

@blessphemy / blessphemy.tumblr.com


this gets funnier every year 

The year is 2042. Your daughter is awkwardly silent as she eats her dinner. “Something wrong sweetie?” She sighs and puts down her fork. “I was digging really deep in AO3 last night…Why didn’t you finish that coffee shop au?” It happened. Your past has come back to haunt you. Nay, it never truly left.


OKAY BUT WAIT. This has happened to me. Recently. Because I am old and I have things out there from previous fandoms with previous pseuds and one day my teenager begins a rant at me about people never finishing any WIPs on the pit of voles (which he does not call the pit of voles because he has No Knowledge of such a thing but yet he still reads on which I didn’t think anyone did any longer) and he points out an example to me of something I WROTE AND LEFT WIPing for ages and he has NO IDEA #1 that his mom wrote this and #2 How much it still haunts me to this day that it will. sit. there. for. eternity. because I am too lazy to pull it down.

oh my god

Every year, this becomes both more funny, and more painful, and for both of those reasons, it should never be lost or forgotten.

Anonymous asked:

How do you think Murderbot chooses media to watch? Do you think MB would pick up a new series if an actor from Sanctuary Moon was in it? Or do you think MB would be weirded out by seeing the actors in a new context or out of costume/character?

i think it filters by genre and stuff according to mood, scans the synopsis, and then just starts watching. it's got a homemade script for filtering things based on metrics such as "grittiness" and "creepy vibes." it's razor-honed the art of the scene-skip and DNF. its tastes are wide-ranging. i don't get the impression that it gives much weight to pubic reviews, production quality, or wider reception by society.

it might try a new series that has an SM actor in it but on the whole it lacks actor loyalty. i think if it saw the actors out of context or out of costume its reaction would be: "whatever." no inclination to interact. that's just some random human it doesn't know. ambivalence.


in which we can observe that temporal reality has become a matter of declaration, and is possessed by a more than incidental political and cultural character. the majority of greenland identifies as UTC-3, even while cutting into what an observer of celestial bodies against the backdrop of stars might calculate as UTC-4, 2, or 1, while that slice of greenland towards the northeast corner has chosen to align itself with UTC-0.

the entirety of europe is a chronological mess, no doubt owing to decades of united nations realpolitik and backdoor deals, the aftermath of which is clearly visible here as something which i would like to coin "temporal balkanization." time in the 20th and 21st century is traded, bought and sold, worn like a fur coat in style, discarded when it no longer suits the taste.

what, then, of the sun? has this once-omnipotent king of time, meter of days, seasons and years, been reduced to a mere ornament in the sky? does he not still shape the curve of light and dark, does he not decide what blooms and when? industrial empire would say no, no longer. we have filament bulbs and blackout curtains, greenhouses and growth hormone. capital has usurped the solar tyrant, and our gold shines more brightly than stars. this is the epoch of temporal hyperreality.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think death of the author is a useful tool for literary analysis

it 100% depends on what sort of analysis you're trying to do and what questions you're investigating. barthes's essay calls for attention to readers' reception of a text rather than fealty to a singular author's intentions; it's a critical response to bodies of literary analysis that treated such authorial intent as a text's definitive meaning and sought to decode it. an obvious limitation to the style of criticism that barthes proposes is that it treats literary meaning as arising from an idealised closed encounter between readers and a text, where by "closed" i mean removed from social or political context and influence. analysing literary meaning this way obfuscates the text as a historical document and its readers as historical actors; it tends to treat interpretation as an individual psychological act rather than a product of local and contemporaneous ideological and political concerns. additionally, it privileges reader response over a close read of the meaning conveyed by the text itself, which is not inherently a mode of analysis synonymous with fealty to authorial intent and which is varying degrees of useful depending, again, on what questions you're trying to answer.


girl help I'm getting they/them'd by well-meaning people who don't know what a tomboy is

This feeling is strange and complicated. On the one hand it's legit quite cool that nonbinary pronouns are becoming more widespread! On the other, I've spent my whole life pursuing interests and hobbies and ideals that weren't seen as particularly feminine, and when I was younger this was a major source of bullying and stress alongside some generalized misogyny taking the form of "you can't do or be anything you think is cool because you are innately inferior and to do otherwise means violating your nature," and it took me a while to conclude that this was just straight horseshit top to bottom and I could do whatever I wanted and present myself however I wanted without in any way being Not A Girl, and now it's like the exact same concept has flipped sides and is coming from a point of theoretical validation but still calculates out to "that's not very ladylike of you, you must be something else". anyway she/her thanks gang

I think it's like. the understanding that the gender binary is a small part of a much wider space of identities is separate from the understanding that a lot of that gender binary is a false dichotomy that artificially walls off universal human experiences behind specific pronouns and while the first concept is gaining wider understanding the second is lagging a little, which means "I am a girl and I like doing boy things" reads as "oh I've heard about this, you must be one of the Others who don't do the binary" rather than "the concept of 'boy things' is stupid from the jump"

just to be 100% clear

what this post is NOT talking about: using they/them pronouns for someone you don't know, aren't sure of, hasn't had a chance to introduce themselves, etc.

what this post IS talking about: my highly personal experience seeing some people "correcting" my commenters that were using she/her pronouns for me, because, despite me exclusively using she/her pronouns and saying so whenever asked, through no action of mine they had gotten the idea that I was using "they/them".

girl help I put a nuanced personal experience on the reading comprehension website

Anonymous asked:

I know the avians aren't getting a lot of love in the AMA so here goes a question. This question is for Turii. Is there anything that trips you up about humans or just weirds you out? Physically, culturally or just in general?

In case you forgot, Turii's basically a trustfund frat boy.

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