The Signiant Platform

An integrated set of SaaS-based products that make content flow more efficient

Building on our foundation of world-class fast file movement, the Signiant Platform offers media-centric services that make people and systems even more efficient.

By combining a robust multi-tenant architecture with an open modular framework, Signiant has developed a future-facing platform that enables media companies to accelerate their content production and delivery operations.

Want to learn more about the Signiant Platform? Talk to one of our product specialists.

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Signiant Platform at a Glance

Accelerated Access

At the core of the Signiant Platform is our fast file transfer technology, making distributed pools of content easily accessible and actionable. Via a single unified platform, users can find and interact with their valuable media assets – regardless of storage type and location ⎯ and then move them around the world with speed, reliability, and security. This essential functionality anchors the modern media technology stack, and it’s only available from Signiant.

A Global Ecosystem

The Signiant Platform already connects over 50,000 media companies of all sizes, and more than 1 million people around the globe use our SaaS offerings. Most of your partners, suppliers, and vendors are probably already Signiant customers, and we make it very easy to connect and collaborate. From a simple handshake for content exchange to a deep API integration, Signiant offers a variety of ways to leverage the power of the worldwide M&E community.

Deploy & Scale Instantly

A hallmark benefit of Signiant’s cloud-native SaaS products is the ability to scale to any size a business requires – instantly. New tools and services can be up and running today, and your Signiant deployment can dynamically adapt as your business needs inevitably evolve. Do you need more team members on the platform tomorrow? No problem. Need to add and search more storage? Just connect a new content repository and start working with it.

Economies of Scale

Why is the cloud-native, multi-tenant SaaS nature of the Signiant Platform so important to our customers? Simply put, it means our offerings are more affordable, reliable, and easy to deploy. We keep costs low by operating shared large-scale software infrastructure for the entire media industry. We can invest in building a highly resilient system, and we actively monitor and manage the platform 24/7 to make sure services are always available. Everyone wins by sharing these costs.

Open & Modular

The Signiant Platform is an open system populated with modular technology building blocks that customers can pick and choose as needed. You can start using our lightweight, modern media tools for some operations, while also maintaining a legacy MAM or workflow automation system elsewhere… There’s no need for wholesale upfront migration. Simply connect your legacy system to the Signiant Platform via our comprehensive API, and the core file transfer capabilities will be instantly available.

Future-built Architecture

The Signiant Platform is powered by the Software-Defined Content Exchange architecture. SDCX is hybrid SaaS architecture specifically designed to connect media assets with the people and applications that need to access them. SDCX comprises an intelligent cloud control plane for system orchestration and metadata management, tightly coupled to a storage-agnostic data plane for file movement. Modern APIs and a next-generation approach to workflow automation round out the platform.

Get on The Signiant Platform

Already a customer? You’re already on.

If you are already using a Signiant SaaS product for file transfer, you are already on the Signiant Platform. Simply get in touch with us and we’ll show you the new capabilities you can access right away.

Not a customer yet? Well come on board.

To use the platform, you start by signing up for one of our fast file transfer products. From there, we can show you our other platform services. You will quickly start to interact with media like never before.

Want to learn more about the Signiant Platform?
View our online ebook experience. 

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