
Cyan Bug Remix

@cyanbugremix / cyanbugremix.tumblr.com

✨I just like a lot of things 😎 | INFP | Any pronouns✨

"Snakes" aren't real. It's a camera artifact that happens when one of these extremely fast, tiny lizards runs past while the shutter is open.

The long, legless animal is nothing more than a myth perpetuated through culture and media. It's time to wake up and see the truth.

The kind of fake conspiracy theory that only works on people who have never seen wild snakes in person. I used to live in rattler country. Almost stepped on a couple. That I know of. Indeed very yikes.

You've probably seen the fake animatronic "snakes" the government puts up. You can tell because they move so slow

I'm an Australian and like a good 25% of Australians I used to make a living building these animatronics to put myself through uni. We field test them here before export to the rest of the world. That's why people say Australian snakes are so venomous; we've got a lot of beta release models here and we don't want tourists getting too close where they can spot the flaws.


guy and eli blinkies 😈 (if ur still doing these ofc!)


- maybe #bd57ff / #d06dff bg w white text OR a black bg w either of the colors text

- “elliott’s sunshine” OR “elliott’s dream boy” hehe (if it could fit)


- #e2ae52 / #e29d4b bg w white text OR black bg w either of those colors text (same as eli)

- “guy’s honey” — also maybe one thats “honey’s bug” cuz thats what i think honey calls guy

aaaaand if you wanna be silly goofy maybe some morgan kyne ones?? ill let you have fun w that idea :]


i was so excited to do these!! i love guy being called bug, i think it's sooo cute 🥺🩷 since the text on his was so short i put his icon on both sides (but i can change that to one side like elliott's if you want!) + i couldn't do the little slice taken out 'cause it just wasn't translating so i'm sorry about that 💔 but i hope you like these!!

please do not use without permission from the requester! template from blinkies.cafe!



I kinda want Kody to make an appearance during the Damn fam's roadtrip, see Freelancer and Dear hanging out together and immediately get jealous that they're with a different water elemental

"Oh I see you finally completed your little elemental collection, Raincloud."

And Dear just looks Kody up and down and says "If you were the first candidate, no wonder they waited."


I had a new "oh, my family were the weird ones" moment recently: it seems no one else's family celebrated Frog Night (the first warm rainy night of spring) by going down to the local vernal pool after dark to help the amphibians safely across the road and listening to the spring peepers. (We'd then go back in daytime later on to observe the egg masses, of course.)

Apparently "Frog Night" as a holiday is a thing my mother invented and not a widely-accepted idea, which is a shame because I've been referring to it as if it was for the past 30 years.


​I met this old guy named Tim on a greyhound yesterday and he talked about his visit to a friends farm where he learned the best way to know when the last maple syrup boil could happen was to listen for the peepers. Apparently, once they started going it was a sign it wasn’t good for the trees to keep drawing syrup. Anyway so his friend sent him out to peepers check and he was walking through the woods listening for peepers and ran into ANOTHER old dude in the woods who just looked at him knowingly and was like, no peepers yet. There’s no like calendar date, or math equation, or other controlled way to know when to stop drawing maple syrup. just a bunch of guys in the woods listening for frogs.

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