
THE CASS!!???!?


extremely the creature 🐁 trans 🐁 she/her 🐁 24 🐁 making games! 🐁 gamedev blog: @cassiesdevblog 🐁 πŸ”žno minors



welcome to my blog!!


Games I've made/worked on:

πŸ₯ Pyo

A cute little $1 hand-drawn game about bouncing off beans!

πŸ‘οΈ Grey Area

A tough platformer following a little kid going to the store all by herself for the first time and getting very, very lost

🐈Scratch Games

I made a lot of games on Scratch from around age 10 to 18. I'm still proud of "Groundy & Skyah!" and a few others! Linked here is my main profile, from which you can also find my alt, which has some of my earliest projects and some prototypes :)


Gamedev blog: @cassiesdevblog

Writing: #mouswords


ok I lied about not showing off the new tech this is so fun oh my god

basically, if you do a grounded dive (press jump + dive at the same time) it gives you 20 frames where you can jump off the air. this carries your momentum so it's ridiculously unwieldy, but you can use a second dive to tame the extra momentum. still, it's a tricky technique to make proper use of but it leads to sick stuff like this if you get it down and learn the levels well enough!

Hailey is a stone you can skip across the surface of this world like it's a pond


hey guys do you wanna hang out with me and my evil doppelganger


hey vsauce! you here. by clicking on this very video, you have become trapped inside it. this is you speaking right now


saddle that says "don't talk to me until I've ridden my horse"


Had a dream that a 7 foot tall woman moved in next to me and she was EXTREMELY into me. The problem? She was CIS

she was also EXTREMELY like, invasively forward about her interest in me, which would have been exciting except that she was a sub and a bottom. ma'am do you think I'm in the business of dommeing?


Had a dream that a 7 foot tall woman moved in next to me and she was EXTREMELY into me. The problem? She was CIS


I asked the owner of the house I live in for his blessing to ask for the air fryer's hand in marriage and he said yes :')

outta my way "clearly you don't own an air fryer" crowd. you don't love her like I do

well I wouldn't say that exactly. she owns me

me walking into the kitchen: "My sweet love the air fryer and I are about to share in the act of creation of a delicious meal😊"

roommate: "... should I leave the room...?😳"


olliegame monthly dev streams coming back next month πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ

life truly Occurred for a few months but I've been getting back into dev and this week I'm gonna jump fully back into my routine starting on Monday >:3


big the cat and small the dog kiss and love each other very much


when I was a child I loved asking cisgender questions like "mom when I grow up will I be a girl?"

for some mysterious and unknown reason I got it in my head that you would change genders when you became an adult

I was not far off tbh.. I figured it out like a few months before I turned 18


when I was a child I loved asking cisgender questions like "mom when I grow up will I be a girl?"


Once you exit the womb, you can use the left stick to walk around and explore your surroundings. You can press A to jump, allowing you to access higher places. Try jumping onto the doctor's cabinets

I had to read this twice for a moment because I use a cane on my left side... and I was like.... hmmm... I do use a left stick to walk around and explore!


I've been creating a little tradition of lesbian flannel gifting

If a partner gifts me one of their flannels, it becomes infused with the love from our relationship, and I in turn gift them one of mine, and I share stories of the relationship it came from

If the day comes that we decide to part ways, the flannel retains the love infused in it, regardless of the pain or heartache our relationship may have had

Then, when I'm ready to see someone new, the flannel from my previous relationship goes to them in a gesture of moving on while carrying forward the warmth and memories from the past

There's a kind of beauty, I think, in the idea of these flannels traveling far, passing from heart to heart, filling up with more and more love as they go. The flannel is a reminder that this relationship too may end, but its warmth will not be forgotten

I hope that these flannels carry with them an oral history of the love from past relationships. Stories of people the current owners may not have ever met, stretching back far

In the throes of heartbreak after lost love, there's a solace in knowing that the flannel you were gifted hasn't ended its story with you, that a day will come when you can pass it on again and share the love it holds

Love can flip to hate with gut-wrenching suddenness. We love and we lose, and we so often carry forward regret and anger. We so often assure new loves that this time will be different, that this will last, that our love can never flip over to hatred

A flannel is a symbol that we can't know what the future will hold or how long this will last, and that we can't promise that we will always love each other the same way we do now. Yet, the flannel is a promise that we will not forget the love we shared. No matter what happens, however this may end, we will bring the memory of this love forward with us, and we will bring its warmth even when we are giving love to someone else

The flannel reminds us that love is past, love is present, and love is future. Whoever we share it with across time, and however much pain and bitterness and heartbreak we have endured and may again endure, love always has been, and always will be, within us


I've been creating a little tradition of lesbian flannel gifting

If a partner gifts me one of their flannels, it becomes infused with the love from our relationship, and I in turn gift them one of mine, and I share stories of the relationship it came from

If the day comes that we decide to part ways, the flannel retains the love infused in it, regardless of the pain or heartache our relationship may have had

Then, when I'm ready to see someone new, the flannel from my previous relationship goes to them in a gesture of moving on while carrying forward the warmth and memories from the past

There's a kind of beauty, I think, in the idea of these flannels traveling far, passing from heart to heart, filling up with more and more love as they go. The flannel is a reminder that this relationship too may end, but its warmth will not be forgotten

I hope that these flannels carry with them an oral history of the love from past relationships. Stories of people the current owners may not have ever met, stretching back far

In the throes of heartbreak after lost love, there's a solace in knowing that the flannel you were gifted hasn't ended its story with you, that a day will come when you can pass it on again and share the love it holds



1. We are all flawed, traumatized humans at the end of their rope. Many of our actions say more about the conditions we live under than who we are as people.

2. No one is disposable. No one is unsalvageable.

3. Life holds greater value than being right or comfortable. Hurt is preferable to death.

4. No one should be deprived of community.

5. Harm does not require further harm. Punishment does not equate protection or healing.

I asked the owner of the house I live in for his blessing to ask for the air fryer's hand in marriage and he said yes :')

outta my way "clearly you don't own an air fryer" crowd. you don't love her like I do

well I wouldn't say that exactly. she owns me

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