
okaeri day 4 - bathing

(this piece was done as part of okaeri week on twitter which spanned from 21-27 aug!!)



Jasmine: Hi. You're gonna want to hear this.
Omnia: Hello, everyone. I'm here to deliver the worst news of my life. There has been a report talking about how, by September, it is estimated that 2.5 million people in Sudan are going to die, due to hunger and malnutrition and sickness. And you can probably understand that we as the Sudanese people feel very helpless, as we cannot do anything to change the situation or the outcomes. However, it has been stated, even in the report itself, that the only way we can tackle such an issue is by supporting local initiatives and community kitchens.
Jasmine: Now that you've heard from somebody on the ground and from the experts, I'm here to tell you how you can help. In the report that Omnia mentions, they say that this 2.5 million represents 15% of the population of Darfur and Kordofan, two of the areas they believe are the worst affected by this hunger crisis.
This is where HRRDS comes in. They are a Sudanese organization working in South Kordofan, supporting some of the most vulnerable people, including raising funds to feed people across South Kordofan. You can make a one time donation. You can make a monthly donation, if you like. Whichever you choose.
If you want to help people in the Darfur area, you can donate to Sudan Solidarity Collective. They are supporting emergency response rooms and community kitchens in Darfur and across Sudan.
This hunger crisis is affecting the entire country, and especially the conflict zones, which includes Khartoum. Khartoum is the capital city/state. It includes Khartoum, Bahri and Omdurman. And Khartoum Aid Kitchen has been raising funds to support community kitchens across the state.
I urge you all-- particularly people who have been talking about, "Why isn't anybody talking about Sudan? Why isn't anybody doing anything about Sudan?"-- to engage with this, to donate. And, listen, times are tight, money is tough-- flip that over, you know what I'm talking about. If you cannot donate, then please absolutely share.

Here is the link to the organizations mentioned in this video.

Anonymous asked:

seeing your todofam makes me crazy My eye starts twitching I feel dizzy if i look too long... thank you for drawing them as the happiest and normalest siblings in the world it's so healing


Anonymous asked:

hpsc president??? he should go to therapy and become a tiktok star or a fisherman

you joke bjt it really would have been more satisfying and fitting for a character like hawks to fully remove himself from state violence and discover the beauty of an honest, mundane job. Hawks should’ve gotten an ending like the antagonists in mob psycho or the vinland saga men I’m just sayingggg

Anonymous asked:

do nottttt offer miistification a cigarette in the uk ‼️

leave them alone ❗️❗️❗️


torn between drawing rei with baby touya or teen touya with baby shoto, both make me equally sad and unwell


me as a 27yo neet Omg so true



I've made several posts for Laila and her family, more details here about their exact circumstances and the artwork offered in return for donations but all I can say is that there truly is no time. I haven't heard from Laila in days and I'm worried sick, I'm very worried for Tala too as her account has been banned. Her mother is pregnant, her aunt has cancer, and everybody in their family, especially the children, are suffering from the effects of famine and trauma. There is no time left for them, we have to do everything we can to help them NOW. These fundraisers have been verified by multiple Palestinian tumblr users. I'm setting some short-term goals this week to help them get to their long-term goals. Donate anything at all you have to spare, use your video game/coffee/whatever money as donations, we all of us in the imperial core have an obligation to those our tax dollars are helping to slaughter. If you have less than a dollar, send it to my p-ypal and c-shapp listed in the link provided and I will send the collected money to the fundraisers. These fundraisers are the lifeline of people hoping to escape Gaza, and their only real chance at survival. Please, do everything you can, donate whatever you can and share this wherever you can in order to help this family escape genocide and receive the medical care they need.

€21,244/€45,000- €3,756 TO €25K

€12,317/€40,000- €2,683 TO €15K

€20,869/€25,000- €4,131 TO €25K

€21,977/€45,000- €3,023 TO €25K

€12,432/€40,000- €2,568 TO €15K

Laila has asked me to focus on her and her cousin Tala's fundraisers from now on, which I will do, but you should still donate to the other fundraiser, along with any other fundraisers for Palestinians escaping Gaza that you see. Please, do everything you can to help this family escape genocide.


drawpile tonight #unemployed

Anonymous asked:

that’s unreal 😭😭😭

it’s so funny well I’m glad an explained , next thing you know bnha nation thinks I’m using slurs ❗️❗️❗️

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