
@5weekdays / 5weekdays.tumblr.com

rachel ★ he/she/they ★ white ★ adult

all im saying is it's crazy how much hardcore + uncensored straight porn is regularly passed around on tumblr with 10-50k+ notes and it doesn't even have a community label on it, but a trans woman takes a selfie and 6 hours later her completely SFW pic is flagged as adult content and then her entire blog terminated like a week later


I think one of the Worst Things about wanting to find period clothing from other cultures, is trying to find fucking casual/work clothes. Like no, I do not want to see all these fancy intricate kimonos, I want to see jinbei, and field work outfits so I don't put a damn obi on this poor boy so he has a belt to hang his knife from.

ok but i found the best picture ever

look at her she's so cute and happy i love this photo

This image comes from a whole gallery of Taishō era b&w photos, many of them showing everyday work clothes.


Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man

People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:

I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.

The amount of people getting defensive and patronizing about their Right to use this term in a cutesy way is infinitely more annoying than people who just had no idea of its origins.

Use it however you want, I'm not a fucking cop, but maybe be aware of why queers over thirty are looking at you like that when you wear a rainbow "gay panic" shirt to pride.


went into macys and they were playing really loud organ music over the speakers. i was like you are doing some carnival of souls shit to me

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