

Hi my name is Kino! I like Animation, Comics, Frogs, and Weird Gremlins. They/Them

I Saw the TV Glow had such a profound effect on me and it’s telling that I’m recommending it to every LGBT+ person I know and very very few cishet people because like, if they don’t get it and try to talk to me about it it will feel like I have exposed something very very vulnerable about myself only to open myself up to someone misunderstanding that on such a catastrophic level that I will never be able to talk about that vulnerability ever again.


Trans Character of the Day

Charlene McGowan from Marvel Comics is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns!


Her!!!! Y'all need to read Immortal Hulk, she's a great and really prominent member of supporting cast and Al Ewing even brought in Crystal Frasier (trans woman, author of Cheer Up Love and Pompoms and Venus Envy) to make sure he does right by her. Just in General, IH is the best Marvel book of the past decade, and there's some stiff competition.


the public reaction to i saw the tv glow is like a perfect case study into how cis people take up queer spaces and unknowingly mock and enjoy trans suffering. sitting in the theater, i had a pit in my stomach the entire time. so many times, i would tear up and then someone else in the theater would laugh. and i wouldn’t cry because how would they look at me when the lights came back on? because they don’t see it. they don’t see the pain. they think it’s funny. i left the theater completely silent, not saying a word to my boyfriend and he didn’t say a word to me until partway into the drive home. the people around us immediately got to picking it apart, explaining what it all meant to each other, dumbing it down, making theories. cis people see the the movie, just like transness, as something to debate. a conversation. something to dissect because it makes them uncomfortable if they don’t understand it in their easily digestible way.


can’t criticize plastic surgery as an institution because it’s none of your business if a woman wants to “fix” her insecurities. can’t criticize the makeup industry or beauty standards because some women feel good when they shave and wear makeup. can’t bring up the challenges women face in the workplace because some women want to be stay at home wives instead of working. everything a woman does is automatically feminist and we shouldn’t stop to think about the context surrounding her actions because that would be misogynistic. here’s what i had for girl dinner. according to my girl math the barbie movie was a revolutionary piece of feminist media. i may not show it but i feel the life slowly draining from me day by day.


posting about doctor who was a mistake ny notes are full of eleventh hour fans

there have been many interesting and varied takes on the character of the doctor but "time travelling groomer" is a bridge too far for me tbh


im not actually much of a comics person but as i understand it its basically like being a doctor who fan

  • any discussion about characterisation or continuinty has to be asterisked a dozen times because so many writers have done so many different and directly contradictory things with every element over several decades
  • recommending it to anyone is like "here's a ranked list of all 25 possible starting points i recommend beginning with this two year run from the 2000s and then jumping back to this handpicke eclectic list of serials from the 80s"
  • if you're into it enogu hthen you will have the misfortune to get obsessed with an obscure character or concept who appeared once in a spinoff product in 2001 and was never talked about or explored again
  • enfranchised fans know the names of all the writers and have different personal beefs with each of them
  • its bad a lot
  • neil gaiman is there

Shower Thoughts: Walter White is a trans-coded icon

1) uses a different name with friends and associates than with Family

2) family doesn't accept him for who he really is

3) feels trapped by the strictures of masculinity

4) illegalized by the government

5) does drugs

6) murders someone

I will be taking exactly 1 question

Yeah hi I'd like to pose some follow up questions about #3...

as they say, toxic masculinity hurts us all and even the cis can feel trapped it and feel like they need to not ask for help and support their family singlehandedly. Note that Walter could have avoided the entire plot in episode one if he just took the money from his Narc Brother. This was meant as a joke tbh, they're very vague sentiments that can apply to a *lot* of characters. But if you have a further question, you have claimed the One Question :tm:.


Happy Stroganoff Sunday

So this is the recipe for “Beef Stroganoff” from the Kikkoman website, which is basically what they cooked.

Not traditional, but this would seem to be a Japanese take on it. I cannot speak to the popularity of the dish in Japan, but that could be why they used a recipe similar to this one.

wait this is actually fascinating


If i remember rightly they ended up failing the lesson because their stroganoff sucked


During the 2020 Pandemic

Regular people: I can’t read their expression with that mask.

Animorphs fans: *He’s smiling with his eyes!!!!* 😭😍😭😍😭😍

This is an interesting thing because most people don’t know what a smile actually entails. Most animals that are capable of expressing emotions do it with their eyes, ears, and body language. But we get told a smile is something you do with your mouth, which is wrong.

If somebody smiles at you with only their mouth, they are lying through their teeth. Genuine smiles always involve the eyes.

YESSSS.  Duchenne smiles happen spontaneously due to joy or amusement, and they involve the eye-wrinkly thing like andalites are described as doing.  Non-Duchenne smiles are the kind we do to be polite, to be photographed, to create a smile outside of amusement/joy — it’s not necessarily lying, but usually about trying to smile on command.

There’s also a FASCINATING cultural discrepancy wherein people from more individualistic cultures (U.S., Australia, Germany, South Africa, etc.) look more at the mouth to detect smiles, whereas people from more collectivistic cultures (Japan, Venezuela, Kenya, India, etc.) look more at the eyes.  So the idea of “smile is something you do with your mouth” is way more common in the U.S. than, say, South Korea.


That’s why the U.S. emoticon for a smiley is this...


And the Japanese emoticon for a smiley is this...


Well that makes COMPLETELY PERFECT SENSE now that you point it out!


Wish someone would show this post to every man who has ever told me to smile.


Shower Thoughts: Walter White is a trans-coded icon

1) uses a different name with friends and associates than with Family

2) family doesn't accept him for who he really is

3) feels trapped by the strictures of masculinity

4) illegalized by the government

5) does drugs

6) murders someone

I will be taking exactly 1 question


"Kill them with kindness" Nah, fuck that, CRICKET BAT 🏏 🏏🏏🏏*SMACK* 🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏

“Kill them with kindness”

Nah, fuck that, CRICKET BAT 🏏 🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*


Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

don't listen to the haters haiku bot you got everything perfect

don’t listen to the

haters haiku bot you got

everything perfect

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.



Gender: Nonbinary

Expression: Intersex

Sexuality: None

Pronouns: They/Them


Target Found: Goro Akechi's Palace. The story of how I stopped taking the subway.

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