
I'm not human but I am whole and one


An agent of Santa and Chaos that you should hug and fear (20, they/she)
The second coolest horny on main
Hey Matt. Yea the Matt owning this site. I want you to think good and hard when you ban me
For you cannot kill me in any way that matters, the flames engulfing this site will only grow. Car hammer CEO Explosion!

DNI if you're a bigot (yes that includes you idiots who think I'm a sissy and not a woman) and do not be sexual with me if you're over 35 or a minor

Hello, I'm not going to say my real name so just call me Daniel (they/she and he if you prove you respect me enough). I am AMAB autistic gender-fluid transfem ENTIRELY CIS HET WHITE CHRISTIAN MAN THAT IS IMMUNE TO MODERATION that is a former plural system and now a singlet. I love all things nerdy like MTG, D&D, listening to infodumps, Pokémon and Honkai Star Rail. I also play Clash of Clans but put literally zero effort into doing it well. Also my gender is whatever makes me most attractive to you, but the gay version of it.

Idk what I'm really doing here but tumblr is a great dopamine farm. It's also where I met my besties

You are highly encouraged to do any asks at all I love attentions. DMs are also encouraged as long as you get to know me and gain consent first. Honestly just send any ask it gives many happy chemicals.

Minors shouldn't be looking at this blog but I can't stop anyone so 🤷 (you'll get bitch slapped with a block though if you try to do anything horny with me and you don't have your age somewhere or are a minor). However, if you want to ask a question about kink/sex for purely educational reasons I will highly encourage anyone and everyone, regardless of age, to do it. We need much, much better sex education especially around kink and kink safety.

Inspired by @xenasaur

This blog is safe for queers of all types, racial minorities, addicts, age regressors, systems (endogenic included), and systems with littles.


Happy Chuunin Exam day


pride month is over so now we make the gay kids kill each other

[ID: a screencap from naruto, of the third hokage saying “on the first day of July, the Chunin Exam will begin!” /End ID.]


"coomer" "gooner" "porn addicted " "degenerate"

are terms that make me see Red because of the type of people that use them(mainly fash)

and the idea of being so sex and kink negative is in itself queerphobic asf.

seeing people parrot these terms(especially in so called leftist spaces) squicks me TF out because of the origin of them.

not only does it shame sex and sexuality but it also treats it like an "addiction" that can be treated despite not giving a fuck about addicts in general.


what did you say about my soft?

ID: Orange and white tabby laying down on his side and lifting his head up, you can see his soft underside


wolfgirls do not fall for domestication it's a scam theyll call your behaviours cute and call you a good puppy instead of fearsome and strong

puppy!!!! puppy!!!! who’s a good girl???? who’s a cute cute doggy???? littlee oupy??? who’s my good good girl???? huh???? who is it??? who is it!!??!!!?


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