
Tennyson was wrong

@neosatsuma / neosatsuma.tumblr.com

Amanda, or Sats if we still do internet nicknames around here. 28. Behold, a blog! SIDEBLOGS: art @satsumadraws, TMA @tullmetal-archivist

I’m currently in an 80-person musical where the vast majority of the cast are children so last night we had an “invited dress” before opening night where the kids brought their favorite toys to sit and be our first “audience.”

I will see if I can source a good photo from the cast. An entire auditorium populated with squishmallows and SpongeBob and Bluey and one adult’s Supernatural dolls in the front row.

Director: I’ll just sit here between Unicorn-Pug and this… um… Atari guy.

Sixty children: BEEMO! THATS BEEMO!

Some pictures!


Dorian: Welcome to Tevinter! As I told you, it's beautiful and amazing and cultured and also has indoor plumbing. Basically the best place ever!

The giant floating castle that kills people with fireballs if they break the law:


One thing about the Euros is that the English still haven’t quite adjusted to the Queen dying so during the national anthem they keep singing “God Save The Quing” like there’s a non-binary monarch on the throne.

“As she got into bed she recalled the extempore prayer of a well-meaning but incoherent curate, heard once and never forgotten: “Lord, teach us to take our hearts and look them in the face, however difficult it may be.””

— Dorothy L. Sayers, “Gaudy Night” (via vault-of-quotes)


learning languages and traveling the world are both important for broadening your horizons but they are MORE important for reminding you that no matter how many years you've been on earth you are still a wide eyed bumbling clown


a baby at work the other day gave me the meanest look i've ever seen as it got lifted out of a cesarean. 1 second old and already hating. you can't teach that.


sometimes my Beloved Mutuals will rb a post about a certain character archetype and i will have to physically restrain myself from saying “yeah you would say that wouldn’t you”

jasper you don’t get to get away with this that easily.

new ask game: what’s the character archetype that makes you go “of course you would say that” when i post about it?

[Image description: a screenshot of tumblr tags which read “#new ask game just dropped whats my certain character archetype” /ID end]

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