Media Shuttle

The easiest and most reliable way for people to send any size file, anywhere, fast

Key Features

Portals for Every Use Case

Portals For Every Use Case

Employees, freelancers, clients and partners can access Media Shuttle portals from any web browser for an easy way to transfer files. Three types of portals can be created to address nearly every use case:

  • Share portals expose a file directory for multiple people to organize, browse, upload and download files.

  • Submit portals allow people to submit content into a single aggregation point.

  • Send portals are best for quickly sending someone a file — just enter their email address.

Intuitive Dashboard

Intuitive Dashboard

Media Shuttle’s intuitive dashboard gives portal administrators complete control over portal set up and customizations, members and member permissions.

  • Track file transfers, view transfer history, and utilize enterprise features such as single sign on with SAML, CloudSpeX and Metadata Entry.

Access Control

Access Control

Media Shuttle makes it easy to add portal members, restrict permissions, control access to content, and track member activity, so you always know who has access to which files.

  • Portal admins can also create and edit groups. And, for larger enterprises, Media Shuttle supports user authentication using SAML 2.0, allowing employees to securely log into any portal using their corporate account credentials.


Storage Choice

With Media Shuttle, you’ll maintain storage independence, controlling the choice of storing your content on-premises or in AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Storage.

  • Allocate the same storage location for all of your portals or different storage for each portal, and move content between storage locations on a strategic basis. For example, use Media Shuttle as a fast cloud ingest portal for archives and backups.


Portal Customization

Media Shuttle customers can create and customize an unlimited number of send, share or submit portals for different projects, partners, teams or workflows.

  • Customize each portal design with your or your client’s brand colors, logo and image background to create a professional, visually appealing experience.


Language Support

Language Support

Media Shuttle supports multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese or Italian, which can be configured on a portal or individual member basis.

  • For international clients or employees with a native language other than your own, Media Shuttle automatically translates any written text within the portal to the specified language.



CloudSpeX is a Media Shuttle enterprise feature that pre-validates files before they are sent based on industry-defined format requirements or custom criteria that you decide, such as file format, aspect ratio and frame rate.

  • CloudSpeX dramatically lowers rejection rates associated with the receipt of improperly formatted files or incorrect file types, and helps to manage the volume and complexity of today’s multiplatform delivery specifications.

Custom Metadata

Metadata Entry

A Media Shuttle enterprise feature, metadata entry allows end users to populate predefined fields with information describing the file they are about to share.

  • System administrators can define fields for any parameter – such as language or shooting location – to ensure that all of the necessary information is captured.

Any Device

Send and Share from Any Device

While most users engage with Signiant systems via an installed application and download the Signiant App to take advantage of accelerated transport, there are some situations where this is impractical.

  • App-less transfers allows authorized users to access files from anywhere, on any device, without any special software installed.



Media Shuttle has two APIs for IT organizations and integrators:

  • Management API automates repetitive and manual tasks such as portal creation, storage assignment, user creation and transfer status.

    Learn More

  • System-to-Person Automation API makes it easy to incorporate Media Shuttle into automated content distribution and acquisition workflows.

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Why You Need Media Shuttle

Move Faster

Signiant’s patented file acceleration technology practically eliminates latency, taking advantage of all available bandwidth without restrictions. Transfers can be up to 100 times faster than standard methods such as FTP.

Rock Solid Reliability

Media Shuttle includes Checkpoint Restart, which automatically resumes any interrupted transfers from the point of failure. You’ll be notified when transfers are complete, eliminating guesswork and uncertainty from your operations.

Comprehensive Security

Signiant utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure all transfers in flight. Because of our commitment to security, Media Shuttle is a preferred tool for Hollywood studios, broadcasters, sports leagues and more.

No File Size Limits

Send any size file, anywhere, fast. You’ll never have to worry about shipping hard drives, compressing files, or breaking large files into smaller pieces.

Enterprise Grade

Media Shuttle offers enterprise grade capabilities that are easy to deploy, operate and use. As a cloud-native SaaS solution, Media Shuttle can scale up or down to meet the needs of any size business. It is used today by the world’s top media companies as well as thousands of small and mid-sized businesses all across the media supply chain.

On-ramp to the Cloud

Media Shuttle works with any type of storage, on-prem or in the cloud. For many media companies, Shuttle has provided an easy way to get started with the cloud, making it easy to leverage cloud storage and other cloud services from AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Remote Work

Media Shuttle is the preferred tool across the industry for fast, easy and secure access to media assets from any type of storage, anywhere. When the pandemic hit in 2020, Media Shuttle saw a massive surge in usage as companies turned to Shuttle to enable their remote workforce.

FTP Replacement

Amazingly, many companies are still using FTP even though it is slow, unreliable, challenging to operate and can cause massive security risks. If you’re still using FTP, it’s time to talk to Signiant!


Media Shuttle is used for a wide variety of ingest, collaboration and distribution applications. Any time end-users need to access, send, share or submit content, Media Shuttle provides the flexibility and enterprise power to unify your transfer needs and eliminate shipping hard drives, consumer tools such as WeTransfer and legacy tools such as FTP.

Get Pricing

Media Shuttle is packaged and priced for any-sized business and is easy to deploy and operate at any scale. It is used by more than 50,000 media & entertainment companies of all sizes and from all corners of the globe. Let’s have a quick conversation so we can provide the best option for your business.

Sim Digital

Jesse Korosi, Director of Workflow Services

“Media Shuttle is a trusted hub for all Sim post-production I/O…Security was also buttoned down, so we knew we could pass any security audits from the studios.”

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Media Shuttle Customer Portal Showcase

Media Shuttle web portals are fully customizable and brandable. Our talented customers have put those features to good use, creating visually stunning and sleek imagery that matches their business. We’ve been so impressed by our customer’s designs that we wanted to showcase some of our favorites.

Aardman Animations
ITV Creative
Joyce Meyer Ministries
Tennis Australia
ECHO Energy
Green itv SPORT logo