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Salesforce Health Cloud

Salesforce Health Cloud is a health IT CRM system that incorporates doctor-patient relationship and record management services.

Health Cloud supports one-to-one relationship management through a patient profile that integrates information from multiple data sources, including electronic medical records (EMRs), medical devices and wearables. A component of the system, Private Communities, enables secure collaboration among members of the caregiver network. Through Private Communities, patients can view care plans, connect with health providers, find answers to common questions and fill out forms in advance of visits to save time.

Health Cloud is among an increasing number of platforms that support a more engaged and tech-savvy patient base. According to, 71 percent of Millennials want doctors to provide Mobile apps that support active engagement in health management; 63 percent want to be able to send data from wearable devices to their doctors.

Salesforce developed Health Cloud in partnership with health and medical device companies including Accenture, Deloitte, MuleSoft, Persistent, Philips, and PwC.

This was last updated in January 2016

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