
and the dream went on forever/one single static frame

alice or michael - it/he/she/they/whatever - what I post about on this blog is entirely dependant on my eclectic and fleeting whims do not expect consistency


With the power of adhd you can do two halves of different chores and then sit down again instead of finishing either 👍

This may be mistaken for half-assing it but you would be wrong. I am whole-assing but I've distributed my ass across multiple tasks and didn't finish anything. But. Multiple chores are more done than they were before. Take it or leave it


People complain about official atla content and other fans "not considering Suki a member of the gaang" but the truth is that "member of the gaang" and "main character" are not equivalent and she is not a main character. The content you're mad about doesn't include her because she isn't a main character. No one's saying she's not a part of team avatar she's just not a main character of the story. You can tell this because she doesn't have a distinct dynamic with every other main character- the same reason Iroh and Azula aren't *quite* main characters, because although they have a good deal of screentime and great narrative importance they only have significant relationships with a few members of the actual main cast.

To clarify Suki is ABSOLUTELY a member of the gaang/team avatar/whatever! We only see her interact with sokka really, and zuko for like 2 minutes, but I think it's definitely implied that she knows the rest of them a little better than we see. Similar to how we assume Yue got to know katara and aang and even sokka a little better offscreen because it makes sense. We don't see everything that happens when they stay somewhere for a significant amount of time. They were in Kyoshi island for a few days I assume and in the NWT for a While. Weeks? Over a month? Idk timeline. But they met up with suki multiple times and I'm pretty sure we're meant to assume she didn't ONLY talk to sokka lmao. That's just the only relationship that's relevant to the plot so it's what we focus on. Suki isn't boring or anything, she's very interesting, she has goals and motivations that make sense and a consistent personality and she's got a lot going on! She's just not a main character because not much of the stuff she has going on is ever relevant to the plot


It's so funny that Misa is famous. Imagine that you're a normal ass cop and you get put on a special task force to catch a mass murderer. And you meet with the expert detective in charge. And he tells you your top 2 suspects are a random teenager and like. Ariana grande

There's a disturbing amount of people leaving tags on this post saying something to the effect of "Ariana would tbh". Is there something very important I don't know about Ariana grande


favorite character from any media BUT it has to be a woman. in the tags now go (pls talk to me about your favorite fictional women pls pls pls pls)

#misa amane i love you.... she did nothing wrong ever except for all the killings but umm god forbid women have hobbies.#shes so smart and people will lie to you and say she isnt but they dont get her like i do and they also hate women#also god ... every main girl in atla i guess they arent really Women bc theyre all 12-16 but well. i love them.#i have like 4-5 pages of my sketchbook recently that are JUST katara shes so fun to draw!! shes so special.#the older i get the more i realize how similar i actually was to katara in some ways when i was 14. shes such a 14yo girl i love her#toph i dont need to talk about shes such an icon its self explanatory. just look at her how could you not love her#azula i love evil girls evil women etc. dont pay attention to those fucking comics the real canon is in my brain and#-and she recovered and shes doing great actually. i know the truth better than whoever wrote the comics and shit#getting into tma which i dont talk about that much on here bc i have a sideblog for it#gertrude robinson is so fascinating. especially on my second listen bc on my first i didnt get to s5 and SO MUCH MORE GERTRUDE LORE in s5#i love that morally gray old woman. to be perfectly honest i want her. shes so funny. her sense of humor is so underrated#like 'dont be ridiculous gerard. its not like there's secret tunnels.' (there are VERY MUCH secret tunnels and she knows this).#real quote is funnier and more specific but spoilery i think#also sasha james... she only really has 2-3 episodes but shes so insane im obsessed w her based on those alone.#a man shes never met who she suspects is not human asks her to meet him at night in a cemetery and she just DOES. no questions asked.#wild. crazy. she didnt even tell anyone where she was going. she doesn't like horror movies.#& melanie... i love melanie.... she was right about everything always....... especially the attempted murder#EPONINE LES MIS. shes so. her. shes so Sad Wet Cat Poor Little Meow Meow. again not really a woman i think sges like 16 years old#but still. god. she suffered more than jesus christ. i love her. rip she would have loved tumblr.com !!!#and. um. deep cut from a really terrible show i watched in middle school but still it must be said. i still think about regina mills#she was so terrible. again. evil women<3 i wish she was in a better show sometimes bc she was so fascinating. ouat was supernatural for wlw#andddd im rewatching the good place again. love eleanor and tahani obviously but i forgot how funny and great simone is. shes the best#ok well thats a long enough rant in the tags i should stop. thank you op thid was fun

People complain about official atla content and other fans "not considering Suki a member of the gaang" but the truth is that "member of the gaang" and "main character" are not equivalent and she is not a main character. The content you're mad about doesn't include her because she isn't a main character. No one's saying she's not a part of team avatar she's just not a main character of the story. You can tell this because she doesn't have a distinct dynamic with every other main character- the same reason Iroh and Azula aren't *quite* main characters, because although they have a good deal of screentime and great narrative importance they only have significant relationships with a few members of the actual main cast.

Well that isn't what I meant at all but you do you I guess


People complain about official atla content and other fans "not considering Suki a member of the gaang" but the truth is that "member of the gaang" and "main character" are not equivalent and she is not a main character. The content you're mad about doesn't include her because she isn't a main character. No one's saying she's not a part of team avatar she's just not a main character of the story. You can tell this because she doesn't have a distinct dynamic with every other main character- the same reason Iroh and Azula aren't *quite* main characters, because although they have a good deal of screentime and great narrative importance they only have significant relationships with a few members of the actual main cast.


Light yagami is a unique type of blorbo to me where I need to put him in a saw trap


Every time I see katara in one of those "could x character do xyz (from another piece of media)" polls I vote yes even if I don't know what xyz is at all because I think katara can do anything


The only good use of AI is making toph beifong cuss people out


i swear to god if people don't start understanding that responding to doylist critique of a piece of media with watsonian exonerations is not an actual rebuttal

somebody saying "hey i don't like that the only gay man in this story is a weird pervert and it portrays gay sexual promiscuity as a moral failing and character flaw" cannot be rebuked by arguing about how the character's backstory or personality traits explain their behaviour. the choices made by a writer are all fundamentally mutable; somebody saying an author's choices should have been different is not going to be persuaded by an argument that takes those choices as immovable fact


now whenever you say you dont like a band the first thing people will is ask ‘omg did they do something bad?’ no theyre just kinda ass

ppl joke about normalizing being a hater but i genuinly think some people need to be reminded that sometimes ppl just dont like something and there doesnt need to be a profound reason or cause sometimes stuff just sucks and i make fun of it

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