
Here for the memes

@7fragment / 7fragment.tumblr.com

They/Them | Forever Young | Gay as F*ck | Artist | Writer

Behold! The printing titty!

I normally tag these posts “specific ass machines” after a minor meme that blew through Tumblr, but I was tempted to tag this one “specific boob machines”.


(Artist meow25meow seems to have had their Twitter account nuked and I cannot find any other original source to link to.)


I’m sorry, if you are an anti-choicer and you call a fetus a “pre-born child” I am just straight up going to laugh at you

I myself am a “pre death corpse” which is why I should not have to pay any bills you see


i dont care about validity i care about my civil rights

“can you be trans without dysphoria” “can you be an aromantic lesbian” “can bisexuals only date one gender” i literally do not care. in what states and countries are we protected from discrimination.


"The more than 10,000 documents lay bare the outsize influence of a small conservative organization working to lend a veneer of medical science to evangelical beliefs on parenting, sex, procreation, and gender.

The American College of Pediatricians, which has fought to deprive gay couples of their parental rights and encouraged public schools to treat LGBTQ youth as if they were mentally ill, is one of a handful of conservative think tanks leading the charge against abortion in the United States."



They are basically copying their website but replacing it with like...anti trans bullshit


So that it’s easier to digest:

Proposals to defund the police

Police Household: 49.2% Support

Non-Police Household: 30% Support

Proposals to dismantle the police

Police Household: 52.2% Support

Non-Police Household: 30.1% Support

Proposals to redirect money from LAPD budget

Police Household: 63.7% Support

Non-Police Household: 50.6% Support

TL;DR: Cop Households are more anti-cop than non-cop households, and they’re the ones who have to live with cops and deal with cops daily.


When I was younger and researching the autism diagnosis criteria and symptoms, I thought “oh I couldn’t POSSIBLY be autistic.” Because when I read “takes everything literally” I thought it literally meant EVERYTHING and I was like “I don’t take EVERYTHING literally, just most things!” And I just realized the other day that it didn’t actually mean EVERYTHING and that was an overstatement.

ok hold on actually i rb'd this before with just tags but im going to come back in on this again

any medical diagnostic you will ever undergo does not mean "always 100% Every Time Ever you have this problem". And it sucks because they will phrase it in a way that SOUNDS like 100% Every Time including on the testing for being a person who has trouble with how specific phrasing is supposed to be.

literally the example I always use is I spent way longer without glasses then I should have because the eyesight chart diagnostic is "identify the letter", so I went 'ok the point of this is to do good identifying letters'. Then i realized

they want to know if I can see. Not if I can identify that a blurry shape is an A because of its unique outline.

So i started qualifying my answers with "blurry". Blurry A, Blurry Y, Blurry Z. Now I have glasses.

they do not make this clear. I do not know why. But you can more or less apply this to any medical diagnostic, and if it's a written diagnostic if your answer is 'sometimes' and the only answers are 'yes or no' you put Yes.

Do I have trouble getting out of bed? Sometimes, yes. So the answer is Yes.

Regrettably tests are made for and by non-autistic people and aimed at non-autistic caregivers and medical experts, which isnt how it should be, and makes it one more complicated thing to navigate. World a hell.

Similarly, if the answer is, "No, because I have a strategy," the answer is really yes. If the question is, "Do you have trouble being on time?" and your thought process is, "Not any more since I started setting four different alarms and putting everything in my planner as starting a half-hour earlier than it really is." the answer is yes, because you've had to use unusually complicated techniques to address the trouble that you have. Having figured out away to outsmart the problem means that the problem was there to begin with.

Having a system for a seemingly effortless-to-neurotypical-people task is a symptom until proven otherwise.


Similarly to the eyesight one, I have started adding percentage qualifiers to “how often” questions. So i will say “i use my cane about 80% of the time” or “I feel anxiety about social interaction about 75% of the time with friends, 90% of the time with strangers.”

It really helps give them specific accurate info without having to try to decipher which of their options to choose.


Every time I tell people how Emet and I got together, it's always going to be kind of incorrect unless I just say, "Our friends got tired of us insisting that we were 'just best friends' and pretty much literally threw us in a room together and shut the door so we would kiss and get it over with."

And we did.

And @reachmouse and @seananmcguire et. al. were correct to formulate this plan, let 17 years of marriage show.

Anonymous asked:

It doesn't matter if it's your OC, you shouldn't lewd a minor

Finneas is a 24 year old grown man.


Girl I do no know how to explain that the vast majority of adults used to be children.


The tags are all great here but this one made me look at it for a couple seconds. I don’t recall jesus being born an adult im very certain he was also a baby at some point

there’s a very popular holiday about it, in fact


Wait wait they are saying its okay to sexualize Jesus and no one else

A painting of Mary holding baby Jesus. Jesus Is the size of a baby with the face of a grown man with male pattern baldness. Mary is gesturing at this adult man face she has apparently brought into this world with a weary expression as though asking the viewer "Are you seeing this shit?" Old Baby Jesus is reaching up for her face to get her attention; he is not getting it

The real miracle behind Jesus’s birth was apparently that he came out a fully formed middle aged white man.


people misunderstand what ‘gifted kid’ actually means but it’s ok it’s fine it’s cool it’s good

it’s not about actually being gifted, it’s about an initial higher scoring on standardized testing that means little to nothing or being good at learning in the way elementary and middle school wants you to, so you get marked as ‘advanced’. in reality, maybe you had faster development in certain areas, but the issue with being a gifted kid isn’t that “everyone told me I was so cool and special for reading and then I actually wasn’t :(” it’s “I wasn’t properly taught to handle things not coming easily to me, but the adults around me were counting on me not being a ‘difficult’ child in school.”

people who use it as some weird bragging method or interpret it that way are ignoring the way a lot of school systems force certain roles on students to simplify the learning process. If your kid doesn’t need to take notes to understand a science concept bc they get it naturally, well that’s good, but now you’re not teaching them how to take notes and they’re not learning that important soft skill. but because ‘gifted’ kids are easy and don’t show that they’re falling behind in learning in other categories that are harder to quantify, they eventually fall behind after that catches up to them. It’s about the failures of a one size fits all school system trying to compensate in the worst way possible.

And also the thing where ‘gifted’ kids are super likely to also be neuroatypical, which they don’t get screened for because they appear to be doing well in school. Or “You can’t be ADHD/autistic/etc, because you’re doing so well in school!”. Or being shamed for developing mental health issues/generally not being able to keep up with school work later, because you USED TO BE able to do it just fine.

Or the assumption that just because you can read well or you like math class, you’re somehow more EMOTIONALLY mature than your little kid brain is actually capable of being.

Or gifted kids whose parents and teachers put immense pressure on them to Do Great Things and Save The World and you’re like. “I’m 10 and I have no idea how to do that, but everyone is saying that’s my job?”.


This is the best “gifted kid” post out there. I never took notes until college because I didn’t have to, snd when it got challenging I had to literally teach myself note taking at age 18. It also fucks with your perception of asking for help - you’re advanced, you’re competent, you should be able to understand every topic easily. Asking for help/going to office hours/asking for a tutor feels like failing when you were praised in your early years for not needing to do that.


Powder and Feathers, my 285k dark romance, is out today!

Hey, do you like fucked up fallen angels?

Do you like even more fucked up fallen angels than the first fallen angel, who are transmasc manipulative French bastards who love to do both murder and assassination? In the mood for a dark romance, perhaps, where said angel fixates on just some guy and decides to bring him home and obsess over him forever? Do you like cats, also?

Do you like on and off toxic and supportive sibling relationships? Do you love complicated and completely hypocritical relationships with the Catholic Church? Do you love revolutionaries that tell lies?

Do you love cuckoldry and self esteem issues? Do you love when rape victims can’t separate the sense of being seen as desirable from their sense of self? Do you love t r a u m a ?

Did you by any chance read Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables and internalise way too much of it?

If the answer to any or all of the above is yes, I think you might really like my new novel, Powder and Feathers, which is about all that shit and more, and you can buy it today!


All those sentiments like "Normal is boring! Who wants to be normal? Weird is good!" all throughout our childhoods only to continue to make zero space in society for anyone who can't (or doesn't want to) be a fucking investment banker. They bombarded us with a million messages about being ourselves and then ignored the fact that society is built for like three kinds of people max and everyone else is going to have a really hard time. They can't even handle furries. They can't even handle furries.

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