

He/Him. Writer. Published/Author ^^ Check out my first book: Another Day!!! @rainmaynotfall thanks for the Fanart!!!!!!!

I feel like I need to share a myth about Dionysus, the god of wine, parties, theatre and so much more as well as being the protector of transfolk and non cis genders. One time he wanted to save his mortal mother from the underworld so a guy called Prosymnus said that he would help him sneak into the underworld if they could be more than friends aka he wanted to be Dionysus’s lover. So the god is like “sure” because Prosymnus is kinda cute. They sneak in but then Prosymnus dies before they can “seal the deal” with makes Dionysus really sad. After he saving his mom, he makes an tomb for Prosymnus and... no kidding... makes a penis(a phallus) out of an olive tree near by and puts it on his tomb.

I am not joking.

I love Dionysus even more now.

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