More posts about “Google”

Google Chrome for Linux

[How To] Fix The Google GPG Error on Ubuntu

We show you how to fix the 'failed to fetch' apt error caused by Google changing the key it uses to sign its Linux repo.

6 August 2017
google drive ocamlfuse on linux graphic

Ugh, It Doesn’t Look Like Google’s New Google Drive Client Is Coming to Linux

'Backup and Sync' is the name of Google's all-new Google Drive desktop client. The rejigged and refreshed app is being released later this month.

14 June 2017
generic tux linux mascot

“Why Use Linux?” Answered In 3 Short Words

This post is not a typical post. I'm not going to change your life, or teach you a new trick. Instead I'm going to drag you down the rabbit hole…

19 October 2016
google earth ubuntu 16.04 lts

Google Earth Update Fixes Several Linux Bugs, Adds New Icon

The latest bug fix update to Google Earth desktop app finally allows Linux users to see Panoramio photos without pesky workarounds, and adds a new app icon.

4 September 2016

How To Access Your Google Drive in Ubuntu

Want to access your Google Drive files natively on the Ubuntu desktop? You can, and here's how.

4 August 2016

Use Chromium on Linux? Adobe Flash Will Stop Working From April

Adobe Flash will no longer work in Chromium on Linux from this April, as NPAPI plugin support is removed from the codebase.

9 January 2014
Chromium daily build

[How To] Install Daily builds of Chrome in Ubuntu

Accessing daily builds of Google's Chrome browser in Ubuntu is a bit of a fuss compared to that on Windows and Mac. Users of those platforms can install the Chrome Canary builds - a sort of pseudo-daily build that offers the latest bleeding edge features, but running insulated from any other version of Chrome installed. In Ubuntu things are less clear cut.

28 December 2012

Getting Started with Google Play Music on Ubuntu

Google's online music service 'Google Play Music' has officially launched in select European countries, having been restricted to America for the last year or so. If you're in the UK, France, Germany, Italy or Spain you can now buy legal music downloads from the some of the worlds biggest record labels.

13 November 2012

List of Websites That Support Unity Web Apps

f you've installed the preview release of Unity Web Apps in Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 you may be wondering what sites are already supported. To help you explore the exciting opportunities that the Unity Web API brings, here is an exhaustive list of websites that are currently supported out of the box in Unity WebApps.

19 July 2012
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Bring Google Docs to the Ubuntu Desktop with GWOffice

Google Docs is a great and capable office suite, but its browser-bound nature puts many users off of using it as a full-on LibreOffice replacement. Google have recently announced offline support for the web-based suite, but for many this still won't be entirely ideal. So enter GWOffice - a desktop-based Google Docs editor that is in development as part of the Ubuntu App Showdown.

2 July 2012
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Google Officially Drop Picasa For Linux

In news that won't surprise many, Google have formally announced that Picasa for Linux is no-more. The desktop photo management/editing tool has been available for Linux since 2006 .

20 April 2012
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Will Google Drive Support Linux?

Word on the winds is that Google will launching their own cloud storage service - called Google Drive - next week. But will it support Linux?

17 April 2012