and now nobody remembers him or his trademark.

aspirin used to be a trademark of Bayer

Per Wikipedia: "Trademark erosion, or genericization, is a special case of antonomasia related to trademarks. It happens when a trademark becomes so common that it starts being used as a common name and the original company has failed to prevent such use. Once it has become an appellative, the word cannot be registered any more; this is why companies try hard not to let their trademark become too common, a phenomenon that could otherwise be considered a successful move since it would mean that the company gained an exceptional recognition."

Examples of genericized trademarks include:

  • Air fryer
  • Aspirin
  • Dry ice
  • Escalator
  • Flip phone
  • Heroin
  • Kerosene
  • Teleprompter

Examples of trademarks that are at risk of genericization (so you definitely shouldn't use these terms; you don't want to take them away from the poor corporations, do you?):

  • Adrenaline (owned by Pfizer)
  • Allen wrench (owned by Apex Tool Group)
  • Band-Aid (owned by Johnson & Johnson)
  • Bubble Wrap (owned by Sealed Air)
  • ChapStick (owned by Suave Brands Company)
  • Frisbee (owned by Wham-O)
  • Google (owned by Google)
  • Hula hoop (owned by Wham-O)
  • Jacuzzi (owned by Jacuzzi)
  • Jell-O (owned by Kraft Heinz)
  • Jet Ski (owned by Kawasaki)
  • Kleenex (owned by Kimberly-Clark)
  • Lava lamp (owned by Mathmos)
  • Ping Pong (owned by Parker Brothers)
  • Play-Doh [and "Play Dough" in the UK] (owned by Hasbro)
  • Plexiglas (owned by Altuglas International)
  • Popsicle (owned by Good Humor-Breyers)
  • Post-it note (owned by 3M)
  • Putt-Putt golf (owned by Putt-Putt Fun Center)
  • Q-tips (owned by Unilever)
  • Realtor (owned by National Association of Realtors)
  • Rollerblade (owned by Nordica)
  • Scotch tape (owned by 3M)
  • Sharpie (owned by Sanford L.P)
  • Styrofoam (owned by Dow Chemical Company)
  • Super Glue/Superglue (owned by Super Glue Corporation)
  • Tupperware (owned by Earl Tupper)
  • Velcro (owned by Velcro Companies)
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