So I’m writing about the good guys escaping a spaceship today, how about you?

Care to procrastinate and discuss it instead of actually writing?

I’m gonna be writing on my ‘vampires in the rainforest’ project!

Nice!  How, pray tell, do vampires handle the rainforest?  Different bat species?  Deep enough shadows under the trees to avoid the sun?

I’m kind of going with the ‘forest as a metaphor for deep oceans’ thing, so yeah! The vampires live where the sun can’t reach past all the leaves :D

How goes the spaceship escape?

Very cool.  I bet they’d be mightily put out when a big tree falls, leaving a big ol’ field of daylight in the middle of their preferred hunting ground.

And the escape is going well!  The gorilla is ripping up the floor to overload the force field, and the little accountant alien is having Clever Ideas.


Oh, can I join the procrastinating writing by talking about writing?

Cuz I should be writing my human lawyer arguing with a pedantic alien bounty hunter about whether “we’re fucked” is a legitimate description of their current situation.

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