

@benzobucky / benzobucky.tumblr.com

Mainly alive rock'n'roller, artist, headcanon writer and Killjoy with no common sense. He/she/they, πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

funny thing is that my grandma saw me drawing this artwork of gerard and said his hair is ugly 'cause it looks like he hasn't combed it lmfao (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED COZ HIS HAIR IS MESSY AF πŸ₯³)


I LOVE THIS CAMERA CLICK THINGY HE DOES + this specific tooth detail of him is so cool


gravity falls was such a great show for so many reasons but one in particular that stuck with me to this day was that it proudly encouraged kids to be weird. there was never the almost stifling message of "everyone is their own normal :)" because as a neurodivergent child that is almost never how it actually feels. it did an awesome job at saying "yeah, you stick out like a sore thumb. six of em, actually! how cool is that!?" and it encouraged you to support your loved ones weirdness even if you don't begin to understand it


I understand the "I will die for you" ship dynamic, but what about the "I will not let you die, I will not let myself die- we will, at any cost, survive" kind of couple?


StarParty but

Party Poison, who thinks that he is so hard to love. He thinks that all the people around him are there only because of either pity or habit. He wants love, he's hungry for it. He wants someone to hold him and tell him that everything would be okay. Sometimes, he can get it after sex with some pornodroid or a kind 'joy, that could burst into sentimentals, but it doesn't feel right. This is the only way to get that "love" though.

Noone ever fed him love with a silver spoon, so he learnt how to lick it from a knife.

He likes Jet, but he will never ask him to go out with him. He's afraid of refusal, but what he is more afraid of, that Jet accepts it. Accepts him. But Poison believes, that Jet would just have pity on him.

And Jet Star who is so sure that everything good that he owns now is going to be taken away one day. That after every bright day, there's a dark night so he's just trying to balance between black and white stripes in his life.

He likes Poison, but he believes that the very moment he accepts his feelings towards him, they will be doomed. He is so tired of loosing everything and everyone. And what terrifies him the most is, not him loosing Poison, but Poison loosing him. He would never wish such fate for any of his friends. After all, death hurts only ones that she's leaving behind.

And they both will live like this. Never confessing, never admitting. Living like this till the day they die. And both will be sorry that day.


I think Vamos and Vaya's whole philosophy surrounding death can be summed up as "Well, at the end of the day someone's always gonna come pick you up, so you might as well spend your life meeting different people and having fun, so that no matter where you end up in the afterlife you'll be surrounded by people you know" which is not bad per se, but it does make them seem severely insensitive whenever someone does die and they simply gloss over it like it doesn't matter


My one friend group can't stop saying, "See you in hell!" in a cheerful voice instead of, "Talk to you later!" and my other friend group can't stop calling things "penis" instead of "cool" or "good", so I just unironically uttered the phrase, "Sounds penis, see you in hell," as I got off the phone.

Official Sounds Penis, See You In Hell Post

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