
I Swear Im Funnier Than My Icon


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tried to vent in a trans space about how, as a trans man whoโ€™s been on T for a long time (over 7 years now), i have noticed that the more i pass as a man, the less welcomed i am in queer spaces unless i go out of my way to feminize myself. and how that sucks! and itโ€™s isolating!!! and it feels horrible to see ppl who used to like you and be close to you drift further and further the more masculine (& therefore more comfortable in urself) u becomeโ€ฆ

only to get ppl replying to me and saying โ€œwell if you dressed more fem then ppl wouldnโ€™t be intimidated by you. you signed up for thisโ€

iโ€™m sorry but i didnt sign up for social isolation when i transitioned, i signed up for gender euphoria and comfort in myself and my life. and i had hoped that the ppl in my life would be able to see how much joy that brings me and continue to love me.

i need ppl to realize that telling trans ppl to change the way they present to make other ppl comfortable with their gender is fucking transphobic. itโ€™s transphobic when itโ€™s telling a trans woman to dress more femme or feminize her voice so she doesnโ€™t โ€˜intimidate peopleโ€™, itโ€™s transphobic when itโ€™s telling a trans man the same. it is explicitly and inexcusably transphobic and it is literally never okay. trans people belong in queer spaces. period. there is no dress code. we belong there bc we built those fucking spaces.

would also like to add that as a fat, balding, very passing bear of a trans man who DOES dress and present very femme, the whole "if you were more femme people wouldn't be uncomfortable" thing doesn't even fucking work for me because i pass as the Wrong Kind of feminine man. i'm not a skinny little 20 yr old twink, so it's gross and offputting when i crossdress, but if i go full masc i'm even more offputting, and even if i out myself i still get Looks or am treated coldly lmfao. you're only allowed to be a cute little genderbending boyprincess if you're palatable: thin and pale and hairless and harmless. i've said it before but the root of this problem, and the problem OP faces, is that queer people need to get the fuck over their fear of people who look like they might have a penis because it is isolating to trans men and fucking deadly to trans women. it's all "gender is fake you can do whatever you want forever" until you set off too many Penis Haver alarms and suddenly you're treated like a loaded gun. anyway butch tgirls and tboy fembears i love you


I hate how acknowledging unfairness in the world is seen as "childish". Maybe children are right. I don't think you should be proud of the fact that you've become complacent with the state of your miserable existence and took on this loser "it is what it is" mentality. Things can be better.


see this is why i know so many of yall are just being performatively supportive of palestine. you "support palestine" superficially but with any other resistance or radical movements you're all of a sudden senator mccarthy and it's the 1950s and you're screaming and crying about dictator totalitarian commies if you see a thomas sankara quote or something about che guevara. like you people are not fucking serious

like ask yourselves why the United States has any sort of right to impose deadly sanctions on an island for over 60 years and threaten other countries with sanctions for them too or to halt financial aid if they so much as send something that isn't food to them. ask yourselves why the Cuban people had to make their own covid vaccine from scratch (and i'm not knocking them for this! their medical programs are amazing and world renowned!) because they weren't able to receive any from anywhere else. ask yourselves why the United States can hold Cuba in a chokehold just because they don't like their government and are claiming human rights violations when the United States is sending billions of dollars to bomb palestinian children every day or spending trillions on police that murder their own citizens or spend millions on pipelines that pollute indigenous land.

the cuban people overthrew a US backed dictator over 60 years ago and kicked out US companies from their land and the US still has not forgiven them for it. the US still runs their own fucking torture center on cuban land to this day and is still trying to overthrow their government to this day and none of yall will ask yourselves why that is?


this is vile

STANDING ROCK INDIAN RESERVATION, S.D. โ€” Ray Taken Alive had been fighting for this moment for two years: At his urging, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council was about to take the rare and severe step of banishing a nonprofit organization from the tribeโ€™s land.
The Lakota Language Consortium had promised to preserve the tribeโ€™s native language and had spent years gathering recordings of elders, including Taken Aliveโ€™s grandmother, to create a new, standardized Lakota dictionary and textbooks.
But when Taken Alive, 35, asked for copies, he was shocked to learn that the consortium, run by a white man, had copyrighted the language materials, which were based on generations of Lakota tradition. The traditional knowledge gathered from the tribe was now being sold back to it in the form of textbooks.ย 

Iโ€™m reblogging this again because people in the notes are focusing on the wrong things.

This isnโ€™t about books. This is about an organization founded and led by two white men using the work of indigenous peoples to create resources for their endangered languages and then not giving those people access to those resources. Itโ€™s about them literally copywriting the words of Elders and other indigenous people and refusing to let their tribes use them.

People are fighting to have access to the recordings that deceased loved ones gave to this organization and being denied because those recordings are copywrited. These men are literally taking aspects of these communities and saying, โ€œthese are ours now, no one else can use them, not even the people who shared them with us.โ€

And itโ€™s not just one or two people who have issues with this. Itโ€™s not just one tribe. Itโ€™s multiple accounts of this organization and its founders violating the boundaries of both individuals and tribes and taking what wasnโ€™t theirs to take.

This isnโ€™t acceptable under any circumstances.


The Lakota Language Consortium is trying to strip Ray Taken Alive of his teaching license. His hearing is on June 27th and his wife is on the 29th of this year (2024)!

He is a little less than 50% of his $50,000 goal to fund his legal fees if anyone can donate here.

You can also read the complaint and rebuttal on that same page as well as extra background information.





So somewhere else, it's mentioned that one of the things Marcille was researching at the magic school was new kinds of healing magic. So looking at the whole thing from a certain angle, she's invented the world's least efficient corrective eye surgery.


Happy pride everyone , this month Zionists and Israelis will be making posts like these to justify their treatment of palestinians. donโ€™t fall for it, this is pink washing. the term "pinkwashing" was literally coined specifically for Israel.

if they refuse to protect their own queer israeli, why should we let them cast judgement against queer people who actually want to stop their genocidal mania?

Don't let them use LGBT rights, which they do not believe in in the first place, to make people support their slaughter of innocent civilians.

gay and interfaith marriages are also illegal in israel btw LMAO


Itamar Ben-Gvir, one of the most bloodythirsty cheerleaders for the slaughter of Palestinians in Israel right now, used to hold these parades where he'd compare LGBT+ people with animals. Israel is not an LGBT+ ally state, and the current government is even moreso not an LGBT+ ally government.


my pieces for the pokemon tcg contest! none of mine made top 300, but i'm still very proud of my pieces! it's been a delight to see the works from all the artists this year!

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