
cheerful oblivion

@akajustmerry / akajustmerry.tumblr.com

Merryana (they) / '94 / Lebanese & Aboriginal / Culture critic, author and co-host of @gayvclubpodcast / ko-fi / letterboxd

hi, friends. i've had to have a surprise surgery to remove a pre-cancerous mole on my foot. unfortunately, I'm still unemployed with no income after I lost my job due to workplace bullying and speaking up about Palestine back in december. I need help covering follow up Doctors appointments. honestly, I would appreciate immensely anything anyone's willing to give your favourite Lebanese non-binary bisexual during Pride. No pressure, if you can't. Thank you. 🌈❤️

Anonymous asked:

In my opinion, they should have just let Lestat die. Does it affect a bit the whole narrative's arc about Louis grieve and finding closure? Maybe. But they can work it out.

literally it'd work out! name one person's life that wouldn't be improved with lestat dead!!!! whoever kills lestat is not a murderer to me they're performing a public SERVICE.

Anonymous asked:

spare one of those tasteful loustat fancams 👀

this one had me in tears this morning I can't even say why like I just sat there face wet crying with this on loop for 5 minutes. (I do know why but it's personal and I wish not to speak of it). anyway here's wonderwall:

Anonymous asked:

just because you hate loustat doesn't mean the show is bad news flash

hat- you think I hate-? you think my problem is that I hate loustat??? the main relationship of the show? you actually think that's my problem that I wholesale hate loustat????? oh my GOD I'm so tired of explaining the ship itself is not the issue, it's how the show as a whole chose to frame IPV within that relationship that's my issue. you loustat weirdos reducing the show to a fucking ship is the issue. even if I explained at the start of every post where I talk about IPV in iwtv with a disclaimer that I've spent many mornings over the past few months being moved to tears by loustat fancams and that I dearly love watching Sam and Jacob in these scenes, youse would still accuse me of being an anti or whatever because a lot of you are just racist and acknowledging the show's piss poor handling of IPV would force you to reflect on the fact that your favourite white vamp character is a piece of shit and you don't want that because you're so lacking in critical thought you're frightened you're a piece of shit for liking him. You're not btw but you are a piece of shit for being a dick to people.

Anonymous asked:

these people need to watch succession so that they can see some examples of characters being in relationships that are bad can be framed as bad even when the characters themselves dont think so. when tom and shiv get back together they are pleased but the audience knows its bad! idk why people are arguing with you about this youre good

haha thanks ❤️ But ideally I'd prefer people who lack media literacy to the extent they don't understand context and framing not watch my favourite shows. they need to stick to programs appropriate to their abilities like Bluey.

Anonymous asked:

this may seem silly, but i want to thank you for your "if i had a friend and his name was louis" posts, because that scene in particular has left me feeling ill. on top of the shitty pacing and comically bad choices made this ep, i know i feel this way because i was that kid whose parents at one point made up, without wasting even one thought on what they did to me. my mother accepted what my father did to her and they could both move on. what both of them, especially my father, did to me was never discussed, it didn't matter. of course, we all have different personal experiences, but for a show that only 1 episode prior had such a good way of portraying what claudia went through, assaulted and abused by her father, the writing made that clear, to go "well her dad, who is now louis' white saviour, felt really bad about her death (a death he willingly rehearsed and went along with), so anything that he did to her before does not matter (to louis) anymore" is insane and insulting. having louis want closure for himself i get, but to have him completely ignore what lestat did to claudia is just... louis failed her in life and in death, but this time the show decided that that is not a bad thing anymore, framed the scene as romantic and that is what hurts. (and i do not accept "wait for the next season" shit. this was written as a series finale, this was how it was supposed to end) i actually have issues with how child abuse was handled this season in general, armand being raped as a child only being met with ridicule and an annoyed reaction on screen was... a choice.

Exactly! thank YOU for sharing your thoughts! I totally agree and I'm really sorry the series' mishandlings brought all this up for you. It's the whiplash of the series portraying the abuse so differently in the last episode in such an unearned and irresponsible way. I hope you're okay 💕

Anonymous asked:

Fans going "we told you Lestat wasn't that bad, he's been unfairly slandered!" like ok, I don't feel sorry for him at all. He should have been set on fire.

literally, like, is this "unfair slander" in the room with us...?

Anonymous asked:

it’s almost like the point is that loustat is an unhealthy fucked relationship and it would be deeply out of character for either louis or lestat to realize that/change anything about it

who said I wanted them to fucking change anything about it? or that my issue was with the relationship being unhealthy??? that's not my problem. my problem is how it was FRAMED, how it was contextualised by narrative of the show itself and by the show's own producers as a heart-warming moment of reconciliation. It's not a heart warming moment of reconciliation for a Black abuse victim to agree that their white abuser wasn't responsible for abuse. Excuse the fuck out of me for not enjoying a series that had, up to that point, so much conviction in framing this abuse as horror only to turn around at the last minute and have the victim tell their abuser they bare equal responsibility for their abuse, and that being framed as a reconciliation. It's not what they do that's the problem it's how the narrative frames what they do. yeah the relationship is unhealthy but that doesn't mean the show has to present that as a Beautiful Romantic Thing™ lmao


Bestie, I don't think we watched the same series. Because at no point did the series imply that what Lestat did to Louis was alright. Like Louis isn't saying he has any responsability in his abuse, he is literally saying that he is also responsible for Claudia, which is actually true. Louis is responsible for Claudia as much as Lestat. That whole ass reunion is not really about if they are in love with each other but more about the tragedy that it was Claudia's death. At that moment they are two parent grieving the loss of their child.

And honestly, you are watching a show about vampires who all engage in seriously unhealthy and abusive relationship. That is also something quite unavoidable when it comes to vampires, simply because of how vampires are. They kill people and drink their blood. Just the creation of a vampire involves a very unbalanced power dynamic between the creator and newly created vampire.

The show follows (although somewhat loosely) the source material, which explores this sometimes unhealthy relationships between vampires. I think if the show decided to go un a completely different route it would be a disservice to the original work. In that case it would be better to just do an original show.

And for portraying problematic stuff on screen I can only think of this

Exploring something in art doesn't mean condoning. It's one of the reasons we have art, we are able to explore through art what we would in real life.

1) don't call me bestie idk you 2) no one with a url referencing a franchise that's Zionist propaganda has anything to tell me about morality and the consumption of art.


People really need to learn the difference between 'No bad things should ever happen in fiction, including dark genres like gothic horror, it's bad writing for any media to be darker and more complex than a coffee shop AU' and 'Even in genres like gothic horror, biases and bigotry can still colour how those dark themes are framed by the narrative and the writers behind the work bc even if media is not obligated to moralize, nothing exists in a vacuum regarding societal beliefs', but then again this is the hellsite where people will argue that you can't criticize things like Bram Stoker being racist bc Dracula is gothic horror and racism is part of the genre bc racism is a dark theme.


Yes! Exactly! Genre isn't a get out of jail free card!!! I think what's so upsetting wrt interview with the Vampire is that Rollin and the writers DID incorporate racism into a gothic horror but they turned around and chose to forgive the white guy anyway as if racism is just another tool to disgust people rather than something that harms people irl. I just can't get over how irresponsible it is to use the abuse and lynching of Black characters as fodder for the character introduction and growth of their white abuser.

Anonymous asked:

If you think Sam Reid is ugly keep that to yourself instead of making cruel posts maybe?

hilarious. tell me you don't follow me without telling me you don't follow me.......also...........you thinking that pointing out someone is going to age translates to calling them ugly only works if you think ageing is ugly so. idk nice job all around with this array of incorrect assumptions.

Anonymous asked:

also if you genuinely hate anne rice and lestat this much there is zero reason for you to be watching this show 😭 lestat is her precious angel main character husband stand in and The Fan Favorite

because I was not watching this show as an adaptation. I was watching it as what it is on its own merit, which up until now had been a show mostly about how lestat is a racist abuser. I'm not obligated to like Lestat just because of the source material and I'd argue that the way they chose to adapt the source material up until the most recent episode was NOT making him precious angel whatever the fuck. He was the antagonist, the villain. It became a completely different show in the span of 20 minutes. "why am I watching" fuck off. I was watching because the show established itself as something entirely different. I'm not an asshole for pointing that out.

Anonymous asked:

it’s almost like the point is that loustat is an unhealthy fucked relationship and it would be deeply out of character for either louis or lestat to realize that/change anything about it

who said I wanted them to fucking change anything about it? or that my issue was with the relationship being unhealthy??? that's not my problem. my problem is how it was FRAMED, how it was contextualised by narrative of the show itself and by the show's own producers as a heart-warming moment of reconciliation. It's not a heart warming moment of reconciliation for a Black abuse victim to agree that their white abuser wasn't responsible for abuse. Excuse the fuck out of me for not enjoying a series that had, up to that point, so much conviction in framing this abuse as horror only to turn around at the last minute and have the victim tell their abuser they bare equal responsibility for their abuse, and that being framed as a reconciliation. It's not what they do that's the problem it's how the narrative frames what they do. yeah the relationship is unhealthy but that doesn't mean the show has to present that as a Beautiful Romantic Thing™ lmao


White people will do anything to try and make out that aboriginal Australian’s aren’t indigenous to our land because ‘they migrated from Africa ’ but when you say they aren’t indigenous or owner’s of our land just because they’ve been here for a long time they can’t comprehend it, like playing dumb is for children use your gubba brain

Daily update(1)

Gaza war🇵🇸

For those who ask about our conditions in Gaza? The little girl answered briefly: There is no water, no food, and no medicine. Starvation is intensifying, displacement is continuing, and massacres are continuing. Every day children die from Israeli army bombing.

My family is living in the middle of this fierce war, and is exposed to danger and all kinds of pain and suffering.

Do not forget to support their campaign.

20$ can change my family's life for the better


hi, friends. i've had to have a surprise surgery to remove a pre-cancerous mole on my foot. unfortunately, I'm still unemployed with no income after I lost my job due to workplace bullying and speaking up about Palestine back in december. I need help covering follow up Doctors appointments. honestly, I would appreciate immensely anything anyone's willing to give your favourite Lebanese non-binary bisexual during Pride. No pressure, if you can't. Thank you. 🌈❤️


hey friends, thanks to everyone who helped me out. I'm so grateful and can't thank you all enough ❤️ I had my first follow up appointment about my surgery and everything went great, and I had enough to cover most of the appointment cost. Thank you all so much 🥰


Look at how our lives were. Look at how we adore life. We struggle in every way to restore it. Our lives are drawings full of cheerful colors. When you look at them, you feel joy. We missed our life before the seventh of October. Do not tire of looking at us. Our voice, why is it not heard! O world, do not go beyond my story and the story of my family. We have lost many friends. We have lost many family. We have lost the house. And greater than that are the walls of the house that are filled with memories and the warmth that was in every corner. Every day that passes feels like many years ago. I cannot imagine the last day I laughed from my heart. I miss everyone. something🥹😭

‏We deserve life. We deserve to survive this war of genocide that has taken away everything we have. We deserve to live a better life than the one we live. Our lives were beautiful as a beautiful art painting full of life and beautiful colors. We, children do not want to live in that way, humiliating. We want a more beautiful life.🍉

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