
Library of Useless Knowledge


Kate | she/they | rat hag with rat hands.

Scott McCloud’s incomparable “Understanding Comics”.

I swear you can open this book to any page and it’s amazing.

(ps it’s actually a digital image of a printed copy of a drawing of a painting of a pipe)

Highly recommend scott mccloud’s “understanding comics” as an introduction to all forms of visual media, but especially educational work like scientific illustration because the man does have a handle on some of the funkier stuff that happens when a viewer tries to interpret an image.

Also reccomended: james gurney’s “light and color”. The man did Dinotopia he knows what the fuck he’s talking about.


all the gay people on here are always posting screenshots from like an alternate universe version of seinfeld where every episode is about george costanza lounging on sofas and in restaurants and monologuing his fearful explorations of the nebulous corners of his gender and sexual identity

Anonymous asked:

It doesn't matter if it's your OC, you shouldn't lewd a minor

Finneas is a 24 year old grown man.


Girl I do no know how to explain that the vast majority of adults used to be children.


The tags are all great here but this one made me look at it for a couple seconds. I don’t recall jesus being born an adult im very certain he was also a baby at some point


btw the majority of your life will be lived as a adult. yeah i don't make the rules. go have fun in your 40s or 70s or whatever. no one expects you to accomplish everything at 17 or 27. you've got time and in the meantime get some life experience, it will pay off


Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man

People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:

I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.

The amount of people getting defensive and patronizing about their Right to use this term in a cutesy way is infinitely more annoying than people who just had no idea of its origins.

Use it however you want, I'm not a fucking cop, but maybe be aware of why queers over thirty are looking at you like that when you wear a rainbow "gay panic" shirt to pride.

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