More posts about “Google”

Download Chrome OS’s 50 New Wallpapers

Big changes are happening to Chrome OS – Google’s Linux-based ‘web only’ operating system. The most surprising of these is the introduction of a ‘desktop’ and window manager called Aura: – Now of course, you […]

14 March 2012
Font issue fixed in Google Earth on Ubuntu

[How To] Fix Ugly Fonts in Google Earth 6.2 on Ubuntu

Google Earth 6.2 was released last week with improved imagery, Google+ integration and improvements to search. Sadly one thing wasn't fixed: the infamous 'font issue' in Linux. Inside you'll learn how to fix it with a few clicks.

31 January 2012
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A Google-Inspired GNOME Shell Theme

If you use a Google service – whether it’s Docs or Gmail – chances are you’ve noticed that a ‘new theme’ has been rolled out�across�their various web apps.� On the plus side the changes offer […]

25 September 2011
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Enhanced Google+/Picasa Photo Uploader for Unity

Several weeks back we translated a handy Unity Quicklist for Google+ by L�szl� Torma. That Quicklist is now even better, Google+heads. Credit goes to Chris Druif, who has enhanced the launcher item by adding in 'drag and drop' Photo uploading to Picasa Web Albums. Photos, depending on your privacy settings for the folder you choose to upload to, will also show up on your Google+ account.

10 August 2011
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Google Music Manager Finally Launches On Linux

Google have announced the release of Google Music Manager for Linux.

22 July 2011
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Google+/Picasa Image Uploader For Ubuntu’s Unity Launcher

As the momentum behind Google+ continues to gather pace its users are longing for desktop integration. To help tide us over until Google release some proper Google+ tools for developers to play with reader Tom LeJeune has added 'drag n' drop' Picasa image uploading to the Google+ Unity Quicklist we shared a few days back. If it sounds like something you'd use, here's how...

19 July 2011
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[How to] Add a Google+ Quicklist to the Unity Launcher in Ubuntu

Like a lot of people right now I am loving Google+ – the search giants stab at social networking. Until Google get around to releasing a kick-ass API for Google+ so someone can make a […]

7 July 2011

Hangouts, Sparks, Circles, and Huddles – we make sense of Google+

Yesterday, Google unveiled its new social network and competitor to Facebook, 'Google+.' The service aims to bring the search, phone, advertising, video chat (seriously, what doesn't Google compete in nowadays) giant into the realm of social networks, currently dominated by Mr Zuckerberg's Facebook. We don't usually cover social networks on OMG! Ubuntu!, but we figured that the introduction of Google+ means a lot to the future landscape of the Internet, and the fact that invites are scarce (luckily we were sent a couple) compelled me to write a run-down article covering some of the basic features.

30 June 2011
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Turn The Google Menu Bar Into An Ubuntu-themed Panel

Google began rolling out a darker menu bar across its sites and services yesterday. This minor similarity has led one developer to create a userstyle that replaces Google's choice of menu bar with an Ubuntu Ambiance-themed 'Panel' style - even through to the highlight colour used in menus

29 June 2011
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Google Earth renders cheeky Narwhal outside Canonical’s London office

Google are known to be a cheeky company. A cheeky company that also has many employees that use Ubuntu and are looking forward to Natty Narwhal. That aside, we were still pretty surprised to see that the Google Maps team have added a giant Narwhal swimming in the Thames outside Canonical's office in the Millbank Tower for a little Ubuntu-related April Fooling.

1 April 2011

Read-Me: Google Reader app for the Ubuntu Desktop

Bored of being browser-bound when reading your RSS feeds? Check out Read-Me: a dedicated Google-reader app for the Ubuntu desktop.

21 March 2011
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Driving across Brazil with Ubuntu: That’ll be The Google Streetview cars

Driving across Brazil with Ubuntu hooked up to a solid 3G connection may sound like my own take on an ace road trip but, according to one former Google Streetview driver it's exactly how the Google Streetview cars travel around Brazil.

1 March 2011