Datastax, Application modernization partner of persistent systems
DataStax partner ecosystem

Accelerating enterprise application modernization with multi-cloud NoSQL and event streaming

Persistent Systems, an engineering partner to DataStax, enables enterprises to modernize and accelerate innovation while dramatically improving TCO and complexity caused by data infrastructure sprawl. To accelerate adoption and mitigate risks, Persistent has developed automated tools for migration from legacy databases to Apache Cassandra™. DataStax Astra is a multi-cloud DBaaS, and DataStax Enterprise is a cloud-native NoSQL database for modern data apps; both are built on Apache Cassandra, used by over 90% of the Fortune 100 and the best of the internet including Netflix, eBay, and Uber.

The migration journey includes automated discovery and query identification, initiation of NoSQL instances, creation of tables, data migration, and verification. This is complemented with human intervention as needed. With the target environment in place, Persistent will develop the application for a cloud-native environment with a microservices architecture. This delivers the benefits of a distributed, scale-out, real-time, modular database.

Persistent Systems’ 360-degree relationship with DataStax enables organizations to accelerate application modernization by adopting enterprise-ready, multi-cloud NoSQL solutions.

Automated migration framework to accelerate application modernization

Automated migration framework to accelerate application modernization

Why Persistent?

Accelerated migration framework

Reduce enterprise data sprawl by rapidly migrating to modern data solutions. Accelerate the migration to DataStax Astra using automation.

Deep Technology Expertise

Leverage our design patterns, cultivated through the delivery of hundreds of transformative data-driven digital solutions, to respond to new technologies and evolving customer preferences.

Award-winning customer experience scores

Persistent has received multiple awards, including the 2020 ISG Star of Excellence award in recognition of delivery excellence.

Our collaboration with Persistent enables enterprises to rapidly modernize. Persistent’s deep data expertise and experience is an essential success factor for enterprises to navigate the digital transformation journey.

Offerings & Solutions

Cloud and Infrastructure

Persistent helps companies rapidly modernize applications, operations and remote infrastructure management, while establishing the governance and security needed in a multi-cloud world.

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Migrate Data Platform

Experience the power of the cloud with a trial environment, de-risk your migration and seamlessly transition from trial to production using Persistent Data Foundry.

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New Data Platform

Deploy a data platform built with cost conscious, multi-tenant, pay-as-you-go data products using Persistent Data Foundry. Get your first data-driven use case in two weeks.

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Data stack modernization to deliver data monetization at Ellie Mae

How a mortgage finance SaaS company went beyond transactional support to monetize data despite...

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Accelerated Migration of a Legacy Data Warehouse

Accelerated migration of a highly complex legacy data warehouse environment to Snowflake.

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Consolidating Apps and Data at Gainsight with a Cloud Data Warehouse

Here’s how Gainsight accelerated insights development by consolidating multiple data sources into a single cloud...

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Case Study: Data stack modernization to deliver data monetization at Ellie Mae
Persistent Systems Client - Ellie Mae

Data stack modernization to deliver data monetization at Ellie Mae

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Client Success Story - Accelerated migration of a highly complex legacy data warehouse environment to Snowflake
Persistent Systems Client - Altisource

Accelerated Migration of a Legacy Data Warehouse

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Client Success Story- Consolidating Apps and Data at Gainsight with a Cloud Data Warehouse
Persistent Systems Client - Gainsight

Consolidating Apps and Data at Gainsight with a Cloud Data Warehouse

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News & Insights

Whitepaper on Cloud Adoption for ISVs- Persistent & Zinnov Joint Report
Google Cloud Platform - Accelerating your journey to the cloud
press release DataStax delivers scale out


Migration Factory Methodology for Successful Cloud Migrations

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2-Week Cloud Migration Pilot to Identify the Real Operating ROI of a Cloud Data Warehouse

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Press Release

DataStax Delivers Scale-Out Enterprise Event Streaming for Modern Data Apps

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    You can also email us directly at [email protected]