Consolidating Apps and Data at Gainsight with a Cloud Data Warehouse| Persistent Systems

Client Success

Persistent Systems Client - Gainsight

Consolidating Apps and Data at Gainsight with a Cloud Data Warehouse

Here’s how Gainsight accelerated insights development by consolidating multiple data sources into a single cloud data warehouse in under 4 months.


Gainsight, a leading customer success software provider, wanted to move to a single cloud-based data warehouse to simplify and speed-up reporting.

  • Multiple cloud solutions across business functions – Salesforce, Financial Force,, Expensify, Sage Intacct, Ultipro
  • Desire to consolidate all inter-application related reporting requirements to a cloud-based warehousing and reporting system
  • Inefficient reporting due to multiple manual Excel-based reporting methods
  • Need for a centralized data lake catering to future reporting needs at minimal cost

“Persistent helped us accelerate insights development and dashboards for business users by modernizing our data stack in under 4 months.”

Karl Mosgofian, CIO Gainsight
  • Modernized data stack in under 4 months
  • One warehouse now takes care of all inter-app reporting needs.
  • Eliminated Excel-based manual reporting
  • Gained the ability to maintain a single copy of data without any issues with timing or disparate data feeds
  • Enabled lightning fast processing of data
Technologies Used
  • Moved to a cloud-native data warehouse
  • Used an intelligent automation platform to extract and load data from app to the cloud data warehouse
  • Enabled landing of data in the staging layer of data lake
  • Transformed data from staging to EDW-core using the cloud data warehouse’s SQL scripts
  • Created views from EDW-core per reporting requirements
  • Connected views to Tableau online

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