


He/They/It. 24
Another Cog In The Murder Machine

I decided to draw this thing based off of a bigger idea I had when the PPG reboot started using memes (so like… right from the beginning). Kids HATE memes/fads when adults or corporations who have no clue what they’re doing or why it was supposed to be cool or funny in the first place use them. ‘Cause then they just suck out your life essence and make you wanna die. So… clearly they should be used as a tool of evil! To destroy children! And what better lame-o to use a tool like that than THIS chimpy lame-o!

Anyway… enjoy/be terrified!

Honestly I think this is a good example of how a meme could be incorperated into a cartoon correctly

a sort of self-aware second-hand embaressment as opposed to ‘desperately trying to be hip’

this single post is better than the entirety of the ppg reboot


happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.

Non-Natives reblogging this are great and wonderful


Please remember that "land back" does not mean "indigenous people are mystical elves with innate epigenetic wisdom of land stewardship and they don't belong in big cities," nor does it mean "non-indigenous people can't be farmers." What it DOES mean is that "non-indigenous farmers should be paying the equivalent of property taxes to the native governments their land was stolen from." It means, "there's a great deal of indigenous scholarship on sustainable agricultural practices that farmers should be taking into account, because indigenous agriculture was more advanced than European agriculture at the time Europe invaded the Americas and western agriculture *still* hasn't caught up in terms of figuring out how to produce equivalently high crop yields without compromising the ecosystem." It means, "non-indigenous farmers should be in an intellectual discourse with indigenous agricultural scientists and indigenous peoples that still do traditional farming, figuring how to repair the damage western farming practices have done to the ecosystem."

It also means that indigenous peoples should regain the right to sustain themselves on the land according to the practices they want, and they should have free reign to perform their cultural practices and protect their holy sites, as opposed to the current model where if they try to honor their dead on public lands they get violently removed.

As a Native American (Navajo, specifically) Y'ALL PLEASE


today's vetted campaigns. please please continue to share and donate. i know lots of my posts are like this now, but we can't lose energy. these families need us.

june 18th:

not yet vetted but likely legitimate:

i know link-heavy posts like this can seem like a lot, but if you can pick even just one of these fundraisers to donate to or promote today, it makes a difference


Let's be clear about something: Even if it were possible for non-traumagenic systems to exist, they wouldn't belong in traumagenic spaces.

We would have completely different disorders, and as a result, completely different lifestyles. It would be virtually incomparable in every aspect other than the actual plurality.

Even if endos could exist, they wouldn't belong in system spaces. So if you think they can, get the fuck out of here. These places aren't for you.


So, we're making this post because we've found out we've had a few "NPD abuse is truth!!" people who have interacted. I'll be blunt. We don't want you here.

NPD is not abusive. Narcissistic traits are not abusive. If we see one more person trying to use malignant narcissism as it being abusive then we're going to lose our shit. Stop making an already stigmatized disorder WORSE.

I'm not invalidating anyone's trauma. I hear you and I believe you, but the one thing I will do is correct. It is not NPD abuse is or narc abuse (using narc abuse as we do have NPD, if your not a pwNPD then please do not), or even malignant narcissism abuse, it's verbal/mental/emotional/physical whatever type it is abuse. Narc abuse is NOT a real thing.

Yes, there are abusive pwNPD. They aren't abusive because they have have NPD. They're just abusive. This whole belief on it is trying to divide us into "good narcissists" and "bad narcissists" where the good ones shut up and let people talk about how NPD is abusive and keep mouths closed and pretend to have empathy. The "bad" ones speak out against people's blatant ableism (which idgaf if you have a mental disorder as well, that does NOT stop you from being ableist), don't care about pretending empathy and are just themselves. What happened to not trying to divide a community already under attack all the fucking time?

To sum up a long ass message, if you believe in any form of narcissist abuse then do not interact here. Your not welcome, we don't want you, we don't even want to think of you here. Because in this situation, if any of us would be abusive, it'd be you who push that narrative in your strive to "educate" and instead ruin people for something out of their fucking control.


you can't be a system without trauma. there is no comparing trauma, but you still need some kind to be a system.

it's okay to be in denial, or to not be aware that you have trauma. but without any, systems cannot exist.


anyone else think of how terrifying sock opera must have been for mabel


when bipper’s looking down at her with that shit-eating grin, holding the rope?? Yk, that iconic scene??

Yeah, I can’t imagine how Mabel must have felt or how many nightmares sprung from that.

just. Imagine with me, okay? You’re twelve. You have a twin brother who’s been there for you your whole life, and always has your best interest at heart. He’s given up so much for you, and you’ve tried your best to help him in return, helping him solve mysteries and engaging in the things he enjoys with him. You don’t have to do that, but you do, because you want him to be happy.

And one day, something odd happens. He hasn’t gotten a lot of sleep lately, so maybe it’s just sleep deprivation! Maybe he’s just. ..Acting so oddly,, because he’s tired!

yeah. That’s it. At least he wants to help you with your crush for once, even if he wanted to focus on that laptop earlier. You feel kinda bad about ignoring it, but c’monnnn!! This guy is. So hot. You can’t help yourself! .. probably.

When you’re almost halfway through your attempt to impress this guy, this.. puppet you made starts floating, talking to you in the voice of your brother, telling you that he did something stupid (made a deal), and his body is currently being possessed by this triangle jerk you encountered earlier in the summer.

… kinda a lot to take in, but hey!! At least you know what was off now. .. wow, you’re kind of a bad sister for not noticing, huh?

anyways, he needs your help! But it could totally ruin your chances with this guy…. But that doesn’t matter, he needs your help. This only happened because you didn’t help him earlier, so you gotta help him now, right??

you rush to find the only thing that could possibly help you in this scenario. The journal.

And when you do find it, well..

even though you know that is not your brother, that’s a demon, possessing your brother’s body.. it still looks like him. And never have you felt such utter horror, such primal fear at the sight of a simple grin, ear. to. ear.

seeing him above you, standing on the catwalk makes you feel small, useless, insignificant.

and the expression on his face is one you hope you never see his facial features contort into again.

And he’s holding onto the rope that could mean the difference between life or death for you, the rope that is holding you and the wooden cake in the air. You’re lucky he caught it in the first place.

He could drop it any time he wants. Let go any time he wants. And he does, briefly, toying with you.

When your eyes widen and fear squeezes at your heart, he laughs at your pathetic, meaningless actions.

and even though you know it isn’t your brother. You know it’s not him, it’s not him, it’s not, it’s not…

And yet. It sounds like him. His laugh. The little one he makes whenever you make a silly joke, or fall over dramatically, possibly at the expense of your dignity. The one you have heard so many times, usually just as innocent and sweet as the last. And now you hear it again, and even if it’s something else laughing through him,, you can’t help but hear it. Tainted with ill intent.

The day does get saved, however. Your brother gets back into his own body not too much later. And everything is back to normal!

….. but.

You can’t help but remember that moment whenever he smiles a bit too wide, or laughs a bit too hard.

You can’t help but stay awake at night, replaying that moment. Telling yourself that it wasn’t him.

And you still have nightmares about it, too. Where you don’t notice until it’s too late and that thing that looks and sounds like him but isn’t him is back and this time you’ve lost, you’ve lost, you’ve lost!

..you wish you were a better sister.

Anonymous asked:

I think the issue is that being a system is not the same as having a trauma disorder. Systemhood is not a trauma disorder in and of itself.

DID is a trauma disorder. So is OSDD and the other CDDs. But those disorders are so much more than just being a system. Having alters is only one symptom.

And there are people out there who genuinely share system experiences without a history of repeated trauma. They may not have alters, but they do experience life as more than one. They may be plural, but they don’t deal with the dissociation, the amnesia, the flashbacks, and all the other awful symptoms that come with our disorder. Those people are going to exist and they are going to live their lives whether you and I like it or not.

It’s something worth considering. Quite often people can’t help who they are, and they’re simply trying to exist and live their lives as best they can. And it’s not really our place to tell them they’re wrong for just trying to figure themselves out.

You cannot be a system without having a disorder that includes them. Full stop. You cannot be a system without dissociation. Dissociation is what creates the barriers that create the alters. Without those barriers, there are no alters.

Dissociation is a trauma response. Dissociation bad enough to cause alters to form, is a severe trauma response. Full stop.

They can live their lives however they want and we cannot stop them. What they can’t do is run around spreading misinformation about a disorder that is stigmatized enough as it is, without facing the consequences of being called out. They’re causing real harm, to real systems.

There is no such thing as a “non-disordered” system. Not remembering your trauma doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Not thinking your trauma was “bad enough”, doesn’t change the fact that it caused irreparable damage.


Do y’all genuinely think we’re running around asking everyone who says they’re a system whether or not they have trauma? Like we’re just actively looking for people to fake claim?

When someone says they’re a system, people usually just assume that they DO have trauma. Because, y’know, it’s a fucking trauma-based disorder.

If people don’t want others to know they have trauma, they shouldn’t be posting about having the trauma disorder. Just a fucking thought.

And also, syscourse isn’t about demanding to know if someone has trauma or not dingus. Because as stated before, if you have the trauma disorder everyone just assumes that you have trauma.

Syscourse is about chucklefucks like you thinking that people can have the trauma disorder without trauma, and imvade spaces that don’t fucking belong to them.

Of course nobody is entitled to personal information dipshit. But if someone is running around actively spreading misinformation and claiming to have a trauma disorder without trauma, we’re going to tell them that they’re wrong and to shut the fuck up.

[Image ID: screenshot of a post with no username reading “the big thing that gets me abt syscourse is that it’s literally none of your business. why do you need to know if a stranger on the internet has trauma. why do you need to know the medical history of a stranger on the internet. did you never learn basic internet safety? what makes you think you’re entitled to that information about a person. [read the post a few more times before trying to start shit, okay?]” The last line in brackets is in bold. End ID]


Do y’all genuinely think we’re running around asking everyone who says they’re a system whether or not they have trauma? Like we’re just actively looking for people to fake claim?

When someone says they’re a system, people usually just assume that they DO have trauma. Because, y’know, it’s a fucking trauma-based disorder.

If people don’t want others to know they have trauma, they shouldn’t be posting about having the trauma disorder. Just a fucking thought.

And also, syscourse isn’t about demanding to know if someone has trauma or not dingus. Because as stated before, if you have the trauma disorder everyone just assumes that you have trauma.

Syscourse is about chucklefucks like you thinking that people can have the trauma disorder without trauma, and imvade spaces that don’t fucking belong to them.

Of course nobody is entitled to personal information dipshit. But if someone is running around actively spreading misinformation and claiming to have a trauma disorder without trauma, we’re going to tell them that they’re wrong and to shut the fuck up.


"The future is plural" movement from endos is CONCERNING

regardless of the fact they do not believe you require trauma to be a system (medically impossible) this proves they want to groom kids into identifying as endo and spread their medical misinformation further.

as well as causing real systems to believe they dont have it bad enough to be "traumagenic" (the only "genic you can be. this language is bullshit im just using these terms to explain their shit), preventing them from getting real help. they are WIDELY anti-recovery.

their misinformation has ALREADY endangered real systems medically as they have made professionals skeptical of a medically proven disorder, a disorder that is already very stigmatised.

outside of just endogenic misinformation, this statement leads to the idea that they want to traumatise kids to make more systems.



Me when I remember I can just block dickheads who miss the point of my posts


I feel like that fucking ManRay and Patrick meme trying to explain why glasses are medical equipment and should be covered by insurance.


Made the mistake of bringing up that needing glasses is a disability on tiktok and people got real mad.

“You can fix it with glasses” yeah, cuz they’re a disability aid? But like, I still have to pay 160 bucks to use my own fucking eyes?

Like, by definition, if your eyes do not work without aid, you have a disability to see.

Having a disability doesn’t automatically put you in what people consider the “disabled” category, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is in fact, a disability.

Thank you to the person who brought this post back into my notifs because I just recently got a new pair of glasses!

And it only cost me $305!! What a steal!! A perfectly acceptable price to pay to be able to properly function in society! (Internal screaming)

Please always remember that glasses are a disability aid. Some of us literally cannot function without them.


A tip to those with glasses - 39DollarGlasses is a really useful site for ordering new ones if you already know your prescription! Every pair they sell is $39 USD, which is LEAGUES cheaper than the glasses I've had to buy from eye doctors, plus they've got more styles than most clinics too!

I don't know if this will help everyone who needs a new pair, but it was a lifesaver when a friend recommended it to me. Check it out if you can!

Also if you don’t know your prescription or need it updated, see if you have an America’s Best location near you. $79 for an exam and 2 pairs of single vision glasses (there’s an up charge for bifocals/progressives, but it’s still going to be cheaper than other places)

I don’t pay for vision insurance because it’s so affordable to go every other year (my prescription is pretty stable) and get my exam and two new pairs.

Plus of course the benefits of being able to try on frames in store vs ordering online.

Okay, but see, here's the problem: disability has two definitions, and one is medical and one is legal. The medical definition is any abnormality that can be medically proven which impacts your ability to participate in day to day activities. However, the legal definition is a physical, mental, etc. condition which prevents or severely restricts one's major life activities, with corrective measures. That means that once you have eyeglasses, you don't have a disability anymore because it doesn't limit your major life activities. A person in a wheelchair, however, is still disabled because their wheelchair prevents access even if it doesn't restrict mobility. It doesn't matter that it's more expensive than how people with good vision have to live, you are still not legally disabled because it's not severely limiting your life activities. And the people who argue it's not a disability are arguing from the legal side, while the people that point out that you need an aid to function are arguing from the medical side.

So by that logic, my father is not longer disabled because he has prosthetics and is no longer limited from life activities!

Except no! Cuz that’s not how it works! He’s still legally disabled because he’s got no legs! Even though he’s not limited from life activities like you claim!

The REAL problem is that people think disability is a dirty word and don’t want to accept that if needing glasses is a disability, then a LOT more people are disabled than they like to think!

If something happens to my glasses, I will not be able to function or see until I aquire new glasses. Therefore, insurance should cover my glasses, period.

The devil doesn’t need an advocate, douchebag. Vision impairment is a fucking disability.

My guy, I didn't take a side. I was simply clarifying where the two sides were arguing from. I didn't make a moral statement; that is on you. Do better.

You came onto my post about how visual impairment is a disability, and wrote an entire diatribe about how it “legally isn’t”, and why.

That’s playing devil’s advocate for the idiots who say that needing glasses isn’t a disability.

There aren’t “two definitions” of disability, a disability is a disability whether the government acknowledges it as such or not.

The argument was never “it costs me more to live, so I’m disabled” it was “I’m disabled so my insurance should pay for my disability aids- and they don’t so I’m pissed.”

Stop pissing on the poor and take your own advice asswipe.

Your original post wasn't "I'm disabled and insurance should cover my disability." Your original post was "I'm disabled but people don't think I am even when I am." Me responding and saying "here's why people don't think you are" isn't playing devil's advocate. It's addressing the underlying cause of your anger: the two definitions of disability.

Of course there are two definitions of disability! There are two definitions of marriage, guilt, even tomatoes. And, look, I get there's a difference between when we're arguing about putting tomatoes in a fruit salad and arguing about whether medical insurance should cover glasses. But arguing over whether it should be legally a disability is honestly kind of important when you're talking about insurance and it has much farther-reaching implications because if it is a disability, then job fields that don't have reasonable accommodations — like pilots, firefighters, and lifeguards — will have to start offering them. It means people with glasses will be able to enter the Paralympics. It means that you might be able to get a disabled parking pass just for needing contacts. There are reasons why it's not considered a disability and you're not morally superior to people who think it shouldn't be legally classified as one.

And spoiler alert: I wear corrective lenses. I'm one of the medically-but-not-legally disabled people that you're talking about. And just because you're short-sighted doesn't mean all of us are.

I never said I’m morally superior to anyone you annoying strawmanning fuck. I just mentioned that people don’t see one of my disabilities(which I have multiple of, fyi) as not a disability and therefore okay to make a mockery of.

The underlying cause of my anger is stupid nitpicky bitches like you who make stupid shit arguments like “if we let people with this disability get aid, then they’re gonna try and join the Paralympics!!” Like literally who the fuck thinks shit like that? We just want to not have to pay an arm and a leg to be able to fucking see my guy.

If I have eyecare insurance, that insurance should pay for the fucking medical equipment I need. That shouldn’t be such a fucking problem.

The government deciding we’re not disabled enough and should have to spend our whole paycheck just to be able to see is fucked up. It’s medically necessary equipment, insurance should cover it.


Made the mistake of bringing up that needing glasses is a disability on tiktok and people got real mad.

“You can fix it with glasses” yeah, cuz they’re a disability aid? But like, I still have to pay 160 bucks to use my own fucking eyes?

Like, by definition, if your eyes do not work without aid, you have a disability to see.

Having a disability doesn’t automatically put you in what people consider the “disabled” category, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is in fact, a disability.

Thank you to the person who brought this post back into my notifs because I just recently got a new pair of glasses!

And it only cost me $305!! What a steal!! A perfectly acceptable price to pay to be able to properly function in society! (Internal screaming)

Please always remember that glasses are a disability aid. Some of us literally cannot function without them.


A tip to those with glasses - 39DollarGlasses is a really useful site for ordering new ones if you already know your prescription! Every pair they sell is $39 USD, which is LEAGUES cheaper than the glasses I've had to buy from eye doctors, plus they've got more styles than most clinics too!

I don't know if this will help everyone who needs a new pair, but it was a lifesaver when a friend recommended it to me. Check it out if you can!

Also if you don’t know your prescription or need it updated, see if you have an America’s Best location near you. $79 for an exam and 2 pairs of single vision glasses (there’s an up charge for bifocals/progressives, but it’s still going to be cheaper than other places)

I don’t pay for vision insurance because it’s so affordable to go every other year (my prescription is pretty stable) and get my exam and two new pairs.

Plus of course the benefits of being able to try on frames in store vs ordering online.

Okay, but see, here's the problem: disability has two definitions, and one is medical and one is legal. The medical definition is any abnormality that can be medically proven which impacts your ability to participate in day to day activities. However, the legal definition is a physical, mental, etc. condition which prevents or severely restricts one's major life activities, with corrective measures. That means that once you have eyeglasses, you don't have a disability anymore because it doesn't limit your major life activities. A person in a wheelchair, however, is still disabled because their wheelchair prevents access even if it doesn't restrict mobility. It doesn't matter that it's more expensive than how people with good vision have to live, you are still not legally disabled because it's not severely limiting your life activities. And the people who argue it's not a disability are arguing from the legal side, while the people that point out that you need an aid to function are arguing from the medical side.

So by that logic, my father is not longer disabled because he has prosthetics and is no longer limited from life activities!

Except no! Cuz that’s not how it works! He’s still legally disabled because he’s got no legs! Even though he’s not limited from life activities like you claim!

The REAL problem is that people think disability is a dirty word and don’t want to accept that if needing glasses is a disability, then a LOT more people are disabled than they like to think!

If something happens to my glasses, I will not be able to function or see until I aquire new glasses. Therefore, insurance should cover my glasses, period.

The devil doesn’t need an advocate, douchebag. Vision impairment is a fucking disability.

My guy, I didn't take a side. I was simply clarifying where the two sides were arguing from. I didn't make a moral statement; that is on you. Do better.

You came onto my post about how visual impairment is a disability, and wrote an entire diatribe about how it “legally isn’t”, and why.

That’s playing devil’s advocate for the idiots who say that needing glasses isn’t a disability.

There aren’t “two definitions” of disability, a disability is a disability whether the government acknowledges it as such or not.

The argument was never “it costs me more to live, so I’m disabled” it was “I’m disabled so my insurance should pay for my disability aids- and they don’t so I’m pissed.”

Stop pissing on the poor and take your own advice asswipe.

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