
Mr Mirko!


Any pronouns // Eng/Esp 🇲🇽 // I occasionally post palestine related news, mainly sourced from Al Jazeera. you can find them at #palestine news

💚✨ Introduction post yay ✨💚

🔹 Hello I’m Mirko

🔹 I’m Mexican :) 🇲🇽

🔹 I speak Spanish (first language) and English ofc

🔹 My age is unimportant

🔹 My gender is unknown

🔹 Any pronouns, any gendered terms, go mad go crazy

🔹 I love getting asks and I may not answer cuz I either forgor or I didn’t see them but you’re all appreciated

🔹 I post art sometimes :)

🔹 In this blog I will not tolerate any form of Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Racism, LGBTQ-phobia or any other comments of this type. TERFs and Zionists are also unwanted here, for the record.

💚✨ Tags ✨💚

#Mirko’s art stuff = My art

#save & #save save save save = stuff I like and/or want to save

🇵🇸‼️ #palestine news = I will try to post news about or related to the current situation in Palestine.

^^^ Most of them will be from Al Jazeera’s live updates, but sources may vary (they’re all credited anyway). I try to provide with good quality posts by giving proper image descriptions and sources, so I appreciate any feedback on them<3

💚✨ Comissions ✨💚

Im currently doing Comissions for Palestine! You can find the full post on it down below<3 It already provides with some art examples but feel free to go through #Mirko’s art stuff to see more.


🇵🇸⚔️🇮🇱 🚨


📹 Scenes from the mujahideen of the Al-Qassam Brigades, belonging to the Hamas resistance movement, target the forces, tanks and armored vehicles of the Israeli occupation army along the Al-Taqaddum axis, in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.


June 20, 2024 - Hamas released new footage of Al-Qassam Brigades guerrillas engaging IDF forces in Rafah with RPGs and mortars, including one point-blank RPG hit on the rear of an Israeli tank. [video]


By the time Sue Shusterman turns away from the bench at the overlook and back toward the trailhead, she knows the paddleboarders are out in force 300 yards away on the gleaming blue surface of Chatfield Reservoir.  

She knows the high runoff waters have flooded the roots of Chatfield’s willows and cottonwoods, and that the first spring-green layers of the foothills rise to the west like soft fabric. 

How she acquired these life-affirming memories is at first a mystery, since Shusterman is blind and is heading back toward the parking lot making her usual sweep of the path in front with her ever-present white cane.  

But then a friendly voice emerges from the phone that Shusterman is pointing toward the path from her other hand.

A little to the left to stay on the paved path. Looks like there’s a trail all the way down to the beach, about 75 yards, if you wanted to go. I’ll just be here watching, let me know if you need anything. 

The voice is from a live, trained human guide FaceTiming through Shusterman’s phone camera on the Aira ability-assist app. Sight-impaired people have been using Aira’s guides to make it easier to do anything from navigating an airport to filling out an online job form. Now, all 42 Colorado state parks like Chatfield are geofenced to allow any visitor to use Aira for free to stroll the trails with a helpful set of eyes. 

The Aira guides seemingly effortlessly offer what a blind hiker either needs, or wants. If there’s a dangerous steep drop-off on the right, they warn. If the hiker would rather know if the sneezeweed is in bloom or the sailboats are luffing through a turn, Aira offers that instead.

For Shusterman, trying Aira as an outdoors adventure for the first time, the allure was simple: “Independence.” 

“So she’s doing, I think, a phenomenal job of including the necessary safety things, but the perks of the scenery, too,” Shusterman said, as she paused during a conversation with an Aira guide based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “She’s doing great.”

State accessibility officials recently announced the expansion of Aira to state parks grounds, after previously providing Aira free for other state-related functions such as navigating a government building or getting help on an online site or filling out forms. Colorado cannot control the cellphone signal, though, so parks officials encourage visitors to try Aira at a familiar or close-in park space before ranging farther afield with it. Popular parks like Staunton or Golden Gate contain pockets where signals are not strong. 

For consumers buying access on their own, Aira costs about $50 for 30 minutes of assistance a month. Private employers and governments often buy package access to Aira and other accessibility apps for all employees to use. State accessibility coordinator Theresa Montano, who is blind and accompanied Shusterman on her Chatfield walk, said Amazon buys access so that sight-impaired shipping center employees can navigate steps to pack orders.

Montano uses Aira at her state job, saying the guides on the app can share her computer screen and help her get through an online task in 30 minutes that might take her four hours without help or through older accessibility tools. 

Adding Aira for state-owned lands was wrapped into the overall $250,000 budget for free Aira use on state property and with state websites. The additional utility is an obvious plus, Montano said. 

“This gives blind people the same opportunity to come and enjoy it by themselves or with their family if they want to, and be independent,” she said...

Shusterman walked away taking more from the big picture experience, rather than any particular scenic detail. 

“For me, it was, you know what, I could go for a walk on this path, and I could feel completely safe, and I would enjoy a nice walk and get some exercise, in an unfamiliar area,” Shusterman said. “It’s definitely a real confidence boost for me.”  

-via The Colorado Sun, June 11, 2024


"be my eyes" is a free volunteer run app where you video chat w a seeing person if you are blind and need assistance, or you can sign up to be one of the volunteers if you have functional vision


Fathi’s beautiful family of 8 is SO close to their goal! They need just under $10k now to evacuate.

Multiple members are disabled including her father who has a heart condition and her mother who urgently needs surgery. Please donate if you can and share! Here is her Tiktok where she gives updates on their situation- I provided her most recent video from 2 days ago. Boosting her videos there will help even more.


Palestinians are all suffering during this

Genocide - I time to time think of the struggles of the disabled and disenfranchised.

Please donate - if you care queer people where you live, please remember that the queer people of Palestine also deserve to live.


hi everyone, I checked in with Wafaa @hebsnhel yesterday and as you can also read from her latest updates on her blog (please follow her for her family's story and updates on the campaign!), her 5 year old granddaughter is extremely sick with Hepatitis, and has been in a high fever for the past 5 days. The recent surge in Hepatitis cases in Gaza is because of the lack of access to clean water and food, as well as the total lack of access to medication. Hepatitis, if left untreated, is extremely painful with frequent abdominal pain and high fevers, symptoms can last for months.

Wafaa has raised her campaign goal slightly because she is the sole financial provider for her family (of three generations, including 15 members) and not only does she have to pay for her own food and lodging, but also buy milk, food, water, diapers for her newborn grandson, and pay land rent for the tents.

Please please continue to support Wafaa in her continued hope to reunite with her family, her beloved children and her grandchildren.

€12,107 raised of €50,000 goal as of Jun 18 morning, let's try to get at least €400 in donations today, every single day without traction for Wafaa's family means more disease and more danger!!


"Failing to receive immediate rescue from [occuption] forces throughout the area, some [troops] from the targeted tanks tried to hide inside the hallways of the refugee camp itself. The move proved fatal, according to Al-Qassam, which has proved its superiority in close combat and street fighting."


by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza

  1. it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
  2. if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
  3. once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
  4. once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out

it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.



following this dude on insta who only has 5k of 35k on his sons evac fund and im so confused cuz he has multiple microinfluencers making videos abt him, hes been consistently posting and asking for donations for at least two months, hes DMing everyone he sees, he's even got ppl printing his story out and pasting it up apparently. yet only at 5k? after all that time and effort?

here he is

btw i have actually been in touch with him for a few weeks now and i would really appreciate if everyone could share and donate

the fund is at $5,082USD of $35,000USD as of june 18th


thanks and gratitude💙

I do not know how to do you justice, I am ashamed of what you have done for my family. I have come close to reaching the goal with your support. ☺️

I feel very proud of you. I write to you with tears in my eyes because of your great deed. I will remember you in my prayers and supplications.🤲 Big thanks to the list of supporters, each by name and surname. 💙🌷

The first supporter ❤️@nabulsi ❤️

Second supporter ❤️@akajustmerry ❤️

The third supporter ❤️@sar-soor ❤️

Here are the rest of the wonderful supporters who helped us get closer to our goal

I hope we have not forgotten a single one of these great people, and I hope you will point out the supporters I forgot in the comments.

Today I am 14.803

Target 17.732

There is little left to go towards the goal

($3000) and the goal is achieved


masterpost of palestinian fundraisers i'm spotlighting on my blog + verifications

last updated: june 19, 2024

please donate/share if you can!


🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥☠️ 🚨


📹 "What was the child's fault?"

A Palestinian woman asks while holding the dead body of a young child killed in Israeli airstrikes on the Bureij Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip on Sunday, June 16th.

In another gruesome massacre in Gaza; according to local reporting, 9 civilians were killed, including 6 children, after Israeli warplanes bombed two residential homes in the Bureij Camp, in the central Gaza Strip on Sunday.

Local sources said the Israeli occupation forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Al-Khatib family, and another belonging to the Al-Najjar family, in the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing 7 and 2 civilians, respectively, and wounding several others.

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