
I've had some new followers recently, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to make a pinned post and explain myself and my blog a bit:


Mid 30s
2 art degrees
Data professional
Art enthusiast and nerd
Accomplished sketchbookist
Fake gamer girl

Side blogs

@marigoldserenity is a fan page for the color yellow
@homesickforhyrule my Nintendo switch photos
@fernhenge my animal crossing new horizons blog

I don't tag with much rhyme nor reason, but I added my most used tags to this post, so feel free to poke around those.

Feel free to send me an ask or a message!


This vegan orange olive oil cake is super moist and intensely flavorful! It’s a simple yet elegant dessert that’s super easy to make. You only need one bowl and no electric mixer! Recipe: https://www.connoisseurusveg.com/vegan-orange-olive-oil-cake/

Anonymous asked:

What's your opinion on a character's disability staying even when they're shapeshifting? I accidentally gave one of my physically disabled characters shapeshifting powers (he was a shapeshifter before I made him disabled,) and I know getting rid of disability through shapeshifting is bad, so I was thinking I'd have him retain his disability in different forms. Like, if he's turned into a cat, he still has his blindness, old broken bones, and chronic pain, he's just now a cat with those things. Would it be erasure to include things like turning into a worm, which has no painful bones or spinal cord, to make his chronic pain bearable while he waits for pain medication to kick in? Being a worm is obviously not a viable long-term solution, he does not like being it, and it's only a temporary measure to sort of fix one very specific problem (very bad pain day but ibuprofen taking what feels like years to kick in,) but should I scrap that?

Hello gorgeous asker!

Anon I'm absolutely in love with every part of this ask. Perfect, amazing, please don't scrap any part of this. Turning into a worm as a temporary chronic pain relief is my new favorite thing and is very relatable. The character still retaining his disabilities when shapeshifting; even more perfect. Beautiful, excellent, keep writing anon, this sounds so delightful.

~ Mod Virus 🌸


If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.

What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.

My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.


Actually he wrote all the complaints himself with various sock puppet accounts to drum up sympathy subscribers to his Claytreon


physically incapable of being upset by being rickrolled. if it’s well executed i get to engage in the playful wink-nod with the jokester. and if it’s obvious. well then i just get to see my beautiful friend rick astley


Undersea cable cross-sections h/t Fipi Lele

Beautiful, right? When they first started laying this stuff across the Atlantic during the late Victorian, people made this stuff into souvenir jewelry:


Instead of making fun of people who do things at an older age that are normally done younger ( like getting their diploma or GED, learning to drive, even learning to read ) how about you:

  • don’t
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