
Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development (PD-NR)

Resource producing and importing countries as well as extractive industries must work together to make the extractive sector a catalyst for low-carbon, climate-resilient, inclusive, and sustainable development. The OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development (PD-NR) offers an intergovernmental platform for peer learning and knowledge sharing, where OECD and non-OECD producing countries, in consultation with extractive industries, civil society organisations, and think tanks, craft innovative and collaborative solutions for resource-based development. This work supports international processes such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the G20 Development Working Group and the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group.

Equitable Framework and Finance for Extractive-based Countries in Transition (EFFECT)

How can fossil fuel producers and mineral-rich developing countries design realistic, just and cost-effective low-carbon transition pathways? EFFECT provides options for policy makers, industry and finance institutions in search of the answers.

Using Extractive Revenues for Sustainable Development

This report includes a guide on how natural resource-rich countries can ensure budget sustainability to support consistent spending over time.

Guiding Principles for Durable Extractive Contracts

The reports provide guidance on how to develop resource projects that reflect the balance of risks and rewards that underpins durable contracts.

How to Select Buyers of Oil, Gas and Minerals - Guidance for State-Owned Enterprises

This policy tool is intended to strengthen state-owned enterprises (SOEs)’ capacity to market commodities and optimise the value of resources sold.

The Role of Sovereign and Strategic Investment Funds in the Low-carbon Transition

This report provides guidance on how sovereign funds’ action on climate finance could influence the world’s ability to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Collaborative Strategies for In-Country Shared Value Creation - Framework for Extractive Projects

The Framework is an operational tool offering guidance on actionable steps for harnessing non-renewable natural resources to build competitive, diversified, and sustainable economies in a scalable manner.

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