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Why does snoo say: "Monthly bandwidth exceeded click here"?

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u/StoneHolder28 avatar

I forgot this was happening today.

Perhaps ironically, I never noticed the snoo or the banners because my apartment's internet has been out all afternoon for >24hr.


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u/StoneHolder28 avatar

Ah, I forgot I had stayed up past midnight and that I didn't miss out on the whole day just yet! Thanks for the heads up!

u/ClevelandBerning avatar

"You, boy, what day is it?"

"Why today is Net Neutrality Protest day, sir!"

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PornHub threw up a banner, so that's something

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Maybe it's because I'm in the UK but I don't see anything on netflix or amazon (or even anything major on reddit really) about this. Just the stickied posts and a few posts in hot

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u/tetrakarbon avatar

r/woahdude is having fun with it


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They have allowed one "F Trump" comment to stay though

u/Boscolt avatar

All is as it should be.

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Cant access r/livestreamfails at all


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He linked the wrong sub. Remove the -s from the end.


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No no, he said remove it!

/s if you were wondering

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u/Cottonbuff avatar

Not everyone on reddit is from NA, so shutting everyone out of the sub is a bit annoying. I think the stickies and banners do the job well enough.


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u/whizzer0 avatar

I'm in the UK but I'm cool with a proper blackout. Nobody deserves to lose net neutrality.

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u/Eagle0600 avatar

Australian here. I'd be 100% fine with a full blackout for a day to really push this message. Don't fuck this up America!

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The internet effects all of us, and If those of you with the power to stop this let this go through, I will never be more disappointed with America.

Fighting for an open internet is a just enough reason to mess up the net for a single day. If the changes they want to make are allowed, we get this for the rest of our lives.

Don't fuck this one up guys, please.

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u/Riaayo avatar

Not everyone on reddit is from NA, so shutting everyone out of the sub is a bit annoying.

Well they're going to be doubly disappointed when any small-scale online service they enjoy based in the US is crushed and they suddenly can't access it ever again.

The US killing net neutrality affects people outside of the country, even if those people can't directly affect the actions of our corrupt Government.

They can, however, help spread the message about what is one of the most important issues in the US right now. It is a linchpin that should we lose will drastically impact other problems and, quite honestly, set society back severely. It will be one more nail in the quickly closing coffin of US's influence on the world and innovation as we steadily march ourselves out of being a political superpower. Militarily? Sure. But being a leader to the world? Laughable.

Companies will ditch to other countries as we ruin the market. We've already surrendered leading the world in solar and have abandoned the economic boom of being the country developing that tech on the cutting edge and selling it overseas. Instead, we'll let everyone else do it and contribute nothing while paying lip-service to propping up dying industries.

So to cap this off with something that's borderline a tad rude, I think everyone else can handle one fucking day of mild online inconvenience in the face of something so monumentally important to US citizens and, quite frankly, the world overall. How utterly entitled could someone get to truly be pissed off otherwise?

Wouldn't it be a great commercial opportunity for us in the EU?

I mean we've already guaranteed our net neutrality and I'd expect frustrated US companies to relocate if that's what's necessary?

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u/JustMy2Centences avatar

"For less than one dollar a day, you can enable the poor in third world countries to access vast amounts of information on the Internet like Wikipedia..."

  • excerpt from a future bill insert from your ISP if Net Neutrality fails.

u/LevynX avatar

My country does not have net neutrality laws in place, so there is a bit of "speed up" of certain sites. Nothing too egregious yet because there are a few major competitors fighting for the same market, but that could change.


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People not from NA can't really do anything to fight it though. A US representative is clearly not going to give a fuck about a letter from some dude on the other side of the world.

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This is a thoughtless thing to say. The internet, Reddit, and much of global leadership on technological issues have all come from the U.S. in the past. Now we're dealing with an absolute mouth-breather of a president and his avaricious lackeys trying to wreck the internet, and you're bothered about a short pause in your midget scat porn browsing habits. In my opinion, you ought to get your priorities in order.

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u/-Nope_Youre_Wrong- avatar

A bit late, perhaps, but an easy fix: r/livestreamfail+nocss

it's a multi where the other "sub" just disables the custom CSS

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u/HearingSword avatar

Honest question - this seems to be an American issue (atm), how does the support of people from other nations help and how does this affect people from other nations?


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"if you go on Khan Academy you don't get charged for data in Mexico!

Maybe i'm misunderstanding you, but why is that a bad thing?


First they start with Khan academy which may seem like a good option. Next they slowly add some of their 'partners' to the free use list(read paying advertisers). Now big corporations can pay the company to allow access to their website for free. However smaller companies cannot. So people would start to prefer sites that don't cost to access which is unfair to smaller players. Facebook tried to do this in India with free basis. They were promptly given the finger

u/trekologer avatar

For years, AT&T and Verizon have been saying that they had to abandon unlimited data plans and put in caps and overages because of (costs, fairness, insert excuse here). Yet once they had their own streaming video services, they excluded them from their respective usage caps.

Data is data, especially at the local towers and the tower's connection to the network core. So the caps were nothing more than a money grab and excluding their own services is anti competitive.

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What can I do as a European?

Convince your US friends to participate. Also support organizations and parties in Europe (e.g. the Pirate Party) that want to ensure that our net keeps being free.


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r/tifu has a sticky and has restricted all submissions

r/nottheonion has a sticky and is currently only allowing Reddit Gold users to use vowels in their comments.

r/pics has a sticky and has set up "Pics Packages":


currently only allowing Reddit Gold users to use vowels in their comments.

Gotta love the creativity there

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u/RandommUser avatar

US for this vote. It will come around EU in time, specially if this passes

u/RandommUser avatar

It's never over when companies want more profit

We'll have to stay vigilant, I agree, but it's hard to see how this law can be repealed.

Unlike the situation in the US, net neutrality in the EU has been guaranteed by law, so no third body (like an FCC) could change it without changing the law first.

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u/FearLeadsToAnger avatar

more reasons for me to be sad about brexit, great.

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u/patrick_mcnam avatar

It will come around EU in time, specially if this passes

I really doubt that. EU commission seems set on net neutrality as it is important for the digital single market. Here is a post about it updated in May.

I wouldn't call what we have now in the EU net neutrality though. ISPs and mobile networks are not allowed to throttle but they are still allowed to give free access to WhatsApp, etc.

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r/Disney was contacted and we decided to participate with a sticky.

r/relationships has a sticky. Dunno about the banner as Im on mobile


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u/nt337 avatar

Thanks, added!

u/Shadeblast avatar

r/techsupport is closed in protest :)

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u/Skittlethrill avatar

r/me_irl has a text meme, they upvote anything so it's all good bruh

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u/inspiredby avatar

Cool. Why doesn't the link go someplace, like here, explaining all that? As it is, it's possible people click it and ignore it, not knowing what it is, or if they have a virus or malicious plugin or something.

u/Mistflame avatar

r/Guildwars2 has a special banner, but apparently our mods can't spell for shit.

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u/pdxpeter avatar

I'll take 5 bandwidths, please.


That's 35 bucks a month

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r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns representing, dank memes and dysphoria for all!

u/Zombyachinka avatar

r/tf2 is inaccessible

u/Darksoldierr avatar

For the record, it is, just scroll down. It just a bigger banner, but still the same sub

u/Zombyachinka avatar

Oh. I am stupid.

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u/nt337 avatar

Thanks, added!

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r/DnD has a mod post/sticky

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I'm with the movement in principle and all, but this is just a US thing for US citizens to sign the petition. I feel like someone should make that clarification at some point.

Even that website that the Snoo hover talks about,, doesn't say anything about it being an American issue, except in the precomposed message people can send.

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u/NocturneOpus9No2 avatar

r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns has a sticky

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Whoadude also has a hilarious automod deleting contents on the thread. It really is funny, I promise!

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r/MemeEconomy has a sticky and banner.

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u/hsxp avatar

It's incredible the things some people are completely unaware of, and how incapable they are of taking a few seconds to try to understand.

r/guildwars2 changed their banner as well.

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Hover over the reddit logo and it refers you to, which is where you can find resources that will help you join the (incredibly important) fight.

Maybe you should edit that into your comment, as it is currently the top one and the site needs all the exposure it can get.

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r/ScottishPeopleTwitter has a sticky :)

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woahdude seems to also have automod remove any comments in their sticky with an 'internet package' error.

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u/hav0cbl00d avatar

r/hearthstone has a sticky up too

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r/YouTube has a sticky

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r/woahdude wont let anyone comment. It's a pretty cool bot

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r/HighQualityGifs did CSS black magic to look like a private sub

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Pornhub has a sticky and a banner.

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Would be far more effective if when clicked that banner would take you to this post :-)

r/GuildWars2 has a banner

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u/nt337 avatar

Thanks, added!

u/MaxRavenclaw avatar
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u/KyleRaynerGotSweg avatar

r/nbastreams out here, glad they're taking part

u/hypd09 avatar

r/datasets have a persistent banner if your scroll down.

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is it a US thing or all over the world?Because there have been a campaign in India 2 years ago regarding Net Neutrality

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u/metapneustic avatar

r/openthelastmile Has a banner and a sticky

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u/ButAFlecheWound avatar

r/DnD is also participating with a banner and sticky

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r/hearthstone also have a sticky

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If you visit r/LivestreamFail on mobile or turn the css of in res you can still browse the sub.

Understandably there hasn't been any posts sumbitted the last couple of hours though.

Also the subreddit will be avaliable in less than 16 hours, according to a mod.

u/Houdiniman111 avatar

/r/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns has a banner and sticky

FYI, you've got an extra set of /r/ there.

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r/indiegameswap in on this too!

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Pc master race has full on shut down for this

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u/KKlear avatar

r/hearthstone has a sticky as well.

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u/apolotary avatar

r/h3h3productions is on it too

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r/gonewild has a sticky

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r/dnd has a banner.

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" r/livestreamfail is down in protest"


r/dnd is also participating.

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u/SilentUK avatar

r/techsupport is down in protest

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u/alex3omg avatar

Me irl has a meme about it

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u/Witonisaurus avatar

Might wanna check out r/pics

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u/IJtheDestroyer avatar

HighQualityGifs has a sticky and a pretty awesome post.

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Notice it says "Join r/Disney" not "Join Disney". We all know Disney would want this to happen. You can't say companies are behind it, and then link subreddits. Subreddit moderators aren't owners of companies, or hell, rarely are even related to the companies.

High Quality Gifs has a very nice gif on the topic.

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u/BlueDragon101 avatar

r/DnD has a...well just go see for yourself.

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u/QueequegTheater avatar

That pop up scared the shit out of me. Before it finished, I thought I had gotten some kind of virus.

u/snakesphere avatar

r/highqualitygifs is also participating (i think). when i try to access it, it says this sub has used up all its available bandwidth.

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u/smartalek428 avatar

I think r/hittablefaces is down in protest as well.

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r/apple has an automod sticky in every submission.

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uhh what's a sticky? (i only ever use mobile reddit)

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u/Nick_Deano avatar

r/tifu has a sticky

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Don't forget r/dnd !

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u/AngryOnions avatar

r/dnd is also has a banner and sticky

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u/ILike2TpunchtheFB avatar

I know I'm late to the party, but if anyone truly cares about this, can you please send links about Net Neutrality to your news stations and journalists.

r/HighQualityGifs is is on board

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u/Sawa963 avatar

I got the pop-up after midnight. Be subsequent visits didn't have it.

Clicking the "bandwidth exceeded" brought me to homepage with no popups. It may have been getting blocked by an ad blocker

u/Naqaj_ avatar

r/dnd rolled a natural 20 on participating.

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u/pbjandahighfive avatar

Ugh, that pop-up has a horrible design choice in it by not putting any space between the you-not. It makes it really hard to read at first glance and they absolutely should have used commas or even these things that I'm having trouble remembering the name of )(.

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Looks like r/roku went private.

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u/abhishek-ghosh avatar

Thank for the info. I thought Gold account needed to use lol

u/OmastarLovesDonuts avatar

r/starwarsbattlefront is down and leads to a site where you can send a letter to the FCC about net neutrality.

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u/mr_bigmouth_502 avatar

What about Canada? Is net neutrality at stake here too?

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Well put. r/Dnd also has a banner and a sticky

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r/pics has a sticky and new rules.

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r/highqualitygifs won't let me see their comments. :/

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u/Panzermench avatar

Don't forget r/Gonewild

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Lol r/nottheonion well played...

nt pls

good job

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u/BSQRT avatar

R/woahdude has a banner and a bot auto deleting comments

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looks at list


u/enderdestiny avatar

r/xbox and r/destinythegame are in on it too

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u/the_visalian avatar

It's part of Reddit's activism in favor of net neutrality, which is currently in legal jeopardy. Without net neutrality, the internet would no longer be treated like a utility, where everyone receives it equally. Internet services providers would be able to decide which websites and which users get faster, more reliable service. I.e. if they don't like the websites you're visiting, they can slow down your connection. I'm not an expert and I'm sure I'm missing a lot of details, so do some further research; it's a very important cause.

u/Dannysia avatar

You got it 90% right, but to add to what you said if you ISP doesn’t like a site they can slow it down, like you said, or even fully block it.


Not to mention, it doesn't even have to be your ISP that wants to slow or block it. If the website uses ISP C, you use ISP A, and your connection passes through ISP B, ISP B can do just as much damage as ISP A and C. Normally, ISP A and ISP C already pay money to ISP B for the bandwidth they use, and vice versa. Now ISP B can demand payment from the website in order to not throttle traffic.

u/regoapps avatar

Or in the case of Netflix, the ISP can pressure Netflix to pay them more or else they'll throttle Netflix, and then Netflix would have to pay them and pass the fee onto the users, or Netflix can not pay them, and then the users suffer from lower bandwidth streaming.

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u/wickedplayer494 avatar

During the course of the day on July 12th, the reddit administrators, as well as many subreddits are participating in a protest against the FCC's path to gutting net neutrality, organized by Fight for the Future, Demand Progress, and the Free Press. Without guaranteed net neutrality, there's nothing stopping ISPs from slowing down competitors to their own streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, or even adding popular sites to "fast lane" packages and slowing down or even denying access to those that aren't subscribed to such a package. Subreddits choosing to participate in this protest are simulating this potential reality if net neutrality is scrapped by the FCC.

Other websites will also be participating, including Netflix, Amazon, and many others. There's a near-full list of participants, and links to reading material and a form to send a message to the FCC at


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u/wickedplayer494 avatar

Most campaigns have recently started within the last 30 minutes, at or around 12 AM EDT. Expect more to go up as the night progresses, with some sites like Amazon and Netflix doing whatever they're doing at or around 12 AM PDT.

u/ballsphincter avatar

some sites like Amazon and Netflix doing whatever they're doing at or around 12 AM PDT

Apparently this "something" is promoting their "Prime Day" ad campaign.

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u/thaneQ avatar

You're that guy that always does the csgo update posts on time, I knew I recognized the name


This sort of thing already is happening in the Netherlands with their mobile data plans and people love it. They're too short sighted to see that not everyone exclusively uses big brand websites and that they should be concerned about this...

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Can I do anything even if I don't live in the US?

Think good thoughts?

Seriously however provides other by country situational reports that may effect you and you can use today as a reminder to write to your representative about how bad things are in the US and that you are very glad they wouldn't do anything like that.

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u/LBLLuke avatar

I was thinking about contacting the US Embassy in my country or emailing them to lodge my support for Net Neutrality

u/CodeyFox avatar

You can donate to organizations that support net neutrality.

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u/imnottouchingyou avatar

Thanks for this, I'm on the Relay app so would never have seen it.

u/wakka54 avatar

I was wondering why the reddit logo was a 20 level progressive JPG...


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Can someone who's not living in USAmerica or is their citizen make a difference?


Didn't you get the pop up as well? That would have explained it:

The internet's less fun when your favorite sites load slowly, isn't it? Whether you're here for news, AMAs, or some good old-fashioned cats in business attire, the internet's at its best when you—not internet service providers—decide what you see online. Today, u/kn0thing and I are calling on you to be the heroes we need. Please go to and tell the FCC that you support the open internet.


Open reddit "In private browsing" so you're logged out of your account and the pop up should show again.

u/ballsphincter avatar

Didn't you get the pop up as well? That would have explained it:

I didn't. It appears to be malfunctioning or nonfunctioning.

u/ReaperOfFlowers avatar

I still didn't get the popup, even though I tried private browsing, disabling RES, and disabling AdBlock.

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Didn't you get the pop up as well?

Nope. It started loading slowly, and what with all the ransom-ware attacks going on lately, I immediately assumed it was some sort of malware and knee-jerk closed the browser tab before it got any further than "The internet's less fun when your favorite sites load slowly." Then I started doing some research to see if something was wrong with reddit. Took me a few minutes to finally find this thread.

u/k_princess avatar

Good gravy I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought something was up with my computer. That pop-up freaked me out.

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knee-jerk closed the browser tab before it got any further than "The internet's less fun when your favorite sites load slowly."

...So you did get the pop up

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u/Divine_Hawk avatar

It's reddit standing for net neutrality.

u/wetonred24 avatar

So just so we can be clear, and ELI5, reddit (and some subbreddits) are pretending that net neutrality went through, and this is what it would be like when/if it does?

u/PointyOintment avatar

Pretending that the repeal of net neutrality went through.

It's one possible example, yes.

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u/TarnishedVictory avatar

Wouldn't it be nice, or normal even to post something somewhere that tells people that this is going on rather than having people think they're somehow hacked?


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Didn't canada just pass a law proclaiming internet access a staple of modern living? I'm more and more fed up with this backwards country everyday.

u/P33M avatar

Wait, does this not effect Canada?


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