


Marte/Mars They/He, pan, nonbinary, 22 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 🇲🇽/🇺🇲 I don't draw as often and when I do it kinda sucks.  (I post comics @martianmarscomics)

Shaking Hoffman in my head like that video of of scientists putting ticks in bleach and spinning em around


My dog is 13 years old today, her name is Oreo, and she gets weirder every year


My dog is 13 years old today, her name is Oreo, and she gets weirder every year


" Y'all can't even boycott Chick-fil-A " objectively funny and correct to me and I will hear no arguments against it

funny in a sad sort of way to be clear. Yes I'm sure there's infinite Nuance and if I really put my mind to it I can come up with about 10 different scenarios in one minute about why someone might need to eat at Chick-fil-A but at the end of the day those don't really apply to a lot of the bitches who are just like "oh but that spicy chicken sandwich though..." Does it? The truth is y'all are weak in the knees and have a spinal column the consistency of almond paste

If you tell me I'm so strong for adhering to any given boycott because food it's just that good I don't think it's funny and I don't respect you for it I'm just embarrassed that these are the people I have to work with


Big fan of the soft butch monster lady from dungeon meshi

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